Oh yes -- we must recognize a very prominent god which is somewhat like ancient Roman and Greek gods -- same god with different names -- the USA version is "Science" which may sometimes be known as "Technology" -- large numbers of people believe this god will ultimately usher us into a heavenly utopia on earth! There is an interesting statement made by a fellow named, Jeremiah, who lived a long, long time ago. It must be said that most of the time most of the people were quite upset by things he said, and because of that he never made the 6th century BC's version of Time's Man of the Year! Oh yes, the quote was this:
O LORD, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.
Jeremiah 10:23 (NKJV)
Wondering about that funny looking pretzel shaped "ladder"?? That's an actual photograph of a DNA strand taken under a microscope -- defined as the essential component in all living matter and known as a kind of "hereditary fingerprint."
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