"Is Just Ain't What It Was!"
In Pacific Northwest,
Where all sex may be blessed,
By a god that is friendly and kind....
There's been a decision,
That should cause a division.
Between those of the Word and the blind.They say God's still evolving,
Sex-Sin He's absolving;
Fornication's a thing of the past.
God speaks a "new story",
Where poly-amory's
A "gift"....So, go have a blast!Who Sez that it's "wrong"?
Let us sing the "new song",
To the goddess of lust and desire.
All knees are now bending
To the pulse of nerve endings...
To Eros...our goddess afire.Yahweh,...Step aside!
While your Word's a good guide,
We've appealed to Authority Higher...
We judge your Word blurred,
So now we've concurred:
On issues of sex, you're a liar.Your system? We've bucked.
Our game? Deconstruct.
"Is" ain't what it was, donchya know?
When You said that "I AM"
We see that was a scam...
So WE say that "I Am'' 's gotta go.....Yep, the jury is in...
Fornication's not sin;
And "marriage"? Whatever We say!
Sounds groovey to me!
Thank God! We're now free,
To define our own Truth and the Way.Making woman for man,
We once thought a good plan,
But now we know better than that!
We found new "exegeters",
And post-modern deleters,
Who strike words at the drop of a hat.Yes, the verdict is clear...
God, for You we've no fear.
We find You're as guilty as Sin!
We hope You don't mind,
What Our Jury did find...
Repent! And we'll let You back in.We were fooled for awhile....
But You're just out of style!
God, You really must learn to adjust!
What you said you created's
Unhip and ill-fated,
Now your Law simply must bite the dust.God, did You really say,
That we should obey,
Your Word that's now clearly outdated?
That woman-man thing,
Has a quite hollow ring.
Your Rule? We find much overrated.God, we still think You're 'neat',
Even if incomplete...
And we're sure your intentions were good!
But, hey! That was then,
And when Science "kicked in",
We discovered You misunderstood.
Permission to post this material on Circuit Rider's Range has been granted by:
Tom Graffagnino
Hamilton, Georgia
You may respond to Tom at TGRAFFGA@aol.com
His written and art works may be viewed at his web site at
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