Subtitle: A Whole Heap of "Untempered Mortar" Is Contributing to the USA's Demise!
ATTENTION! There are tons of material here with many links. Some may no longer be functioning. I am trying to get this area edited as soon as possible, but a lot of time is involved in doing this. Please bear with me as I attempt to get the whole area back on track and all corrections have been made. Most of the links will still function. I hope you will take some time to investigate a bit, OK?
And the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Son of man, say to her: 'You are a land that is not cleansed or rained on in the day of indignation.' The conspiracy of her prophets in her midst is like a roaring lion tearing the prey; they have devoured people; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made many widows in her midst. Her priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them. Her princes in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey, to shed blood, to destroy people, and to get dishonest gain. Her prophets plastered them with untempered mortar, seeing false visions, and divining lies for them, saying, 'Thus says the Lord GOD,' when the LORD had not spoken. The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery, and mistreated the poor and needy; and they wrongfully oppress the stranger. So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads," says the Lord GOD.
Ezekiel 22:23-31 (NKJV)
Certain areas of Circuit Rider's Range contain graphic images of the mutilation and murder of unborn children. This is not suitable viewing for young children or youth. Although honesty dictates that the little tykes are exposed to more graphic blood & guts violence produced by the Hollywood, TV, and gaming industries than what would be very rarely, if ever, viewed by them here!The comments on this web site concerning the abortion issue are rooted in Bible based revelation on human life and its Divine purpose (See Jeremiah 1:4,5, Psalm 139, and Ephesians 1:3-5) and so stated by the owner of the web site, Clayton D. Harriger.
Comments relative to this issue of abortion do not reflect the official position of the United Methodist Church, nor of the Western PA Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church where Clayton D. Harriger is an ordained elder in full connection and where his ministerial credentials are on record.
The stated "green light" position of the United Methodist Church on abortion is found in its Book of Discipline in the section on Social Principles.
See a kind of follow up and comment or two about the above at A Quick Look At the United States' Massacre Tally! -- scroll down a bit until you come across mention of a United Methodist Bishop and the tally since he became a bishop! In fact, this has been updated to include all other active United Methodist bishops and the massacre tally dating from the year they became bishops. Included also is a copy of a personal letter sent to each of the bishops on an ongoing basis. Full explanation about all this and who all are receiving letters is at that area. BTW, whom all have you contacted lately about the ethical, moral, and spiritual whirlpool that is sucking this republic down to disaster?
Hello there! Theo, Administrative Assistant at CR's Range, here to let you in on a new happening at Circuit Rider's Range -- my boss,CR (alias C. D. Harriger), now has a BLOG! It's been launched at
Musings of a Maverick
So we invite you to come, take a look, and feel free to leave your comments -- don't worry, my boss can handle anything you write, whether it falls into the "Amen!" category or the "##%%@**#%%!!" category -- he's heard all varieties of the latter kind over the years since this site was launched!
Recent additions to the Maverick's Blog include:
- Whom Will You Listen to? Jesus or a U.M. Bishop? It Cannot Be Both at the Same Time!
- Letter #6 Sent to Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and Members of the Cabinet
- You Really Don't Want Anything to Do with the god of Progressive Christianity, Do You?
- What Purports to Be Progressive Christianity Is Really Unregenerate "Christianity!"
- "Pregressive Christianity" Is After You! Watch Out and Do Not Be Deceived!
- Needed: A New ID for a Certain Group of Persons Claiming to Be Doctors!
- Letter #5 Sent to Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and Members of the Cabinet!
- Revised Letter to President Trump
- Letter Now Being Sent to All Members of the 116th U.S. Congress!
- Sex and The United Methodist Church - AKA How to Paint Yourself into a Corner!
- Still Another Letter to Leadership of the W. PA Conference of The United Methodist Church
- The United Methodist Church Has Much More to Be Concerned About Than a Way Forward!
- We Never Used to Have Mass Shootings and Killings of Law Enforcement Officers on a Regular Basis!
- Response to Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church Concerning Their Outrage About President Trump's Remarks!
- Three Deadly Decisions That Are Paving the Way for Judgment to Be Poured Out Upon Our Republic!
- Badly Needed -- A Draconian Response to the Drug Epidemic!
- A Letter to President Trump!
- A Second Letter to Bishop of W. PA Annual Conference - issue = who is included in "least?"
- Letter to the New Bishop of the W. PA Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church!
- Claw Marks on the Ark!
An Introduction
"Untempered Mortar" Messages for the 21st Century!
The United Methodist Church caught in the sodomite/lesbian trap!
"Tempered Mortar" Messages for the 21st Century!
September 11, 2001 - Related to the terrorist attack on the United States
The Ever Popular Subject of Politics!
Christmas Now Under Full Scale Assault Each Year!
Miscellaneous - the ones that may not fit anywhere else!
Some "Iffy" stuff - they don't even fit into the Miscellaneous category!
The United Methodist Church and Homosexuality -- express your thoughts in this survey -- a major issue for the UMC come General Conference 2008!
As CR has mentioned or alluded to in other areas of the Range, the two dominant forces of influence in a culture are political and religious in nature. If these are rooted in a value system that is in agreement with Almighty God's standards as clearly revealed in His revelation to us, then the culture will be blessed, prosper, and experience prolonged existence. But on the other hand, as these two dominant forces become corrupted and adopt values that clash with the holy standards as spelled out by a holy God which apply not only personally to each individual but also corporately to the whole culture and its leadership, then God in due time responds to that condition. For an excellent summary of how a culture self destructs, review 2 Chronicles 36:11-21. Notice how the political and religious leadership contributed most significantly to the disaster, but not without God's warnings being sounded faithfully by His prophets for years prior to the devastating judgment!
This area will provide links to articles and news releases that fall into the "untempered mortar" category. They will be posted in this domain in separate areas so you can easily examine them and then return here to look at others as you so choose. This will be an expanding area of links as time moves along. The advantage will be that the articles will be posted separately on a plain page which will shorten download time considerably. But before you start on those, you will see a "Feature of the Week" article, which will be taken from selections posted at Ramblings from the Pen of a Maverick Who Wears a Mickey Mouse Watch!.
However, in addition to the above, there will be articles posted under the subject of "Tempered Mortar" Messages for the 21st Century! These are articles written by persons whose value system is based on and in agreement with God's special revelation to us via the holy Scriptures.
There is a "Life and Death Issues" category which deals with matters related to efforts to protect human life at all stages, beginning with fertilization, as well as the growing trends and acceptance of a "Nazi" type value system which says human life is expendable at all stages based on whatever warped logic we can devise with our twisted thinking!
Unless you were in a coma, or cut off from communications as you explored the South Pole the last few months, you are quick to recognize the date of September 11, 2001 -- so there are a number of subjects that fall into the new category of "September 11, 2001."
And there is a "Political Issues of the Day" as well as a "Miscellaneous" category for some information that may not necessarily fall into any of the above.
Ooops! There is one more -- called the "Iffy" category -- you'll know why when you see some of the subjects. CR just wasn't sure what to do with this stuff, so the "Iffy" category was set up
This week's special
Friend, you may be one who is reading this for the very first time! Are you aware that you have one very critical decision to make in your life's journey? You make many decisions, but this one has to do with where you spend eternity after death! This is the decision that has to do with the place Jesus Christ has in your life. Will you receive Him as Savior and Lord, or reject Him as most choose to do? See what that decision involves at How to Become a Christian Remember, Christians are born, not people who have a "make-over!
