Clayton D. Harriger UPDATE > May 6, 2022 > The daily rate of abortions is now under 3,000 per day - the number has lessened with the toll now being nearly 64 million unborn children
violently murdered since January 1973. Those are only the number of abortions reported. What isn't reported are the number of abortions taking place in the privancy
of the home! Pregnant females can now obtain two pills which are taken a few days apart which will bring about an abortion in the early weeks of pregnancy! Some have
described this as likened to a heavy menstrual period with more severe cramps. These are not reported, but it is assumed that many are using these as it does not
involve surgery and of course, much cheaper financially!
Hello! Theo here to let you know that CR sent this letter out to some local newspapers and some denominational publications as well.
In his communication to the denominational ones he mentions that he will probably be labeled a "bad guy" or something worse for even raising the issue, but time
will tell whether the premise upon which this is based is correct or otherwise. As always, CR attempts to bear in mind that God will make the final judgment call
on all human activities, including those of CR, perhaps to the disappointment of some other humans!
Monday, September 24, 2001
Could it be that the United States is embarking on a path identical to that of Samson of Old Testament fame? Samson was known for his supernatural strength and miraculous feats of accomplishment during his tenure as a leader of the ancient Israelites. But Samson also had a problem with his ethical and moral standards and this ultimately had a very negative impact on his relationship with God.
Many references to God have been uttered as the "strong" United States attempts to react and respond to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. We have seen a revival of patriotism and a coming together of political and religious leaders on a scale not witnessed since the WW II era!
But there has been a very critical element missing in all the activities taking place in the days since September 11th. We've had rallies, flag waving displays, community gatherings, special prayer services, constant singing of "God Bless America," reminders from leaders that we are united and strong, and we shall rid the world of the scourge of terrorism! But in all this where is real and genuine remorse coupled with a desire to repent of our massive offenses against God which have taken place over recent decades in particular?
We are a nation which has judicially ruled that the practice of praying to God and reading His Word are not permissible in certain places -- "separation of church and state" they say, and essentially we have thumbed our nose at God by such antics. But now we are supposed to cry out to God for help in a crisis!
We have been outraged at the violence which took a few thousand lives on September 11th but there is no similar outrage at the
activities of "terrorists" of another kind who have invaded the peaceful sanctuary of the human womb and violently destroyed children whom God was forming for a
very high and wonderful purpose! This has been going on for nearly three decades and has resulted in a grisly toll of at least 40 million unborn children. And yet
we are to call on God at a time such as this because of the violence taking place on one solitary day in the life of our nation, while violence of a different kind
has snuffed out the lives of nearly 4,000 on a daily basis since January of 1973!
We cannot even get 50 percent of our population into places of worship on the day set aside for the expression of love, devotion, and appreciation to our Creator. We have chosen rather to turn Sunday into a day of commercialization, fun, and games! And now in crisis we are supposed to wave our flags, sing "God Bless America," and call out to God for help!
At one point Samson was told by the scheming Delilah, "The Philistines are going to get you, Samson!" To which Samson replied, "I'll shake myself, go out and defeat them just as I did before!" The Scripture notes that he did not realize that God had departed from him. The result was a tragic defeat and a painful time of humiliation before he became humble and sincerely repented of his transgressions against a holy God.
Will this nation which professes to be "one nation under God," but is far from that, also learn the hard way as did Samson? At this point in time there is no hard evidence that there is nation wide regret wherein we have accumulated a host of idols, become proud and self reliant, and extensively rejected the laws and principles by which a nation of people rightly relates to God in order to be blessed and preserved by Him!
Retired Elder in Full Connection
W PA Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
and former pastor of
Gipsy Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Gipsy PA
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Email: cdharriger@comcast.net