...uh, just a potpourrie of stuff related to Election 2000!
Hello, and welcome to "Sweet, Sweet Memories of Election 2000!" unless later on CR's imagination soars into some realm of the unknown and the title will again be changed! You've already heard how Al Gore got about 300,000 more votes in the popular vote than did G. W. Bush. The sticky issue for days and days had been the electoral votes and who would win the 25 from Florida. Bush was certified the winner but the legal hassle continued to drag on, until after the battle of the "supremes" and finally on December 13th Al Gore finally gave in, and George Bush became known officially as "President-elect" Bush!
Will we go through this kind of chaos again next time? Well, efforts are underway to improve elections by redesigning ballots and even giving you a chance to vote again, etc.
This ballot provided compliments of The Federalist
Ooops! Just when they got a ballot designed to alleviate the problem, someone decides they can improve on the original -- so here is the latest one. Still, a competency test will have to be given anyway!
This version compliments of someone known only as "Jeff"
Wait! Before using the above ballot, the Palm Beach folks must take a test -- see it at Palm Beach County, FL -- Voter Competency Test -- in fact, take it yourself -- just in case the election officials in your community decide to use it next time around!
Want to practice for the next time? Lots of help available now as you cast your ballot -- go to Voting One More Time with Help! And remember, come Election 2004 some of the same names may be on this ballot and so you can do a lot of practicing until then. Further, what could make it real exciting is the real possibility of Mrs. William J. Clinton's name appearing somewhere on the ballot! Senators from New York do go places -- sometimes even to the White House, or at least give it their best shot to occupy that famous land mark and with the media folks drooling over her like a love sick dog, Mrs. C. has more than an outside chance of making it!
THE PALM BEACH POKEY You put your stylus in,
You put your stylus out,
You put your stylus in,
And you punch Buchanan out.
You do the Palm Beach Pokey
And you turn the count around,
That's what it's all about!
You put the Gore votes in,
You put the Bush votes out,
You put the Gore votes in,
And you do another count.
You do the Palm Beach Pokey
And you turn the count around,
That's what it's all about!
You bring your lawyers in,
You drag the whole thing out,
You bring your lawyers in,
And you put it all in doubt.
You do the Palm Beach Pokey
And you turn the count around,
That's what it's all about!
You let your doctors spin,
You let the pundits spout,
You let your doctors spin,
And your people whine and pout.
You do the Palm Beach Pokey
And you turn the count around,
That's what it's all about!
You do the Palm Beach Pokey,
You do the Palm Beach Pokey,
You do the Palm Beach Pokey,
That's what it's all about!
Charlie Henrickson, copyright 2000
And if you don't like the looks of one or both of these guys who slugged it out for position of president, then here is your opportunity to make them look different as you may determine, just go to
Improve Bush's and/or Gore's Looks!
Now, on to more serious matters.... Know who the real winners are? No, not Bush who finally was declared "winner" of the presidency, but the herd of trial lawyers who quickly moved in like piranha getting a taste of blood! This bunch will pocket millions out of the law suits that were filed related to the election. They are part of that 99 per cent that give the rest who are honest and hard working a bad name!
You've already heard about how the bunch in the 99 per cent group has reaped and continues to reap millions of dollars from the law suits involving the tobacco industry, and how these guys contributed heavily to Al Gore's bid for the presidency in part because of the Clinton/Gore administration's opposition to tort reform (that literally means to put the brakes on this greedy group and their frivolous lawsuits!)
One headline on Monday, November 13th, read, "Battle Heads to Court" with the following information:
With George W. Bush less than 300 votes ahead of Al Gore in Florida, the two campaigns readied for a federal court hearing Monday morning to determine whether a hand recount should continue in four counties. The Bush campaign filed a lawsuit Saturday to stop the manual recount. The Gore campaign responded Sunday with a 25-page brief asking that the Republican suit be rejected.
And that was just the opening salvo as this thing dragged on for days!
And as mentioned early on back on Range 1, a lot of publicity has been given to an actor by the name of Jim Carrey in grotesque green make up and his new movie about How the Grinch Stole Christmas -- for a time it looked as if he would be replaced by a new grinch named Al Gore who, along with his menagerie of trial lawyers, attempted to steal the 2000 presidential election! But now that Bush has finally triumphed, will the same be said of him by some of those die hard Democrats who have yet to learn how to properly use a stylus in the voting booth?
Copyright 2000 The Christian Science Publishing Society. All rights reserved.
For more cartoons by Clay Bennett go to
Bennett Editorial CartoonsAnd here is something interesting -- check out How to Steal an Election!
LIBERTY "The social chaos seen in other countries such as sabotage, guerrilla bands and political assassinations has yet to emerge in our country. Because of that, we Americans have little appreciation and even indifference to the attack on the laws, customs and institutions that create the fabric for a free society. The Clinton/Gore administration has ratcheted up to an unprecedented level the attack on the rule of law and constitutional government; what's worse is that we have applauded and supported the attack." -- Walter Williams
[Source: Federalist Brief 00-11-14]
GOVERNMENT "So the Clinton-Gore era culminates with an election as stained as the blue dress, a Democratic chorus complaining that the Constitution should not be the controlling legal authority, and Clinton's understudy dispatching lawyers to litigate this: 'It depends on what the meaning of "vote" is'. ... Gore is the distilled essence of contemporary liberalism, which enjoys imposing its will--about abortion, racial preferences, capital punishment, tobacco, firearms, etc.--through litigation rather than legislation. Liberalism's fondness for judicial fiat rather than democratic decision-making explains the entwinement of the Democratic Party and trial lawyers. ... By Nov. 17, Florida's absentee ballots--with a large military, hence Republican, component--will have been counted, probably sealing Bush's win there. ... Even so, Gore operatives probably will still toil to delegitimize the election. Their actions demolish the presidential pretensions of the dangerous man for whom they do their reckless work. ... Jesse Jackson, the Democrats' rented ranter, would not have taken his magical mischief tour to Florida, there to excite a sense of victimization, if his party opposed that. All that remains to complete the squalor of Gore's attempted coup d'etat is some improvisation by Janet Reno, whose last Florida intervention involved a lawless SWAT team seizing a 6-year-old. She says there is no federal role, but watch for a 'civil rights' claim on behalf of some protected minority or some other conjured pretext. Remember, Reno is, strictly speaking, unbelievable, and these things will continue until these people are gone."
-- George Will
[Source: Federalist Brief 00-11-14]
For further interesting reading on the Palm Beach antics, circus, rodeo, and vaudeville act go to
Explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in Palm Beach FL
WARNING! Don't read this if you have blood pressure problems! Your medication can't cope with this stuff!
Bird's Eye View of Circuit Rider's Range
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For comments, complaints, or axe grinding contact C. D. Harriger at cdharriger@hotmail.com