OK, here it is! There is lots of acreage on the Range, and no, not one acre has been sold to the Chinese even though they have been buying up a lot of acreage in the "land of the free and the home of the brave!" Circuit Rider's Range was launched 25 years ago on March28, 1998. Over time a lot of space was used up as the Range expanded through comments made on a variety of subjects. A lot of that is listed here under a number of categories. I will be attempting to update pages as soon as I am able but the message in each should be clear whether some updating has been done or not. Browse away and have fun as you do! :-) Go to Ramblings from a Maverick Who Wears a Mickey Mouse Watch!
Did you know that God has great plans for the Israelite people, their nation, and the city
of Jerusalem? Although the Jewish people have been the most hated and despised people in the
history of the human race, God has mightily used them in the past and will do great things at
some point in the future. In fact, the day will come when Jerusalem will be in one sense the
capital of the whole world! Details of the dramatic change are given at
O Jerusalem! What Great Things Are in Store for You!
The states in this country have put in place laws that have to do with treatment of animals.
If you mistreat an animal in any way, charges can be brought against you, and depending on the
nature of the offense, you might not only be fined but also do some jail time as well! In light of this,
how about checking out If I Starved My Dog to Death, OR If I Mutilated and Killed My Cat, What Then?
You are aware, are you not, that Planned Parenthood is in the profitable business of killing
unborn children! But it has also been positively established that this outfit has been making tons of money from
selling parts of murdered unborn children! And just recently they took on another extremely profitable
enterprise. Details and links about all this at Baby Parts for Sale!
See the latest number of unborn children deliberately killed in the U.S. and the whold world --
and we act like God is not paying attention to all these homicides! The day is coming when He will
deal with the entire world with a very harsh judgment! Take a close look at Isaiah 24.
Go ahead, and take a look at Recent Number of Abortions in the United States and the World!
Fruit provides evidence that it is getting ripe and ready for the harvest!
A nation goes through a process that provides evidence it is getting ripe for judgment!
Notice how the USA is very ripe at Ripe for Judgment!
The nails continue to be driven at a furious pace --
Will 2023 be the year the final nail is driven for the United States?
That's not a hammer in your hand is it, or are you following
the example of many politicians at the state and federal levels as
well as a very, very large number of United States citizens?
Take a look at Driving the Final Nails!
May 31, 1889 -- the South Fork Dam above Johnstown PA failed after very heavy
rains hit the area -- the resulting flood caused the loss of over 2,200 lives.
You can see pictures of the remains of the dam in comments under the title
Judgment Is Like An Impending Dam Break...
A Warning Is Sounded, But Is Anybody Listening?
The present political situation is pure chaos and continues to worsen as the clock moves forward --
finger pointing as to who is responsible is the order of the day as accusations multiply each day!
It needs to be said that there are a FEW members of the U.S. Congress that are trying to do what is right,
but they are a very small minority group and often labeled to be the bad guys! However, there is great news
regarding the ugly and corrupt worlds of media communications and politics -- God has something wonderful
planned for the future -- hang on for a while because something beyond our wildest dreams will happen!
This actually does involve the whole world and governments of all nations, but comments are limited to the U.S.
See Good News! A Day Coming in Which All Politicians Will Be Removed from Office!
The obscene gesture is something exhibited quite frequently in our culture in a number of ways!
It is displayed in public at times by persons of all ages, and this includes females and children!
It is shown in some films as a part of alleged "entertainment. But the most serious display of
the obscene gesture is toward God Himself! See details at Giving God the Obscene Gesture!
In the mid 14th Century Bubonic Plague spread through Europe killing a large number of the population. It
became known as the Black Death! We have a plague that has been spreading throughout the world for decades.
No, it does not kill as did the Bubonic Plague, but it is very deadly in a different way and has a very negative
effect on persons of all ages! Details at Worse Than the "Black Death" -- It's the Porno Plague!
The republic of the United States is responding to a very special invitation!
You say, "Just what is that special invitation?" The answer is rather simple, but
only a few will face reality as to what this is about! Details are clearly spelled out at
Invitation to Judgment!
However, there is an invitation of eternal significance -- let us plan to meet in Heaven! Are you willing
to accept that invitation and make the necessary plans to be there when the moment comes that we shall be
able to meet? Details at Meet Me in Heaven!
Have you ever heard about not letting a camel getting his nose inside your tent? Because if you do,
then first thing you know he will move his whole self in and make himself quite at home! This is an example
in a crude way as to what has happened to our country over the past number of decades! See the details at
The Camel Is Almost In Except for a Part of His Hind Leg and His Tail!
A parable of 21st Century church health is described in "But Doctor, I Feel Good, amd People Say That
I Look Great!" Most denominations are fond of saying something like this, "We are alive and well!" But the
truth of the matter is that the real situation is much, much different! See the tragic reality at
But Doctor, I Feel Good, and People Say I Look Great!
References to God's dealing with nations by means of devastating judgment are extremely
rare in many churches these days! In fact the denial of God bringing judgment and total
destruction upon a nation of people is intentionally avoided by too many pastors and bishops!
Do you dare to look at how we as a nation stand at the present time in the good old U.S. of A.?
Take a look at When God Uses the Heathen As His "Whip!"
We are living in a time of excessive violence, ranging from one person expressing rage
and committing an act of violence against another person to acts of violence involving mass
shootings resulting in many lives lost! Many voices are speaking out that something should be
done to control the violence, especially when committed by persons using guns. Notice, however,
that we have A National Rage Against Violence, BUT Not Always!
For decades there has been conflicts in many church denominations over the issue of homosexuality
and lesbianism as to whether these lifestyles should be accepted or not. The United Methodist Church
where I am an ordained elder is now in the process of splitting with the formation of what is known
as the Global Methodist Church. I have stated my position on this issue and the fact that I
will remain in the UMC. Details are at They Won't Drive Me Out, and If I Go Down...
The Administrative Assistant, Theo, whom you see quite often on the Range making comments was given his
own area by the Circuit Rider. At first he was excited but then changed his mind and expressed his feelings!
You see him addressed by his full name and later he does make a sad confession which is detailed! See it all at
The Theology Pit!
A new marriage proposal has been offered for many decades, especially within the church. Quite a number
have accepted the proposal with highly favorable publicity resulting! Take a look, if you dare, at
A Marriage "Proposal" of Another Kind Conceived in Hell!
In the decades as the 20th Century got underway, controversy broke out in church circles!
Much of this centered on Jesus and whether He was really born of a virgin and that Joseph was
was His biological father, or maybe someone else was. Other things about Him began to be
called into question. Each person has to determine whether they believe the Scriptural witness
about Jesus or believe what apostate pastors and theologians say about Him! See details on this issue
at God Dressed Up in Flesh, Bones, and Blood!
It sparks some of the most heated debate ever and some of us
who are considered radical in our faith contribute to that conflict!
Is Jesus Christ the ONLY way of salvation, hope, and entrance to Heaven?
Among theologians, seminary professors, church leaders, and pastors there is conflict -
it is wise to review the issue at The Way -- The Truth -- The Life!
There are those who faithfully celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
A few of us, due to personal acquaintaince with Him, believe Him to be
God revealed in human form over 2,000 years ago and He is very real at the
present time -- suppose a "committee" was set up to confront Him due to
the fact that He is a very controversial individual Who often caused
division and conflict! How might the session go in such a confrontation?
Listen in on Jesus Meets the "Committee!"
Are you in agreement with most people about this one thing?
