- Stinky extends a welcome with an oder!
- Before I Leave, I Pardon You.....!
- And still another big one...!
- I Wonder.....
Hello and welcome to Vintage Clinton! Someone has coined the expression about "going out in a blaze of glory!" As you should be aware, that expression by no stretch of human imagination does not apply to the Clintons. You've heard about the trashing (more accurately "vandalizing") of the White House, the stolen furniture, and the stripping of the presidential aircraft, Air Force One. It underscores the fact of a bankrupted ethical and moral value system possessed and utilized by the Clintons and their hired puppets, bringing this nation to a point where it has to employ the use of binoculars to look up and see the bottom of the gutter! One final slap in the face of all U.S. citizens, who still hold to a firm belief in values such as those revealed by a holy God, took place when Clinton issued a large number of pardons in the final hours of his presidency. Listed below are a few of them and an update here and there. Notice the prominence of the "Arkasas Connection" or would it be appropriate to refer to it as the "Arkansas Mafia?"
Before I Leave, I Pardon You...!
Bill Clinton left the White House Saturday (January 20, 2001), but not before pardoning or commuting the sentences of 140 convicts -- some of whom are profiled below. To understand why Clinton would set a record for pardons, consider another record set by his administration: 33 Clintonistas have been convicted of criminal activity, while 122 have pleaded the Fifth Amendment or fled the country to avoid testifying.
Of the pardons, Clinton said, "The word 'pardon' is somehow almost a misnomer. You're not saying these people didn't commit the offense. You're saying they paid, they paid in full."
A prime example of someone who paid in full is billionaire Mark Rich, whose former wife gave $1.3 million to the Clintonistas after her husband fled to Switzerland to escape his conviction on 50 counts of wire fraud, racketeering, trading with the enemy and evading more than $48 million in income taxes -- crimes that could have earned him more than 300 years in prison. (Just think, Rich's back taxes -- if only collected -- could have paid for Robert Ray's investigation of Clinton!)
And speaking of his Lie-brary, Clinton has refused, repeatedly, to release the names of major donors. It is now being reported that Ms. Denise Rich, former wife of pardoned fugitive financier Marc Rich, contributed about $400,000. (It should be noted here that the Rich's divorce is as much a fraud as the Clinton's marriage.) Yesterday, the same Ms. Rich exercised her Fifth Amendment rights not to testify before congressional investigators looking into the quid pro quo between such "donations" and Mr. Rich's pardon.
(Perhaps Ms. Rich could ante up another $1.5 million to offset the $1.5 million a year Clinton is billing taxpayers to rent an abandoned Oldsmobile dealership in a Little Rock low-rent neighborhood to store 76 million documents awaiting completion of his Lie-brary.)
[Source: The Federalist Digest - February 09, 2001]
From the "Quid Pro Quo" Files, U.S. News & World Report, in an article on Clinton shakedowns, says, "Clinton fundraisers pressed [Denise Rich] much as $25 million for [his] library fund. The wealthy benefactor of the library and longtime Democratic contributor said fundraisers had suggested a donation of at least $10 million." After Ms. Rich asserted her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination last week, congressional investigators are considering granting her immunity in order to force her testimony concerning the relationship between her financial support of Clinton and company, and Clinton's pardon of her (ex)husband, Marc Rich.
[Source: The Federalist Digest - February 16, 2001] And a sampling of others, according to the Associated Press:
In conclusion to all this there is a
- William A. Borders Jr., the once-prominent Washington attorney and former president of the National Bar Association, was convicted of conspiracy along with then-U.S. District Judge Alcee L. Hastings in a Miami racketeering case. While Hastings was acquitted, Borders was sentenced to a five-year prison term and disbarred. Borders was also held in contempt of court for refusing to testify during Hastings's criminal and Senate impeachment trials.
- Henry Cisneros, former housing secretary during Clinton's first term before moving to Los Angeles to run Univision, the nation's largest Spanish-language television network: In 1999, Cisneros pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor after a four-year, $9 million probe into charges he lied about payments to a former mistress.
- Donald R. Clark, sentenced to life in prison in 1991 for his role in a $30 million high-grade marijuana ring: Clark was one of the leaders in a conspiracy to grow and sell "Myakka gold," an especially potent marijuana grown on a 600-acre former sod and watermelon farm leased by Clark in Myakka City, near Sarasota, Fla. More than 25 people, including Clark's sons Duane and Gary, were indicted in the drug ring.
- Roger Clinton, Bill Clinton's half brother, who pleaded guilty in a 1984 case to a charge of conspiracy to distribute a single gram of cocaine, was sentenced to two years in prison, served more than a year, and testified in other trials. The prosecutor was Asa Hutchinson, who later was a U.S. House manager in Clinton's impeachment. Bill Clinton told Hutchinson later that the drug prosecution was "the best thing that ever happened" to his half brother.
- John Deutch, CIA director from May 1995 to December 1996, stored and processed hundreds of files of highly classified material on unprotected home computers that he and family members also used to connect to the Internet, according to an internal CIA investigation.
- Patricia Hearst, the newspaper heiress was kidnapped by radicals in 1974 and convicted of joining them in a San Francisco bank heist.
- Billy Langston, sentenced to 30 years in prison in 1994 for conspiracy to manufacture PCP: His sentence became a symbol for groups opposed to mandatory federal sentencing standards.
