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Take a Leap of Faith with Alvin!
Ramblings from the Pen of a Maverick Who Wears a Mickey Mouse Watch!

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Meet the Circuit Rider - CDH!
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Jean's Photo Album
Jean's Recipe Box
Jean's Place

Adventures in Faith's Journey on Earth!
CR's Prayer Boot Camp!
CR's Class on Dominoes!
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Prayer Room
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Challenges, Comments & Controversy!
Worse Than the "Black Death" -- It's the Porno Plague!
Operation U.S.A. Freedom!
The Gaping Hole in Casualty Reporting!
USA's "Liberation" Crusade -- What Country Is Next in Line?
Pointing the Finger at Saddam OR A Case of the Pot Calling the Kettle Black!
Are We Really Prepared to Face What the Piranha Media Will Throw At Us?
The Bible -- Woe to the One Who Believes It!
How to Become a Christian!
An Appropriate New School Prayer for Today!
Meet Me in Heaven!
USA on Judgment Schedule!
What Can I Do?
Popular Deities of American Culture!
Building Walls with Untempered OR
Tempered Mortar?
A Solemn Call to Repent!
Circuit Rider's Cauldron!
Circuit Rider's Reflections!
CR's Shooting Range!
CR's Bare Knuckle Arena!
Hypocrites' Hall of Shame!
I Choose to Abstain!
CR's Letter Cache #1
CR's Letter Cache #2
Theo's "Special Place!"
A Million Moms Marching!
CR's Gun Cabinet!
Compassion for Children!
USA gods - Pantheon One!
USA gods - Pantheon Two!
USA gods - Pantheon Three!
CR's Archive Center

The USA's Culture of Violence & Death!
March for Life 2003
How to Grow Snipers...!
Missing: Millions of Contributors...!
You Are Building Your Dream Home -- I Tear It Down -- Now What?
By the Way, Did You Know???
What Churches Can Do to Be a Meaningful Witness Against the Evil of Abortion
Atrocities? Well, It Depends on Your Definition of What Is or Isn't!
Portrayal of U.S.A's Hidden Horrors!
March for Life 2002
United States Holocaust Gallery!
Justice Denied!
RU-486 - The Final Nail?
Baby Parts for Sale!
March for Life 2001
Pics & Comments
Human Life Is Sacred!
Fighting for Your Life!
Justice for All?
A Nurse's Testimony!
Why So Heavy on the Abortion Issue Anyway?
A Gun Didn't Kill Me!
Dr. "Gum Chewer" at Work!
Death Penalty & WWJD?
Concern for Children - Drawing a Line at the Womb!
A Bishop Protests Executions!

The Wonderful World of Politics!
Bush's "War" with Iraq -- What's Really Going on Here?
The Perfect Cure for Politics Is in the Works!
Weapons of Mass Destruction? Why Does Bush Not Include ALL of Them?
President Bush Failing to Factor in the Keystone for Homeland Security!
A Country of Faith? Yes, But in What or Whom?
Mr. President, We Need to Get Our Own House in Order First!
By the Way, Did You Know???
Bush Miscues, Misfires, and Miscalculations!
The Bush League!
Presidential Inheritance!
Can the Clinton/Gore Avalanche Be Overcome?
Is Bush a Josiah in Modern Garb?
Sweet Memories of Election 2000
Practice Voting on a Newly Designed Ballot!
1600 PA Avenue - The Clinton Era!
At the Arkansas Border - A Fitting Sign!
Slick Willie Archives!
Vintage Clinton!
Bill Clinton as Role Model!
Raw Politics!
Your Mis-Government in Word & Deed!
Mrs. Will on the Hill!
The HillBilly god!

United Methodist Church Related Areas
Dealing from a Stacked Deck -- As Taught by Dammann Trial Participants!
Death Knell for The United Methodist Church? OR Chew and Enjoy While You Can!!
A "Marriage" Proposal of Another Kind Conceived in Hell!
Let's Split the United Methodist Church! OK?
A Potpourri of Stuff Related to the Karen Dammann Trial
Hey, We're OK! Get on Those Tuxedos & Gowns and Let's Party!
Questions to a UM Crusading to Abolish Death Penalty!
A Resolution to Prepare for the UMC GC2004!
If the United Methodist Church Goes Pro-Sodomy, What Then?
United Methodist Bishops Still Concerned About Children -- That Is, Up to a Point!
CDH's United Methodist Bishops "Project" for 2004!
Ooops! A Major Fumble in the UMC's Igniting Ministry Campaign!
UMC Bishops Speak (with photo to match!)
A Mainline Called The
United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Connection
A House Div\/ided!
Peek Behind the Scenes #1!
Peek Behind the Scenes #2!
The UMC's Creech Caper!
Drawing Lines in the Sand!
UMC's Version of Energizer Bunny!
Future UMC News!
No Same Gender Coupling!
Cross & Flame Controversy!
Make Sure Those Apportionments Are Paid!
About That Dialog Thing..!
W Pa Conf. Lesson in Compromise!
Response to Lesson in Compromise!
Episcopal Endorsement of Same Gender Coupling!
Flushed Out into the Open!
New England Declaration!
Polling All United Methodists!
We Refuse to Change!
Letter to Bishop X
Questions to a UM Crusading to Abolish Death Penalty!
Questions to a Bishop Protesting Executions!
Justice Denied!