That someone would come on the scene who would discover a cure
for cancer in its many forms, or for Alzheimers disease, or for
many other diseases that need effective cures? Perhaps those persons
were victims of the United States version of Holocaust! Details are at
Missing > Millions of Contributors Who Could Have Made a Significant Difference!
What if you don't make it to Heaven and end up in a place that is extremely hot?
There are some unpleasant things to be experienced in that place --
Supposing you had to stare at a severed head forever?
This is somewhat speculation, but it could be happening to at least one person!
Consider, if you will, Staring At a Severed Head Forever!
It can be said that the majority of the people in this country and the whole world
are making a total waste of their lives when God offers so much in making possible a life
that has peace, power, purpose, and a fantastic prospect for the future! A machine by the
name of Digger offers a lesson about this due to his own experience. See for your self at
Just Rusting Away -- Digger's Object Lesson About Life!
Are you extremely frustrated with the way things are in our nation and it is obviously getting
worse as time moves along! And the feeling often is, "What can I do? I am just an insignificant
citizen with no real power or influence to make a difference!" But that is not really true. Check some
some things you can do at What Can I Do?
Have you ever dreamed of some day that you might move into the home of your dreams?
Many have had such a dream and some have experienced it becoming a reality!
Suppose you had such a dream and the beauiful home was built and a couple days before
you moved in, I totally destroyed with my Catepillar bulldozer, what then?
See the details of what this is all about at
You Are Building Your Dream Home -- I Tear It Down -- Now What?
Have you ever gone shopping for a mansion? Most of us have never had such an experience.
But some have -- in fact, some of the super rich have more than one, and they may even have
them in different countries! If ever you should come into some really big money and you feel the
urge to get one or more, depending on how big your bank account is at the time, you may want to
give some serious thought to such a move. See why at Reminders When Mansion Shopping!
Over 70 per cent of Americans feel Roe v. Wade should not be overturned!
That means the majority of our citizens have assassinated their consciences and
have absolutely no feelings whatsoever for the thousands of unborn children who are
brutally murdered and mutilated each week of the year in the United States!
Solid reasons why We've Got to Stop the Killing!
The United Methodist Church is one of the mainline denomonations in the U.S. and the world --
it has been losing membership for decades in the United States, prompting at times
intense discussion as to why this trend has been happening with lots of comments
by bishops and others within the denomination. Question > Is it acceptable to do the following?
RMS Titanic and The United Methodist Church -- An Apt Comparison?
Lots of comments about God in reference to the pandemic sweeping the world for some time now!
What, if any, involvement does God have in this thing that has caused extensive damage in many ways?
Consider the possibility at God, Covid-19, and Recovery?
The world is now in a first class chaotic state of affairs!
The United States is going through drastic measures in an effort
to contain the corona virus which is spreading through many countries!
This issue discussed at Entering the Beginning of Sorrows!
God gave us a very special and sacred gift known as human sexuality!
It a gift that has been greatly abused, misused, and perverted over centuries of time!
Because of this we humans are inviting the wrath of God upon us!
Frightening details at Inviting God's Judgment by Pandemic Sexual Immorality!
The United States has at times, and continues to be compared
to the ancient Roman Empire -- while certain parallels can be drawn,
a more superior comparison can be made historically -- go to
Comparing the United States to the Ancient Roman Empire?
A Much Better Comparison Is to the Ancient Israelite Kingdom of Judah!
News headlines often dominated by what "terrorist" groups are doing --
debate rages over whether Islam is a "peaceful" religion!
See Two Faiths -- Two Books -- Two Deities
Only One Will Prevail in the End!
It's about the most assumed experience ever!
Didn't you know? Assuming oneself to be a Christian!
Just WHAT does one do to become a Christian?
Yes, something is required by way of action....
See what at How to Become a Christian
Remember, Christians are born, not people who have a "make-over!"
What are some of the biggest things you have ever thought about?
And has God been somehow a part of those big things considered?
Want to try something interesting by way of a big experience?
Slip over to Getting a Proper Perspective on Life!
The Creator of this mighty universe has been most generous --
many are the gifts He has made available to us humans --
just one thing wrong -- we are in the habit of trashing them!
see details at Trashing Sacred Gifts -- 21st Century Style!
There are questions that many have concerning the death experience...
How about this one? A Speculative Question:
Will they be able to see the ones they conspired to mutilate and murder?
There is a detailed experience of one man and what he saw after his death!
Fingers continue from time to time to be pointed at Nazi Germany and its role in the
Holocaust in WWII. The number of victims is around 15 million, 6 million of whom were Jews!
Those numbers fade quickly into the background when compared to our version --
If you dare, go to United States Holocaust Gallery
The times of compromise have been upon us for quite a while!
Christians are under constant pressure to give in and not
"rock the boat" in a pluralistic culture such as the U.S!
Details at Living in an Age of Compromise!
The world contains numbers of people who claim to be skeptics!
They usually do not hesitate to express their thoughts regarding their skeptical outlook.
This can involve different subjects including the Christian faith and the Bible!
I am one who developed a sense of skepticism over the years I have lived!
I speak of my journey at Road Travels of a Convert to Skepticism!
There is a word that used to be used a lot in churches of long ago and people
knew the meaning of that word when they heard it! But now it is very rarely, if
ever mentioned. In one denomination especially it is almost like a person is
forbidden to mention it -- what is that word? Details at
Don't Use the "R" Word in the United Methodist Church!
Lots of talk about an "amicable" separation involving the United Methodist Church!
General Conference which will consider the matter is scheduled to take place this May, 2020.
For years the controversy raged over the issue of human sexuality!
No middle ground has been reached between those who accept same-sex intimacy and marriage
and those who reject it on Biblical grounds choosing to be in agreement with God's view!
The main problem of division within the UMC did not just happen over night!
See Rebellion Is Alive and Very Well in the United Methodist Church!
Church leaders are expected at times to address critical ethical, moral, and spiritual issues --
they are to be the "shepherds" who challenge and guide the flock over which they have been given authority!
The United Methodist Church has a sizable group of leaders identified as bishops -- sometimes they speak
out loud and clear on issues and other times seem to be tongue tied! See details on one very critical issue
where they tend to be very silent at United Methodist Bishops and Murdered Unborn Children!
Most of what you see here and at the blog are
issues of a highly controversial nature and some visitors
may find their blood pressure rising at a rapid rate!
But there is an area where things are very, very different --
it may even cause the corners of your mouth to form a
smile rather than a frown -- why not take a trip over to
Circuit Rider's Humor Hut!
You don't like what is going on in government?
Have you ever written to the president? Why not? How about doing it today?
Address: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC 20500See what went out to the past resident of the White House on a regular basis -- look at Letter to President Barack Hussein Obama -- before this one a letter was sent to President Bush every few days: Mr. President, We Need to Get Our Own House in Order First!
Email responses to Circuit Rider's Range arrive regularly expressing sentiments of those who have had exposure to the site -- see A Visit to Circuit Rider's Range -- No One Is Neutral Afterward! -- the result? A hate him or love him relationship!
Millions of unborn children have been intentionally murdered all over
the world over time and the United States has contributed tens of millions
to the total - see latest tally at Number of Abortions
For a detailed follow-up, go to The Gaping Hole in Casualty Reporting! -- return links are at bottom of the page to bring you here or to other locations on the Range.
The Sodomite/Lesbian Juggernaut Continues to Roll! - NOTE: this is a collection of summaries and links as to the progress the S/L cartel is making all around the world -- you have to see it to believe it -- adding
material on a regular basis on this one!
