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And don't forget....CR has that area known as "Building Walls with Tempered or Untempered Mortar!" This is changed with new articles and news releases at least a couple or more times a week. Be sure to keep checking in at "Building Walls with Untempered or Tempered Mortar!" and be up to date with happenings that are impacting our government and churches, and of course that determines how well our whole culture will fare in the future!
Take a look at CR's (alias C. D. Harriger's) BLOG at Musings of a Maverick
An Index
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It Is Time.....!
This week's special
There are those who faithfully celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
A few of us, due to personal acquaintaince with Him, believe Him to be
God revealed in human form over 2,000 years ago and He is very real at the
present time -- suppose a "committee" was set up to confront Him due to
the fact that He is a very controversial individual Who often caused
division and conflict! How might the session go in such a confrontation?
Listen in on Jesus Meets the "Committee!"
Church leaders are expected at times to address critical ethical, moral, and spiritual issues --
they are to be the "shepherds" who challenge and guide the flock over which they have been given authority!
The United Methodist Church has a sizable group of leaders identified as bishops -- sometimes they speak
out loud and clear on issues and other times seem to be tongue tied! See details on one very critical issue
where they tend to be very silent at United Methodist Bishops and Murdered Unborn Children!
Election 2016 is over but the "campaign" by many is to crucify President Trump! --
Social and mainstream (or is it slipstream) media are flooded with pics & comments to keep the pot stirred --
But there is great news regarding the ugly and corrupt worlds of media communication and politics --
God has something wonderful planned for the future -- hang on for a while!
See Good News! A Day Coming in Which All Politicians
Will Be Removed from Office!
News headlines often dominated by what ISIS is doing --
debate rages over whether Islam is a "peaceful" religion!
See Two Faiths -- Two Books -- Two Deities
Only One Will Prevail in the End!
The nails continue to be driven at a furious pace --
Will 2016 be the year the final nail is driven for the United States?
That's not a hammer in your hand is it, or are you following
the example of our president, members of the U. S. Congress and
a very, very large number of United States citizens?
Take a look at Driving the Final Nails!
May 31, 1889 -- the South Fork Dam above Johnstown PA failed after very heavy
rains hit the area -- the resulting flood caused the loss of over 2,200 lives.
You can see pictures of the remains of the dam in comments under the title
Judgment Is Like An Impending Dam Break...
A Warning Is Sounded, But Is Anybody Listening?
Pope Francis visited the U.S. in waning days of September 2015 --
While here he addressed a joint session of the U.S. Congress and the United Nations.
However, don't forget that world leaders are in for the greatest surprise of their
lives one of these days, which may be closer than we want to admit!
See details at Message to World Leaders and Others
Who Have Wealth, Power, and Influence: You Cannot Hide and You Cannot Win!
It sparks some of the most heated debate ever and some of us
who are considered radical in our faith contribute to that conflict!
Is Jesus Christ the ONLY way of salvation, hope, and entrance to Heaven?
Among theologians, seminary professors, church leaders, and pastors there is conflict -
it is wise to review the issue at The Way -- The Truth -- The Life!
The United States has at times, and continues to be compared
to the ancient Roman Empire -- while certain parallels can be drawn,
a more superior comparison can be made historically -- go to
Comparing the United States to the Ancient Roman Empire?
A Much Better Comparison Is to the Ancient Israelite Kingdom of Judah!
It's about the most assumed experience ever!
Didn't you know? Assuming oneself to be a Christian!
Just WHAT does one do to become a Christian?
Yes, something is required by way of action....
See what at How to Become a Christian
Remember, Christians are born, not people who have a "make-over!"
What are some of the biggest things you have ever thought about?
And has God been somehow a part of those big things considered?
Want to try something interesting by way of a big experience?
Slip over to Getting a Proper Perspective on Life!
The Creator of this mighty universe has been most generous --
many are the gifts He has made available to us humans --
just one thing wrong -- we are in the habit of trashing them!
see details at Trashing Sacred Gifts -- 21st Century Style!
There are people who claim they do things based on conscience --
this can be a very radical thing, depending on the issue at hand!
Once in a blue moon it is possible that you can't have a conscience!
See details at I Am Not Permitted to Have a Conscience!
Most people of all ages are familiar with the fact that in baseball you have
three strikes when you are up to bat -- if you miss the ball on each strike
then you are counted out by the umpire standing behind the plate! With that comparison
consider the tragedy of a president having stuck out in his responsibility as a leader
and now leading our republic toward certain judgment from a holy God! See why at
He Is Out on Three Strikes and We Are Headed for Certain Disaster!
The times of compromise have been upon us for quite a while!
Christians are under constant pressure to give in and not
"rock the boat" in a pluralistic culture such as the U.S!
Details at Living in an Age of Compromise!
We are crossing over the threshold of our 40th year --
it is not an anniversary for which to be proud nor to celebrate!
See why at We Are Crossing Over the Threshold of Our 40th Year...
What Lies Ahead?
Have you heard the term, "fiscal cliff," lately?
That is not the cliff to be worried about --
the real crisis is going over the moral cliff!
Details at The Fiscal Cliff Is Not the Critical Issue --
It Is the Moral Cliff That Is!
There are questions that many have concerning the death experience...
How about this one? A Speculative Question:
Will they be able to see the ones they conspired to mutilate and murder?
There is a detailed experience of one man and what he saw after his death!
On June 9, 2014, I lost $950,000!
Details given at my blog as to how this happened!
Still I am not so bad off -- reason is given at
Reminders When Mansion Shopping!
2013 was quite a year with lots happening all over the world --
it figures that an old geezer would have something to say about it!
Details at Reflections on 2013 by An Old Geezer!
Most of what you see here and at the blog are
issues of a highly controversial nature and some visitors
may find their blood pressure rising at a rapid rate!
But there is an area where things are very, very different --
it may even cause the corners of your mouth to form a
smile rather than a frown -- why not take a trip over to
Circuit Rider's Humor Hut!Email responses to Circuit Rider's Range arrive regularly expressing sentiments of those who have had exposure to the site -- see A Visit to Circuit Rider's Range -- No One Is Neutral Afterward! -- the result? A hate him or love him relationship!