Hello there -- Theo, CR's administrative assistant, here! United Methodist pastor, Karen Damman, was tried in a United Methodist Church trial last March (2004) on basis of being a practicing lesbian. Karen was found "not guilty!" As some may recall this stirred the pot more than a little bit! Now the focus of lesbian pastors in the UMC moves to the Eastern Pennyslvania Conference to one named Beth Stroud who is an associate pastor at the First United Methodist Church of Germantown located in Philadelphia PA. How interesting that since she "came out" she has been in what is described as "a process of supervision and consultation with Bishop Peter Weaver for the past year." Pete was a pastor in the Western PA Annual Conference before being elevated up the ecclesiastical ladder to the position of bishop.
See details of a news release below as this drama is soon to unfold. Look for "big guns" to be called in as was done for Karen Damman -- one being Jack Tuell, the "convert" to the full acceptance of sodomy and lesbianism as being morally acceptable! You can read of his "conversion" at UMC Episcopal Endorsement of Same Gender Coupling! In addition to Jack, there are other UMC bishops who place their imprimatur on sodomy and lesbianism!
Also, there are links to obtain more information about the Beth mess!
Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference Committee on Investigations to Meet with the Rev. Beth Stroud July 23 The Rev. Beth Stroud is the associate pastor at First United Methodist of Germantown (FUMCOG) [First United Methodist Church of Germantown PA]. She has chosen to be open about her life as a lesbian in a covenant relationship with a partner.
As a result of her decision, Beth has been involved in a process of supervision and consultation with Bishop Peter Weaver for the past year. That process has now moved into a judicial phase, with a hearing by the Committee on Investigation scheduled for July 23. The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether there is enough evidence, under current church law, to send Beth's case to a church trial. Such a trial could result in Beth losing her credentials as an ordained United Methodist minister.
More information about this case is at: Beth Stroud Information
Several documents are at: Beth Stroud Case
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