Oooops! We've been adding so much material that it's been necessary to set up a section of archives -- to view it, go to Sodomite/Lesbian Juggernaut Archives!
T A R G E T: Next Session of The United Methodist Church General Conference
D A T E: April 23 - May 3, 2024 NOTE - session was delayed due to covid and foreign delegates unable to travel
P L A C E:Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte NC
General Conference 2016 has passed. Many things happened which were good as delegates "held the line" on the present UMC position regarding sodomy and lesbianism. BUT all those groups pushing the sodomite/lesbian agenda in our culture will be zealously preparing for the special session of GC 2019. One of these will be Mel White and the Soulforce gang which was high profile at past General Conferences in 2004, 2008 and 2012 -- a part of the gang includes Mr. Jimmy Creech, who used to be a United Methodist pastor! Don't ever forget -- a huge oak tree will eventually fall if enough chips are taken out of it by a lumberjack swinging an axe! If you don't want the tree to fall, then stop the lumberjack dead in his tracks before he can take another swing!
UPDATE: The UMC has split as of May 1, 2022 with the formation of the Global Methodist Church made up of bishops, pastors, and congregations who still believe the Bible in its entirety! The United Methodist Church will be under the control of those who support the sodomite/lesbian agenda that involves full acceptance of same-gender marriage and full participation in the church, including ordination into the ministry! Obviously the Book of Disicpline will be changed with all negative references to homosexuality removed.
NOTICE: Be sure to read an interesting challenge to Soulforce to take their crusade to new heights they may not yet have considered -- see Open Letter to Mel White and Others of Soulforce, Inc.!
See Soulforce goal concerning The United Methodist Church at Transforming The United Methodist Church
- Watch for a listing of United Methodist Church related happenings here as we had a special session of General Conference 2019
- Beth Stroud Verdict Overturned by Committee on Appeals
- Milking the Cow to the Very Last Drop! OR What to Do When You Lose Your Preacher Credentials!
- Expressions of Anger & Frustration During Beth Stroud "Wake!"
- Beth Stroud Trial Information -- Another Karen Damman Rerun Or?
- We Looked Good in Pittsburgh - Self-congratulatory note by Affirmation
- Epworth UMC of Berkeley CA - "Let Us Eat Cake Celebration!"
- First It Was Karen up in the Pacific Northwest, Now It's Beth in Eastern Pennsylvania!
UMC Episcopal Endorsement of Same Gender Coupling! -- see documented information for yourself what a number of "shepherds" in the UMC are saying and doing as they give their approval to same gender coupling!
- Soulforce is a very busy outfit -- it has initiated what is called "Equality Ride" which is a bus trip to a number of colleges & universities -- you have to see this one for yourself at Equality Ride - be sure to use return feature on your browser to come back here.
- Sodomite and lesbian "families" were urged to participate in the White House Egg Roll -- see details at the Soulforce web site plus many other details on activities etc. at -- use reverse feature on your web browser to return here.
- Beth Stroud Verdict Overturned by Committee on Appeals
- "Same-Sex Marriage Legislation Offers a Win-Win Solution," Says The United Church of Canada
- Milking the Cow to the Very Last Drop! OR What to Do When You Lose Your Preacher Credentials!
- What's This? Lesbianism Is OK for United Methodist Church Laity BUT Not for the Pastors!
- Expressions of Anger & Frustration During Beth Stroud "Wake!"
- Beth Stroud Trial Information -- Another Karen Damman Rerun Or?
- Prohibiting Civil Marriage for Same-sex Couples Is Discriminatory, the American Psychological Association Declares!
- Soulforce Wants Stories/Experiences from Protest of "Protect Marriage Sunday!"
- We Looked Good in Pittsburgh - Self-congratulatory note by Affirmation
- Equal Partners in Faith urges clergy to sign a letter opposing the Federal Marriage Amendment!
- Soulforce Urges Protest of "Protect Marriage Sunday!"
- Magazine for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Christians Marks 8 Years as Spiritual Pacesetter!
- Epworth UMC of Berkeley CA - "Let Us Eat Cake Celebration!"
- First It Was Karen up in the Pacific Northwest, Now It's Beth in Eastern Pennsylvania!
- Comments on Ronald Reagan - From A Different Point of View!
- Soulforce to Take on Southern Baptist Convention - Again!
- Rainbow Communion!
- Gay rights group stages 'peaceful interruption' at UMC General Conference!
- As Long As We Both Shall Live: People of Faith Say Yes to Same Sex Marriage!
- Fly a Rainbow Flag - Support Gay Rights Now!
- Three Soulforce Couples to Marry in San Francisco Monday, March 1, 2004!
- SOULFORCE to Support United Methodist Pastor During Upcoming Trial!
- United Methodist Pastor Becomes a "Marrying Sam" in San Francisco Same-Sex Marriage Flood!
- Soulforce Leaders Thrilled with Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Opinion That Civil Unions Not Equal to Marriage
- Rainbow Stoles for United Methodist Church General Conference!
- Soulforce Targeting United Methodist General Conference!
- Lesbian United Methodist Clergywoman Will Face Church Trial!
- Soulforce Planned "Actions" for 2004!
- A Seasonal Parody by Mel White Executive Director, Soulforce, Inc.!
- GLAAD Criticizes New York Times Poll on Marriage Rights etc!
- Massachusetts Supreme Court Gives a Thumbs Up to Same-Sex Marriage!
- Canon Gene Robinson Addresses Halfway to Lambeth by Satellite Link
- Soulforce to Protest "Unholy Crusade" by the Catholic Church Against GLBT People!
- Report on Soulforce Lynchburg Weekend, October 9-12, 2003!
- Soulforce Solicits Pictures of Newly Defined "Families!"
- RMN Announces 2001-2003 Voice in the Wilderness and Cup of Justice Award Nominees and Winners!
- Lutheran Church Keeps Its Promise to Gays & Lesbians.....
- Campaign to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage Throttles Up!
- Does the Supreme Court Ruling on Sodomy Call for Dancing in the Street? More Responses...
- The United Church of Canada commends Ottawa's action on Same-Sex Unions
- Courage to Love: Liturgies for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community
- UM Lesbian Pastor Preaches and Introduces Her Partner to Congregation!
- New Testament Scholar Argues That Jesus Was Gay!
- Couple Swaps Military Force for Soulforce!
- Complaints dismissed against UMC Bishop Joseph Sprague - Again!
- Canadian Court Rules Bible Verses Against Homosexuality Are ‘Hate’ Speech!
- Gearing Up for the 2004 United Methodist General Conference!
- Golden Hill UMC & "A Covenant of Openness and Affirmation"
Here's a real wild one - a "scientific" study of male sheep which are considered "gay" suggests that the cause of humans being sodomite is biological -- no, you read it right -- for more details click on the ram which is looking around for a "companion!" Use return feature on browser to come back here.
- More "untempered mortar" messages coming in the future on a regular basis! Lots of people out there building with "untempered mortar" and you will see the evidence here! Bookmark this page and keep checking back for the new additions.
The above articles give clear proof of how effective the sodomite/lesbian cartel is in the use of propaganda designed to eventually break down all resistance -- this is being countered by a web site set up by Traditional Values Coalition -- just click on the banner below.
Jesus Christ is still touching, healing, and transforming sodomites -- see the following:
- Stephen Bennett's web site at Stephen Bennett Ministries Scroll down a bit to read Stephen Bennett's testimony as to how the Lord Jesus delivered him from a gay lifestyle he had been in for a time in his younger years! There is also an audio recording available.
