Hello there -- Theo, CR's administrative assistant, here! Below is a report on one magazine which is doing much to advance the sodomite/lesbian agenda -- it is all supposedly "Bible centered" but as you can note on examination, these people cannot come up with one direct positive quote which identifies and gives sanction to the practice of sodomy and lesbianism. In addition there is the real "mind stretcher" that Jesus gave approval to all committed loving relationships! Well, read for yourself and see!
Ooops! Wait for just a moment, read and ponder the following statement written by a rather knowledgable person:
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! -- Isaiah 5:20 (NKJV)
Friday, June 18, 2004
Magazine for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Christians Marks 8 Years as Spiritual Pacesetter(Sumter, SC) -- From gay bishops to gay marriage, the issue of homosexuality and religion increasingly dominate the news. This month, Whosoever Magazine [Whosoever Magazine] celebrates eight years on the cutting edge of these issues. "Whosoever" is the first and only online magazine providing inspiration, guidance and information for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) Christians.
"When I founded 'Whosoever' in 1996, our first issue was on same-sex marriage," recalls founder and editor Rev. Candace Chellew-Hodge, a former journalist, now an ordained minister. "We were way ahead of our time even then and we are still setting the pace in issues of importance to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people of faith."
Featuring interviews with such community leaders as Bishop John Shelby Spong, John J. McNeil, Philip Yancey and others, "Whosoever" provides unique insights into GLBT spirituality. The magazine explores many topics of faith from the GLBT perspective including grace, spiritual self-defense, loving one's enemies and living a life of integrity.
"Despite our scholarly look at virtually every area of spiritual life, the most popular part of Whosoever.org is the Bible and homosexuality section that covers the passages most often used to condemn homosexuals," Chellew-Hodge points out. "Our community has made incredible advances in the last eight years, but many Christians are still struggling with the scripture and how to reconcile their spirituality and sexuality."
The good news proclaimed by "Whosoever" is that the Bible holds no condemnation for GLBT persons.
"Certainly the Bible speaks negatively of same-sex rape, pagan temple practices and promiscuity," explains Chellew-Hodge. "But, the Bible never condemns loving, committed gay or lesbian relationships. Instead, the Bible reveals Jesus' message of grace for all people."
Chellew-Hodge founded the magazine after despairing over the scarcity of resources for GLBT Christians and the continued condemnation of the GLBT community by other Christian publications.
"I couldn't make it through an issue of any popular Christian magazine without reading something that bashed homosexuals," she exclaims. "Our community needed a magazine dedicated to GLBT Christians' unique spiritual needs."
To meet those needs, "Whosoever" publishes a diverse collection of community voices.
"I've read articles in 'Whosoever' that I would never have published because I so strongly disagreed with it, but Candace has the courage to put it out there. That's the main reason I recommend the site to people," says reader and contributing writer Neil Ellis Orts of Houston, Texas. "They'll find things they agree with, things they won't, things to give them comfort, things to unsettle them."
To Chellew-Hodge, the real miracle of "Whosoever" is the generosity of its contributing writers and supporters. The magazine has no paid staff. All writers, including Chellew-Hodge, volunteer their time and talents. "Whosoever" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and contributions from readers and supporters help cover the costs of keeping the magazine online.
"Each person contributes because they want to help GLBT people realize that God loves them just as they are," Chellew-Hodge says.
After eight years, the message seems to be getting through. On average, Whosoever.org receives half a million visits each year.
"Whosoever.org is an oasis of spirituality that is inclusive, open, and welcoming to all people," said Adam DeBaugh Director of Chi Rho Press in Gaithersburg, Maryland. "Whosoever embodies all that is good about our faith as Christians. It never fails to inspire and empower."
Contact: Candace Chellew-Hodge, (803) 491-5116, or
Editor Whosoever.org
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