Musings, Ramblings, and Detonations!
Jesus Meets the "Committee!"
Show Me and I Will Believe!
Forget the Terrorists -- the 21st Century Canaanites Are a Greater Threat!
Homeland Security and the "Terrorist" Within!
Open Letter to Mel White and Others of Soulforce, Inc.!
How to Grow Snipers...!
Lot Had a Choice, But We Don't!
21st Century Victims of Evolution!
A Time to Cheer or a Time to Weep?
Were Jesus and His Cousin, John, Pharisee-Phobic?
Hypocrisy Running Amuck in Hammering the Tobacco Industry and Smokers!
God Dressed Up in Bones, Flesh, and Blood!
Allah, and Other Deities Slated for Elimination!
The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and God!
Watch Out for That Other "Jesus!"
I Own It -- Will You Take Care of It for Me?
Confessions of a Homophobic Person!
A Country of Faith? Yes, But in What or Whom?
Acts of Heroism, High Profile Positions, and Family Relationships Don't Justify Abominable Immorality!
Face Off! Rosie O'Donnell Enters Bill O'Reilly's "No Spin Zone!"
Oh, Jerusalem! What a Surprise Is in Store for You!
God Bless America? Really Now, Why Should He?
Meet Me in Heaven!
Mr. President, We Need to Get Our Own House in Order First!
By the Way, Did You Know???
What Churches Can Do to Be a Meaningful Witness Against the Evil of Abortion
Atrocities? Well, It Depends on Your Definition of What Is or Isn't!
Corrupted Christianity & Corrupted Islam: A Marriage Hatched in Hell
USA on Judgment Schedule!
Ooops! A Major Fumble in the UMC's Igniting Ministry Campaign!
Bush Miscues, Misfires, and Miscalculations!
In Response to My Critics!
What Would Happen If...?
Harry Potter, A Master Wizard at Seducing the Young!
President Bush's "Selective" War Against Terrorism!
When God Uses the Heathen As His "Whip!"
Hold It, Mr. President -- About That Statement, "We respect life."
Trashing Sacred Gifts -- 21st Century Style!
The One Call That the Church Professing the Name of Jesus Christ Refuses to Heed!
Mr. bin Laden Invited to Experience Other Fine Products from Boeing!
Response to a Columnist's Diatribe on Ministers' Comments About Terrorists' Attacks!
Is the United States Going Down the Same Path as Samson?
"But doctor, I feel good and people say I look great!
A National Rage Against Violence, BUT Not Always!
September 11, 2001 --
Shades of Pearl Harbor!
Hey, We're OK! Get on Those Tuxedos & Gowns and Let's Party!
Dr. Joseph Goebbels Would Have Been Proud!
How to Dismantle a Culture in 3 Easy Steps!
So Simple, Yet So Profound!
OR What Is or Isn't Human?
Baby Robins, Blacksnakes, Mr. McVeigh and the Mass Media Plague!
Lots of "Religious Talk" -- But Where Is the Action?
Reminders When Mansion Shopping!
Table Talk!
Response to a W. PA Conf. BOOM Member!
Many Professions Are in Need of New Degrees!
OK - If We Accept the One, Why Not the Others?
What About Those GLBT "brothers and sisters?"
About This Dialog Thing..!
Lesson in Compromise!
Why So Few Clergy Support Annual March for Life in DC!
Is George Bush a Josiah in Modern Garb Perhaps?
A Resolution to Prepare for the UMC GC2004!
Ripe for Judgment???
Imploding Our Culture by Destroying the Young!
Comparing Abortionists to Nazis - Ooooh! Naughty! Naughty!
The Caste System Nobody Dares to Mention!
Good News in Spite of Mainstreamis Media-itis!
Main Stream Media People Often Wear Two Faces!
A Columnist's Hang-Up with a Two Faced President!

The Miscellaneous Area
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Circuit Rider's Trophy Room!
Circuit Rider's Sources!
CR's Newspaper, Book, Mag, & Potpourri Shoppe!
Circuit Rider's Closet!

Other Web Sites Maintained by CR (alias C. D. Harriger)
If visiting any of these, use reverse on browser to return here.
Cherry Run Camp Meeting
Mission Utility Vehicles, Inc.
Gipsy Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Clarion High School - Class of '50
Sligo High School Alumni Site
Sedgwick Family Reunion

Return to CR's Range (Main Area) Where It All Begins!
Ramblings from the Pen of a Maverick....
Circuit Rider's Leap of Faith!
Bird's Eye View of CR's Range
What's New at CR's Range?
How to Become a Christian!

For comments, complaints, or just plain axe-grinding, contact C. D. Harriger by clicking on Penelope, efficient mail hostess of Circuit Rider's Range, and she will set up the email form for you to fill out and send on its way

Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Clayton D. Harriger