- SBM's statement of faith at Statement of Faith by SBM Ministries
NOTE: Use return feature on your browser to come back here.
- The Fiscal Cliff Is Not the Critical Issue -- It Is the Moral Cliff That Is!
- March for Life - Jan 23, 2012 - Washington DC
- Comparing the United States to the Ancient Roman Empire? A Much Better Comparison Is to the Ancient Israelite Kingdom of Judah! by cdh
- I Agree - Obama Did Inherit a Lot of Stuff! by cdh
- Everybody Get a Mop! by cdh
- Tootin' the Horn While Ignoring the Gashes in the Side of the Ship! by cdh
- Tyranny Follows Absolute Power, Absolutely! by Jerry A. Kane
- American Capitalism Gone with a Whimper! by Stanislav Mishin
- Making Free Speech a Crime! by Jerry A. Kane
- Where's the Outrage for the Cybersecurity Act? by Jerry A. Kane
- Ssshhh! Obama Is in Concert! by cdh
- The Obama Pimples! by cdh
- Mr. President, You Are Doomed to Fail, Unless...! by cdh
- Very Critical Suggestions for the Obama Administration Which Will Be Rejected! by cdh
- The Obama-Hitler Parallel! by Jerry A. Kane
- The Formation of the Obamanation! by cdh
- Lessons from Barney! by Jerry A. Kane
- The Decline of America! by Max Tyner
- No Amnesty for Wall Street! by Chuck Baldwin
- Hooray for Jerry Corsi! by Chuck Baldwin
- Save the Planet? How About Saving the Republic? by Chuck Baldwin
- The "Fix" Is In! by Chuck Baldwin
- Two Faiths -- Two Books -- Two Deities!!! Only One Will Prevail in the End! by cdh
- RMS Titanic and The United Methodist Church -- An Apt Comparison??? by cdh
- When Do Bad Policies Become Treasonous? by Chuck Baldwin
- Have Christians Become Dupes? by Chuck Baldwin
- The Changing Church! by Max Tyner
- Homosexuality -- Is It a Sin or Isn't It? by Ron Biggerstaff
- "Give It a Chance to Work!" by G. W. Bush - 07-01-23 by cdh
- President Bush Continues to Push America Toward a Police State! by Chuck Baldwin
- Even If Roe v. Wade Were Reversed, What Then? by cdh
- Prostitutes in the Pulpit! by Chuck Baldwin
- Brutality Will Not End with Saddam Hussein's Execution! by cdh
- Massive Terrorist Plot Foiled BUT Will They Stop the Chaos Almighty God Has Planned? by cdh
- Driving the Final Nails! by cdh
- Jerusalem Gay Pride 06! by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- Inviting God's Judgment by Pandemic Sexual Immorality! by cdh
- Illegal Immigration Is Actually Foreign Invasion! by Chuck Baldwin
- America's Leaders Selling Our Country Out From Under Us! by Chuck Baldwin
- The Sorriest Generation! by Chuck Baldwin
- Are We Witnessing The Rise Of The Fourth Reich? by Chuck Baldwin
- "Holy Priests of Twisted Info!" or ("Yes, We Have No Designer Genes") by Tom Graffagnino
- Eulogy for Betty Friedan by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- Caution! Soul Poison Hard At Work! by cdh
- Letter to a TV Station Executive About the NBC Program, Book of Daniel! by cdh
- Staring At a Severed Head Forever! by cdh
- Whoa? What's This? A Charge of Aggravated Assault Against An Unborn Child! by cdh
- It's Back to Business As Usual with No Soul Searching and No Remorse! by cdh
- God of the Storms! by cdh
- "Pappy, Help Me Build Something!" by cdh
- Is God Removing His Hand Of Protection From America? by Chuck Baldwin
- Time to Speak Out! by Max Tyner
- "Court-Jesters Gone Wild" or ("Big Daddy, Get Outta Our Face!") by Tom Graffagnino
- Doing Away with the Traditional Family! by Max Tyner
- I Share Jefferson's Intuition of Designed Abuses! by Chuck Baldwin
- An Old Salt! by cdh
- Good News! A Day Coming in Which All Politicians Will Be Removed from Office! by cdh
There will be a repeat on June 18, 2006 -- another letter to the W. PA Conference bishop about this at Can You Imagine? A Few Hundred United Methodist Pastors Absent from Their Churches on Father's Day -- June 19, 2005! by cdh
- A Response to "Why Are Christians Losing America?" -- as printed in whistleblower - April 2005 by cdh
- Even If Roe v. Wade Should Be Reversed, What Then? by cdh
- The Abandonment of Holiness and A Needed Prayer for Times Such As These! by Max Tyner
- With Republicans Like These, Who Needs Democrats? by Chuck Baldwin
- If I Starved My Dog.....? by cdh
- Nice Day for Crucifying! by Tom Graffagnino
- Forfeiting the Right to Be Called a "Civilized" Nation! by cdh
- Judgment Is Like An Impending Dam Break...A Warning Is Sounded, But Is Anybody Listening? by cdh
- "Safe Sanctuary" Problem in the United Methodist Church! by cdh
- "Bedtime Likely Stories" (An Epicurean Delight) by Tom Graffagnino
- "The Lost Boys Took the Cup" or ("Ode to homo hubris babylonus") by Tom Graffagnino
- No Loopholes! by Max Tyner
- Letter to 4 United Methodist Bishops! by cdh
- Another Nail in the United States' Coffin -- It's Called Specter! by cdh
- U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, Indignantly Denounces Those "Who Kill Innocent Men, Women, and Children!" by cdh
- Milking the Cow to the Very Last Drop! OR What to Do When You Lose Your Preacher Credentials! by cdh
- Social Security "Crisis" According to President Bush - December 16, 2004 by cdh
- I Am A Conservative Christian, And The Religious Right Scares Me, Too! by Chuck Baldwin
- "The Mosh-Pitiful Clap" or ("Sing-Along With Darwin")! by Tom Graffagnino
- What's This? Lesbianism Is OK for United Methodist Church Laity BUT Not for the Pastors! by cdh
- "Evangelicals" and Election 2004! by cdh
- Do "Free Elections" Really Make People Free? by cdh
- What Would John Jay Say Today? by Chuck Baldwin
- Have Evangelicals Abandoned Their Christian Convictions? by Chuck Baldwin
- The Embracing of Death in the Cut-throat World of Politics! by cdh
- Who Should Be President When God Judges the U.S.A? by cdh
- The Holy Spirit VS. An Unsavory Assortment of Pastors, Theologians, and Scholars! by cdh
- Politics and The Loss of Over 1,000 Military Personnel in Iraq! by cdh
- "… and nothing will hold us back." -- George W. Bush - September 2, 2004! by cdh
- "For America, the hope is there. The sun is rising. Our best days are still to come." -- John Kerry - July 29, 2004! by cdh
- John Kerry Wants the Slaughter to Continue! by cdh
- An Endless Cry for Justice and Retribution! by cdh
- It's Unconstitutional to Protect the Life of An Unborn Child --Even When It's Ready to be Born! by cdh
- Will These Ads Persuade You to Vote for John Kerry?
