Hello, and welcome to the Sligo High School Alumni web site. My name is Theo, and I am the administrative assistant to a fellow, sometimes referred to as Circuit Rider, but whom some of you know as Clayton Harriger. He is rather proud of the fact that he stole one of the Sligo HS girls, dating her for 2 years, and then up and married her -- all this in spite of the fact that he came from that scourge and arch rival to the north known as Clarion High School
Anyway, he has offered to provide some information and some history by way of photos from year books of yesteryear (love that Lone Ranger term, don't you?) -- this can be an area for sharing information and letting other former classmates know what is going on in your life. So here is what is available so far -- this page lists an index of various subject areas related to Sligo High School Alumni and some details of 2011 Banquet and Reunion tentatively to be held on June 25, 2011.
2011 Sligo High School Alumni Dinner & Reunion
When: Saturday, June 25, 2011
- Visitation time TBA - usually around 5:00 PM
- Dinner time TBA - usually around 6:00 PM
Where: Social Room of Perry Township Fire Department near West Freedom PA. NOTE: if place and location are changed, that information will be posted here as soon as available, usually sometime after the new year begins.
- Directions: From Bank in Sligo, take Rt. 58 west to the bottom of hill near Callensburg. At this point the route number changes to 368 West. The fire company is located on Collier Road, one block from the intersection at West Freedom.
Menu: Will be announced along with the price per person..
Need room reservations? At Route 68 exit off I-80 south of Clarion these facilities are available: Holiday Inn at 814-226-8850; Comfort Inn at 814-226-5203; and Microtel at 814-227-2700.
A Disclaimer of a Sort: Space for the Sligo High School Alumni web site is provided by Clayton D. Harriger in the domain where he has his main web site, Circuit Rider's Range. Views expressed on highly controversial issues at that web site are not necessarily those of Sligo High School alumni, nor officially endorsed by them. Questions can be directed to C. D. Harriger via Penelope as mentioned above.