- Susan McDougal was a partner of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Whitewater land development in northern Arkansas. She was convicted of misusing proceeds from a federally backed loan and was jailed 18 months on a contempt of court citation for refusing to testify against the Clintons before a Whitewater grand jury.
- Samuel Loring Morison, employed at the Naval Intelligence Support Center in Suitland, Md., from 1974 to 1984, was convicted of spying for leaking intelligence photographs in 1984 to Jane's Defence Weekly, a British military magazine. In a case that matched First Amendment issues against national security concerns, Morison was the first person convicted of espionage for furnishing classified data to a journalist.
- Robert W. Palmer, a Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to a felony count of conspiracy to file false appraisals for Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan of Little Rock, which was owned by James McDougal, a former business partner of President Clinton. He was sentenced to a year of home detention.
- Stephen A. Smith, a University of Arkansas communications professor, pleaded guilty in a Whitewater case to a misdemeanor count of conspiring to misapply funds from a federally backed business loan of $65,000.
- Christopher V. Wade, a Whitewater real estate agent, admitted hiding assets in a bankruptcy case and pleaded guilty to bankruptcy fraud and submitting a false application to a bank, though the charges against him were not related to the Whitewater development.
- Harlan Richard Billings was convicted of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute in excess of 1,000 pounds of marijuana.
- William Robert Carpenter was convicted of possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.
- Philip Vito DiGirolamo was convicted of conspiracy to import marijuana, willfully subscribing to a false tax return.
- Peter Welling Dionis was convicted of conspiracy, importation, and possession with intent to distribute hashish.
- Peter Bailey Gimbel was convicted of conspiracy to distribute cocaine.
- Martin Joseph Hughes was convicted of aiding and abetting the falsification of union records, aiding and assisting in the submission of false tax records, making false statements to a government agency.
- Daniel Wayne Keys was convicted of possession with intent to distribute marijuana.
- Larry Ray Killough was convicted of unlawful distribution of prescription drugs.
- Pierluigi Mancini Alpharetta was convicted of possession of cocaine with intent to distribute.
- Edward Francis McKenna III was convicted of possession with intent to distribute anabolic steroids.
- Andrew Kirkpatrick Mearns III was convicted of conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine.
- Philip James Morin was convicted of distribution of cocaine.
- John Russell Raup was convicted of larceny of government property and wrongful possession of marijuana.
- David Ronald Chandler, at one point, was in line to be the first person executed by the federal government since 1963. He was convicted in 1991 of running a drug ring that trafficked marijuana from the foothills of northeast Alabama and was condemned to death for ordering the murder of an associate-turned-informant.
- Dorothy Marie Gaines was convicted on conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute, and possession with intent to distribute, cocaine base.
- Kemba Niambi Smith was convicted on conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine and cocaine base, conspiracy to engage in money laundering, making false statements to an agent of the United States.
- Jacob Elbaum was one of three men convicted in January 1999 of stealing tens of millions of dollars in federal grants and loans to finance a fictitious yeshiva in Brooklyn. The other two were also released.
- Arnold Paul Prosperi, a college friend of Bill Clinton and a fund-raiser for him, was convicted of filing false tax returns and scheming to steal millions from a client.
- Melvin Reynolds, a Chicago Democrat, resigned from the House after being convicted in 1995 of having sex with a teenager. He had more than two years left to serve on a 6 1/2-year federal sentence imposed after being convicted of lying to obtain loans and of illegally diverting campaign money for personal use. He had previously served 2 1/2 years of a five-year state sentence for having sexual relations with an underage campaign worker.
The "Rainbow RICO" Report: Convict and former Demo Rep. Mel Reynolds, whose Clinton "get-out-of-jail-free" card snipped two years from his 1997 fraud conviction, has been hired by Jesse Jackson as a Rainbow/PUSH consultant for "prison reform." Jesse the minor now holds Reynolds's old House seat, and we presume Reynolds's employment with Jackson the elder means he will not try to take it back.
- This is the same Mel Reynolds who was convicted in 1995 of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography. Now hear this! "One thing about Jesse," quips Lyn Nofziger, "when PUSH comes to shove he takes care of his own, no matter how depraved they are."
[Source: The Federalist Digest - February 9, 2001]
MEMO to Webster Hubbell: Sorry, you didn't make the cut!
[Source: The Federalist Brief - January 23, 2001] From the BIG lie department...
"There's not a single, solitary shred of evidence that I did anything wrong, or that [fugitive financier] Marc Rich's money changed hands. There's certainly no evidence that I took any of it." --Bill Clinton who, you will note, did not say he did not do anything wrong -- just that there is no "evidence that I did anything wrong" -- classic chameleonic Clintonese. Only the most pathological narcissist would think he could take such action with impunity.[Source: The Federalist Digest - February 16, 2001] I Wonder...... "I wonder if we'll ever see
A country that is Clinton-free,
A time when Hillary and Bill
Have left us and gone o'er the hill,
A time when they don't think they're meant,
Each one, to be our president,
To tell us all what's best for us,
Defy us then to make a fuss,
To insist they're meant to rule us,
Sure, as always, they can fool us,
A time when they at last have quit,
Their [drinking from] the public teat,
When Bill no longer wags his jaw,
Instead, goes home to Arkansas,
And Hillary no longer runs
But takes to baking hot cross buns."
-- Lyn Nofziger