- Letter to Congressman John P. Murtha -- Question About His Recent Vote to Kill the Marriage Protection Act! by cdh
- Letter to PA State Senator John Wozniak -- Question About His Recent Vote to Expand Gambling in the Keystone State! by cdh
- Chuck Baldwin's V.P. Acceptance Speech at Constitution Party Convention (Parts 1 & 2)
- Letter to News Media People -- Questions About the Foci of Their Reporting, etc! by cdh
- Why Should the Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Episode Be So Shocking to Us? by cdh
- Barbaric and Heartless? But Are They Any Worse Than Those Who Commit Similar Acts in the U.S.A? by cdh
- Pennsylvania Senators Display Biased Outrage Over Brutal Execution of Nicholas Berg! by cdh
- Personal Letter to President G. W. Bush -- Questions About the Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners, etc! by cdh
- Bothered About U.S. Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners? There's Something Much Worse Than That! by cdh
- Giving God the Obscene Gesture! by cdh
- Applauding a Killing - USA Style! by cdh
- They Won't Drive Me Out, and If I Go Down, I'll Go Down Fighting to the Last Breath! OR The Alamo Revisited! by cdh
- No, Bishop Chamberlain -- Jesus Has Never Conducted a Trial and Never Will! by cdh
- Christ Lives, And So Will America, As Long As We Honor Him! by Chuck Baldwin
- Red Level Alert! Be on the Lookout! We've Been Invaded by the RE People! by cdh
- Letter to Bishop & Cabinet of W PA Annual Conference - Ref Dammann Trial, etc! by cdh
- Poetic response to the Dammann trial at "Is Just Ain't What It Was!" by Tom Graffagnino
- Just Too Busy! by Max Tyner
- Dealing from a Stacked Deck -- As Taught by Dammann Trial Participants! by cdh
- Death Knell for The United Methodist Church? OR Chew and Enjoy While You Can!! by cdh
- A "Marriage" Proposal of Another Kind Conceived in Hell! by cdh
- Let's Split the United Methodist Church! OK? by cdh
- Locked Out! by Max Tyner
- Dressing Jesus Up -- How About Those Significant Others??? by cdh
- "Behold! the Marx of Jesus..." by Tom Graffagnino
- God says, "It's an abomination!" Humans say, "No, it is not -- it's a good thing!" by cdh
- Letter to W PA United Methodist Annual Conference Delegates to GC 2004 by cdh
- "The Passion Of The Christ" Is A Must See Film! by Chuck Baldwin
- "The Passion of The Christ" -- A View from the Sticks! by cdh
- Does Homosexual Marriage Signal America's Final Undoing? by Chuck Baldwin
- In connection with Gibson's film, remember The Pharisees Are Not Quite Done! by Tom Graffagnino
- The Passion of The Christ -- Will It Bring the U.S.A. to the "Fork in the Road?" by cdh
- About That Mel Gibson Movie on the Passion of The Christ...One More Thing! by cdh
- Hollywood response to Gibson - a poetic view at "The Gospel's Triple X"! by Tom Graffagnino
- "Backwash Apostasies" by Tom Graffagnino
- "...But Gomorrah's What We Got!" by Tom Graffagnino
- Super Bowl XXXVIII and Breast Exposure -- Why All the Fuss? by cdh
- The Church of Dreamy Dreamers by Tom Graffagnino
- It Is Time Conservatives Honestly Face The Iraq War by Chuck Baldwin
- Why the Surprise? by Max Tyner
- Just Who Is It That Has God's Blessing? by Chuck Baldwin
- March for Life 2004 -- view some scenes from the March for Life and some powerful posters which were on display!
- The "Morning After" Pill: Another Republican Sponsored Disaster! by Chuck Baldwin
- Remember Your Calling! by Max Tyner
- United Methodist Church General Conference of 2004 a Battleground??? -- an appeal and a reply.
- If the United Methodist Church Goes Pro-Sodomy, What Then? by cdh
- The American Inquisition Has Begun! by Chuck Baldwin
- "Clobbered" by the Bible! by cdh
- Just Rusting Away -- "Digger's" Object Lesson About Life! by cdh
- Permanent Condition Of War Means Never-Ending Attacks Against Our Liberties! by Chuck Baldwin
- Idols in Our Home and Life! by Max Tyner
- When Preaching The Bible Is Outlawed, I'll Be An Outlaw! by Chuck Baldwin
- No Time for God! by Max Tyner
- What Happens When....? by Tom Graffagnino
- The Wasting of Your Life! by Bill Keller
- Hananiah Resurrected! by cdh
- Legislating Against God's Plan! by Max Tyner
- The Camel Is Almost In Except for a Part of His Hind Leg and His Tail! by cdh
- Sliding Toward Gomorrah! by Max Tyner
- Headed for Destruction! by Max Tyner
- Full Spectrum of Responses to Texas Sodomy Law Being Overturned!
- Hey! How About A Magazine Ad Calling on United Methodist Church Leaders to Repent? by cdh
- Is Partial Good Enough? by cdh
- Should Religious People Petition Politicians on the Gay Issue? by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- Bible Inspired America's Founding Documents! by Chuck Baldwin
- Nations Can Also Demonstrate Hypocrisy! by cdh
- United Methodist Bishops Still Concerned About Children -- That Is, Up to a Point! by cdh
- Time For Christians to Stand and Speak Out Is Long Overdue! by Max Tyner
- Saddam's Infamous "People Shredder" -- We Americans and Others Were Mortified! by cdh
- Worse Than the "Black Death" -- It's the Porno Plague! by cdh
- The Gaping Hole in Casualty Reporting! by cdh
- Homosexuality and the Holy Law by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- The Bible -- Woe to the One Who Believes It! by cdh
- Authenticity of the Bible II: The Oral Law by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- The Bible, Religion and Homosexuality! by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- Jesus Meets the "Committee!" by cdh
- Show Me and I Will Believe! by cdh
CR's Prayer Room has been "remodeled" -- see it at Circuit Rider's Prayer Room
- Reply to a Gay: Stop Hurting Homosexuals! by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- God's Family Plan by Max Tyner
- Bush's "War" with Iraq -- What's Really Going on Here? by cdh
- The Perfect Cure for Politics Is in the Works! by cdh
- Does President Bush Need Agreeable "Evangelicals" in His Presence, or an Elijah, a Micaiah, or a John the Baptist? by cdh
- Forget the Terrorists -- the 21st Century Canaanites Are a Greater Threat! by cdh
- The Theory of UnRelativity: Television and the Destruction of Family in America! by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- Other Shoe Now Drops in "Hate Crimes" Scene!
- Homeland Security and the "Terrorist" Within! by cdh
- Open Letter to Mel White and Others of Soulforce, Inc.! by cdh
- How to Grow Snipers and Other Violently Oriented People with Able Assistance from the Mass Media! by cdh
- Lot Had a Choice, But We Don't! by cdh
- 21st Century Victims of Evolution! by cdh
- A Time to Cheer or a Time to Weep? by cdh
- Were Jesus and His Cousin, John, Pharisee-phobic? by cdh
- Hypocrisy Running Amuck in Hammering the Tobacco Industry and Smokers! by cdh
- God Dressed Up in Bones, Flesh, and Blood! by cdh
- Allah, and Other Deities Slated for Elimination! by cdh
- The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and God! by cdh
- Watch Out for That Other "Jesus!" by cdh
- I Own It -- Will You Take Care of It for Me? by cdh
- Confessions of a Homophobic Person! by cdh
Dr. Joseph Goebbels Would Have Been Proud! by cdh
- Country of Faith? Yes, But in What or Whom? by cdh
- Acts of Heroism, High Profile Positions, and Family Relationships Don't Justify Abominable Immorality! by cdh
- Oh, Jerusalem! What a Surprise Is in Store for You! by cdh
- How to Become a Christian by cdh
- An Appropriate New School Prayer for Today!
