Did you hear this one? It seems that about the time Mrs. Clinton's husband, one named Bill, was in the flap over leasing an $800,000.00 per year penthouse suite at taxpayer expense in New York City, she was completing a lease for space on the 26th floor of an East Side skyscraper. It will ONLY cost us taxpayers $514,146.00 per year! It is by far the most expensive hometown office of any U.S. senator! Oh, you may remember that Mr. Clinton finally relented under pressure and arranged for a bit less expensive accomodations in a place named Harlem, and in the process earned a title some have placed on him as a "black president!" No indication that Mrs. Clinton will change her office arrangements -- after all, she and Bill have had an attitude that they should be treated like a queen and a king for years, and at a snap of the finger, we taxpayers should dole out thousands and thousands of dollars to satisfy their every whim or warped desire
Perhaps the cartoon artist wasn't that far off when some time ago he drew a cartoon of the U.S. Senate chamber with all its seats. But at the rear there was this monstrous throne that overshadowed the puny senate seats more than just a bit -- on the upright part of this throne (something like the Queen of England might possess) were very large initials spelling out H R-C!
Mrs. Clinton is a superior example of the political ultra liberal whose mindset is such that she is convinced that she is the "saviorette" of American society and intellectually superior in every way, thereby always knowing what is best for us, and what new government encroachment is needed in order to fully save us from ourselves!