NOTICE: Larry Nichols is now preaching each Sunday at Gipsy Christian Church. If there is a need for pastoral help, please call
Larry Conner at 814-845-7711
Thank You
Clayton D. Harriger, Former Pastor - retired as of November 30, 2019
Click on Pastor Harriger's name to meet him, his wife, and to access
links to their background and also his messages and commentaries.
Special Happenings at Gipsy
Where in the world are we, anyhow?
Traveling Rt. 286 between the villages of Clymer and Mahaffey in Indiana County, Pennsylvania:
- you can turn left (if coming north from Clymer) in village of Hillsdale at Post Office -- proceed up hill through horse ranch and keep on main road for about 5 miles -- at stop sign proceed straight about 200 yards -- church is on right side of road.
- if coming from Mahaffey direction you will be coming to the village of Glen Campbell -- continue on Rt. 286 about another 2 miles -- you will come to a sharp turn -- look for green road sign on left side of road which says "Gipsy - 2 miles" -- turn right at sign and continue for 2 miles -- church is on left side of road.
Brief Statement of Faith & Conviction:
We believe that Jesus Christ meant every word when He said:
- "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by me." (John 14:6) as well as many other absolute claims He made concerning Himself coupled with absolute demands made upon us humans such as "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3).
For further reference on Jesus' claims concerning Himself and the radical demands He placed upon us humans, see The Way, The Truth, The Life -- use return feature on your web browser to come back here.
Furthermore, these statements have been confirmed and reflected in the lives of all who have made a positive reponse to this same Jesus by:
- honestly and fully repenting of all known sin in their lives, whether that sin exists in forms of motives, desires, attitudes, words, or actions!
- seriously and intentionally commiting themselves to a life of obedience in following Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives!
- seeking to be regularly involved with others in public worship and fellowship of the church on Sundays, and to faithfully invest time, talent, and treasure (money) with fellow Christians in being obedient to the commission given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ when He said:
"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.
Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV)
seeking to exercise daily disciplines of Bible reading and study, and the discipline of prayer involving the elements of praise/worship, confession, thanksgiving, intercession, and personal petition!
refusing to compromise with growing popular heresies that are invading the ranks of those who profess to follow Jesus Christ -- a very deadly heresy which is gaining ground suggests that other religious expressions such as Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. in addition to Christianity have a legitimate claim when it comes to relating to God and determining eternal destiny, with the admonition that we need to cease our narrow and intolerant insistence that Jesus is the only way of salvation and hope for time and eternity -- a second heresy that is attempting to rewrite the sexual standards as originally and clearly defined by a holy God wherein sexual immorality which was (and still is) condemned by God is now considered quite acceptable and even encouraged -- a third heresy which attempts to redefine God's standard of marriage between male and female (that is, 2 males in a sodomite relationship or 2 females in a lesbian relationship should be permitted to marry), and a redefining of family and the rearing of children in the family (that is, 2 sodomites or 2 lesbians should be permitted to adopt and raise children) -- certainly a fulfillment of Isaiah 5:20!
Sunday Schedule:
- Sunday School: 9:30 AM
- Worship Service: 10:30 AM Note: the one exception is on Easter Sunday when we begin with the sunrise service at 7:00 AM followed by the
fellowship breakfast in our church hall at about 8:00 AM. NOTE: The sunrise service is the only service we have on Easter Sunday. After the
fellowship breakfast, we all go home!
Calendar Dates and Informational Items:
- Gipsy Christian Church is supporting mission outreach in the U.S. and in foreign countries.
- Local food bank operating from the Presbyterian Church in nearby village of Arcadia is now being supported each month by the congregation of Gipsy Christian Church -- support is by means of cash donations.
- Loyal Berean Class - Second Tuesday of each month as announced. The
class has a project going -- see Gipsy Christian Church Cookbook - Cooking for the 21st Century
- Official Board - meeting quarterly on Sunday afternoons as announced.
- 1st Sunday of each month - A special offering for St. Jude's Research Hospital in Memphis TN. Since the founding of St. Jude's Hospital many catastrophic diseases/illnesses affecting children have been treated with a great increase in survival rates.
- Supporting Tomorrow's Hope - a ministry to veterans who are in special need -- list of needed items is posted on collection boxes in vestibule of the church -- among things you can donate are personal hygiene items & snack items.
- Mid-November each year - supporting Operation Christmas Child - preparation of shoe box gifts to be given to children throughout the world via Samaritan's Purse. See below for past activity in support of Operation Christmas Child.
- A Brief History of Happenings the Past Few Years
- Pastor Harriger now has a BLOG going which has comments plus links on various subjects relating to
his web site. To go to the BLOG click on Musings of a Maverick
- Congregation of Gipsy Christian Church continues to use Bible
Pathway in devotions -- if each daily reading is followed, one will read the entire
Bible in one year's time. If anyone would like to obtain a copy of Bible Pathway, please
contact us at address information given. Contact Pastor Harriger for a copy of the current
issue of Bible Pathway.
- Gipsy Christian Church has become involved in a mission work in the country of India, supporting Pastor Suresh Gumma and his ministry. His congregation is made up of persons who have converted to Christianity from Hindu and Muslim backgrounds. His father-in-law is also a pastor in Christian ministry.
- How to Become a Christian! --
NOTE: Use reverse on your web browser to return here.
What in the World Are We Doing, Anyway?
Making Contact with Us
Harry the Hammer, our construction foreman, says,

"Be sure to come back because we'll be posting
more information at this location in days to come!"
Pastor Harriger's main web site is at: Circuit Rider's Range
His BLOG is at: Musings of a Maverick!
Word of Caution: It is recommended that you put on a helmet and a flak jacket before you enter Circuit Rider's Range OR Musings of a Maverick! -- also, be sure to fasten your seat belt, because it gets wild at certain points along the way at both places
NOTE: The Official Board of the Gipsy Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has neither officially endorsed nor approved the content on Circuit Rider's Range or Musings of a Maverick. Members of the Board may or may not be in agreement with stated issues in areas of commentary by Pastor Harriger.