- Meet Me in Heaven! by cdh
- Mr. President, We Need to Get Our Own House in Order First!
by cdh- Atrocities? Well, It Depends on Your Definition of What Is or Isn't!
by cdh- Corrupted Christianity & Corrupted Islam: A Marriage Hatched in Hell!
by cdh- What Would Happen If We Could Export Some Unique USA Cultural Distinctives to Islamic Countries? by cdh
- Trashing Sacred Gifts -- 21st Century Style! by cdh
- "But doctor, I feel good, and people say I look great!" - a parable of 21st Century church health! by cdh
- The One Call That the Church Professing the Name of Jesus Christ Refuses to Heed! by cdh
- President Bush's "Selective" War Against Terrorism! by cdh
- How to Dismantle a Culture in 3 Easy Steps! by cdh
- Harry Potter, A Master Wizard at Seducing the Young!
- When God Uses the Heathen as His "Whip!" by cdh
- A Prayer That Shook Some Politians!
- Baby Robins, Blacksnakes, Mr. McVeigh and the Mass Media Plague! by cdh
- Voice in the Wilderness: Lack of Enforcing the "Rules!"
- Survivor! by cdh
- The "Execs" -- A Parable
- Troublemakers or Advocates?
- Table Talk! by cdh
- About This Dialog Thing...! by cdh
- What About Those GLBT "brothers and sisters?" by cdh
- OK - If We Accept the One, Why Not the Others? by cdh
- Lesson in Compromise! by cdh
- Jesus is.....!
Homosexuality Is Not a Civil Right!
- More "tempered mortar" messages to come in the future!
- March for Life 2015
- March for Life 2014
- Whoa? What's This? A Charge of Aggravated Assault Against An Unborn Child! by cdh
- Even If Roe v. Wade Should Be Reversed, What Then? by cdh
- If I Starved My Dog.....? by cdh
- Forfeiting the Right to Be Called a "Civilized" Nation! by cdh
- March for Life 2006
- Letter to 4 United Methodist Bishops! by cdh
- "...even the unwanted have worth." - G. Bush - 05/01/20!
- March for Life 2005 - January 24, 2005
- Another Nail in the United States' Coffin -- It's Called Specter! by cdh
- U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, Indignantly Denounces Those "Who Kill Innocent Men, Women, and Children!" by cdh
- The Embracing of Death in the Cut-throat World of Politics! by cdh
- Politics and The Loss of Over 1,000 Military Personnel in Iraq! by cdh
- John Kerry Wants the Slaughter to Continue! by cdh
- An Endless Cry for Justice and Retribution! by cdh
- It's Unconstitutional to Protect the Life of An Unborn Child --Even When It's Ready to be Born! by cdh
- Giving God the Obscene Gesture! by cdh
- Applauding a Killing - USA Style! by cdh
- March for Life 2004 -- view some scenes from the March for Life and some powerful posters which were on display!
- Is Partial Good Enough? by cdh
- United Methodist Bishops Still Concerned About Children -- That Is, Up to a Point! by cdh
- Murder! Now You See It -- Now You Don't! by cdh
- The Gaping Hole in Casualty Reporting! by cdh
- Congress Could Overturn Roe v Wade Anytime It Wanted To by Chuck Baldwin
- Missing: Millions of Contributors Who Could Have Made a Significant Difference! by cdh
- You Are Building Your Dream Home -- I Tear It Down -- Now What? by cdh
- Abortions Outpace Adoption 80 to 1 at Planned Parenthood!
- Planned Parenthood Does Its Part to Increase Abortions in Pennsylvania!
- By the Way, Did You Know??? by cdh
- What Churches Can Do to Be a Meaningful Witness Against the Evil of Abortion
- USA on Judgment Schedule! by cdh
- Pro-RU 486 Ads Overlook Risks and Dangers!
- So, Simple, Yet So Profound! Or What Is or Isn't Human? by cdh
- Living Proof: Life Begins at Fertilization!
- Baby Body Parts for Sale!
- U.S. House Passes Unborn Victims of Violence Act!
- For more related subjects on this issue go to The USA's Culture of Violence & Death!
- March for Life 2009
- March for Life 2008
- March for Life 2007
- March for Life 2003
- Massive Terrorist Plot Foiled BUT Will They Stop the Chaos Almighty God Has Planned? by cdh
- Forget the Terrorists -- the 21st Century Canaanites Are a Greater Threat! by cdh
- Homeland Security and the "Terrorist" Within! by cdh
- A Pilot's Editorial--You Worry Me!
- Please Keep The Candle Going.....
- The Real Terrorists! by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- September 11: What Changed? by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- An Old Marine Offers Advice on the Legacy of 9/11!
- War on Terrorism Abroad - Support for Islam at Home! by Chuck Baldwin
- Why People Become Terrorists by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- Mr. President, We Need to Get Our Own House in Order First! by cdh
- Corrupted Christianity & Corrupted Islam: A Marriage Hatched in Hell! by cdh
- Hold It, Mr. President -- About That Statement, "We respect life." by cdh
- bin Laden Videotape Transcript Released on 01-12-13
- Response to a Columnist's Diatribe on Ministers' Comments About Terrorists' Attacks! by cdh
- Statement of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the Government Reform Committee on September 20, 2001
- A Military Historian Looks at the September 11th Terrorist Attack on USA!
- President Bush's Address to Congress & Nation on September 20, 2001
- A Prayer for National Healing
- A National Rage Against Violence, BUT Not Always! by cdh
- The Real Truth About Our National Tragedy!
- President Bush's Remarks at September 14th Prayer Service
- National Day of Prayer and Remembrance Proclamation - September 14, 2001
- September 11, 2001 -- Shades of Pearl Harbor! by cdh
- Wanted: Preferably Alive!
- Mr. bin Laden Invited to Experience Other Fine Products from Boeing!
- Ssshhh! Obama Is in Concert! by cdh
- The Obama Pimples! by cdh
- Mr. President, You Are Doomed to Fail, Unless...! by cdh
- Very Critical Suggestions for the Obama Administration Which Will Be Rejected! by cdh
- The Obama-Hitler Parallel! by Jerry A. Kane
- The Formation of the Obamanation! by cdh
- The "Fix" Is In! by Chuck Baldwin
- When Do Bad Policies Become Treasonous? by Chuck Baldwin
- Massive Terrorist Plot Foiled BUT Will They Stop the Chaos Almighty God Has Planned? by cdh
- Good News! A Day Coming in Which All Politicians Will Be Removed from Office! by cdh
- Jubilation Time in Pennsylvania! Jubelirer and Others Booted out of Office! Pay Raise Pay Back Time! by cdh
- Illegal Immigration Is Actually Foreign Invasion! by Chuck Baldwin
- America's Leaders Selling Our Country Out From Under Us! by Chuck Baldwin
- Are We Witnessing The Rise Of The Fourth Reich? by Chuck Baldwin
- GOP Terrorizing Constitution! by Chuck Baldwin
- Forget Political Labels: They Mean Nothing! by Chuck Baldwin
- The Era of Big Government Is Back! by Chuck Baldwin
- "...even the unwanted have worth." - G. Bush - 05/01/20! by cdh
- Another Nail in the United States' Coffin -- It's Called Specter! by cdh
- U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, Indignantly Denounces Those "Who Kill Innocent Men, Women, and Children!" by cdh
- Social Security "Crisis" According to President Bush - December 16, 2004 by cdh
- "Evangelicals" and Election 2004! by cdh
- Do "Free Elections" Really Make People Free? by cdh
- What Would John Jay Say Today? by Chuck Baldwin
- Have Evangelicals Abandoned Their Christian Convictions? by Chuck Baldwin
- The Embracing of Death in the Cut-throat World of Politics! by cdh
- Who Should Be President When God Judges the U.S.A? by cdh
- Politics and The Loss of Over 1,000 Military Personnel in Iraq! by cdh
- "… and nothing will hold us back." -- George W. Bush - September 2, 2004! by cdh
- "For America, the hope is there. The sun is rising. Our best days are still to come." -- John Kerry - July 29, 2004! by cdh
- John Kerry Wants the Slaughter to Continue! by cdh
- Will These Ads Persuade You to Vote for John Kerry?
- Letter to Congressman John P. Murtha -- Question About His Recent Vote to Kill the Marriage Protection Act! by cdh
- Letter to PA State Senator John Wozniak -- Question About His Recent Vote to Expand Gambling in the Keystone State! by cdh
- Chuck Baldwin's V.P. Acceptance Speech at Constitution Party Convention (Parts 1 & 2)
- Pennsylvania Senators Display Biased Outrage Over Brutal Execution of Nicholas Berg! by cdh
- Personal Letter to President G. W. Bush -- Questions About the Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners, etc! by cdh
- Bothered About U.S. Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners? There's Something Much Worse Than That! by cdh
- Republican Party Is Outspending Democrats! by Chuck Baldwin
- GOP Is Now The "Fraternal Twin" Of Socialist Democrats! by Chuck Baldwin
- I'll Take The Word Of God Over The Word Of G.W. Bush! by Chuck Baldwin
- Is President Bush Really "One Of Us?" by Chuck Baldwin
- Finally, The Real Reason We Invaded Iraq Has Been Revealed! by Chuck Baldwin
- Operation U.S.A. Freedom! by cdh
- Both Parties Are Weighed In Balance And Found Lying by Chuck Baldwin
- Trading A Constitutional Republic For Big Brother! by Chuck Baldwin
- Choosing Between Republicans And Democrats Is Like Choosing Between Pharisees and Sadducees! by Chuck Baldwin
- Bush Blunders Are Hard To Keep Pace With! by Chuck Baldwin
- Thoughts on the Iraqi War by Rabbi David Eidensohn
- "Conservatives" Intoxicated With Big Government by Chuck Baldwin
- Pointing the Finger at Saddam OR A Case of the Pot Calling the Kettle Black! by cdh
- Bush's "War" with Iraq -- What's Really Going on Here? by cdh
- The Perfect Cure for Politics Is in the Works! by cdh
- President Bush Failing to Factor in the Keystone for Homeland Security! by cdh
- Weapons of Mass Destruction? Why Does Bush Not Include ALL of Them? by cdh
- Fear Inc. The Peace and Safety Company! by Paul Proctor
- Bush Leaves in Place Clinton ‘Domestic Partners’ Policy at State, ‘Gay’ Paper Reports!
- Saudi Government-Controlled Daily Praises Passover and Jerusalem Supermarket Suicide Bombers! BTW! Aren't the Saudis favored buddies of G. W. Bush & Co.?????
- Gay Republicans Assemble for Convention!
- Bush Miscues, Misfires, and Miscalculations! by cdh
- Hatred for Christmas As Demonstrated in the United States of America! by cdh
- Yes, Virginia, There Is An Attack on Christmas! by Max Tyner
- I'm on a "Merry Christmas" Mission! by Debbie Daniel
- Dam Beavers! Only in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania! - A touch of humor here!
- I.C.E. Has Formed!
- Are We Really Prepared to Face What the Piranha Media Will Throw At Us? by cdh
- CDH's United Methodist Bishops "Project" for 2003! -- and now the project continues until ??
- The Prestigious Stella Awards!
- I Saw a Rainbow! by cdh
- Doing Business with Arab Terrorists Rather Than Even One Jew!
- Face Off! Rosie O'Donnell Enters Bill O'Reilly's "No Spin Zone!" by cdh
- Understanding the Enron Mess in Laymen's Language!
- In Response to My Critics!
by cdh
- Don't Blame Us Seniors!
- The Ten Commandments Revisited!
- The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators 2001 -- you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the chapters, which then can be saved on your hard drive or on disk for future reference. The free Adobe program can be downloaded from that area where the files are located.
- Mainstream Media Qualify for Hypocrites Hall of Shame Award -- Again!
- Can Bush Undo the Clinton/Gore Avalanche? by cdh
- A Democracy or A Republic - Which? NOTE: It seems a majority, including many politicians, say that the United States is a democracy -- want to reconsider that judgment error? This one is not easy reading, but it spells out the proper identity as to what this country is! Copy this and print it out -- then slowly ponder what is contained therein
- More miscellaneous items coming in the future
- UMC Judicial Council revisits language of earlier decision!
- Violence in all forms 'contrary to God's purpose,' UMC bishops say
- Court gives clarity in dealing with gay pastors, bishop says
- Call to Declare an HIV/AIDS State of Emergency!
- Bush Administration Should Address Environmental Health of Children!
- UMC Bishops Oppose U.S. Missle Defense Plan, plus a bunch of other "pronouncements".....
- Bishop Urges Conservatives and Liberals to Work Together
- Sikh-born Methodist leader criticizes Christian 'isolationism'
- Commentary: WWJD about the death penalty?
- Ooops! Couldn't resist a response to the above WWJD commentary -- you can see it at Uh, a few questions about WWJD and that death penalty matter! by cdh
- More "iffys" to come IF the material qualifies!
Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: "Because you have spoken nonsense and envisioned lies, therefore I am indeed against you," says the Lord GOD. "My hand will be against the prophets who envision futility and who divine lies; they shall not be in the assembly of My people, nor be written in the record of the house of Israel, nor shall they enter into the land of Israel. Then you shall know that I am the Lord GOD. Because, indeed, because they have seduced My people, saying, 'Peace!' when there is no peace; and one builds a boundary wall, and they plaster it with untempered mortar; say to those who plaster it with untempered mortar, that it will fall. There will be flooding rain, and you, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall tear it down.Surely, when the wall has fallen, will it not be said to you, 'Where is the mortar with which you plastered it?'" Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: "I will cause a stormy wind to break forth in My fury; and there shall be a flooding rain in My anger, and great hailstones in fury to consume it. So I will break down the wall you have plastered with untempered mortar, and bring it down to the ground, so that its foundation will be uncovered; it will fall, and you shall be consumed in the midst of it. Then you shall know that I am the LORD."
Ezekiel 13:8-14 (NKJV)
"Make a chain...." (Ezekiel 7:23 NKJV)
For some who may not have thought through the wall statements as referred to in the prophet Ezekiel there may be a temptation to resort to rhetoric such as "We are not to build walls because that separates us..." and "We are to build bridges, not walls!" etc.The wall symbols used in Ezekiel obviously are not referring to the issue of separation as applied to people being separated from one another, but rather a culture building a "wall" of security, peace, well-being, hope and all those conditions which are experienced when a united people agree to make the pursuit and accomplishment of God's will and purpose its primary objective! A "wall" built with the "untempered mortar" of defiance, self-centeredness, immorality, dishonesty, greed, and vulgarity is doomed to eventual collapse! Such a wall does in a sense speak of a kind of tragic separation -- a separation from God along with the attending blessings and benefits He bestows upon an obedient people! (For additional information on this issue, examine Isaiah 59)
"Untempered Mortar" Messages
"Tempered Mortar" Messages
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Compiled by Clayton D. Harriger, beginning 00-12-09