The abortion industry has spawned another very lucrative enterprise -- it's the baby parts business! To some of us, the intentional homicides of thousands of unborn children each week is an abomination due to the fact that God has revealed that He is involved in the formation of a conceived child in the womb (Note Jeremiah 1:3,4 and Psalm 139). Further, God regards the "shedding of innocent blood" to be an abomination which is what abortion really is! But the "harvesting" of parts of aborted unborn children simply intensifies the abominable practice of abortion!Here are some links you can view which provide unmistakable evidence that some are not content with making big bucks from doing abortions, but fatten their wallets further by selling some of the parts of the unborn children who were murdered before birth!
Take a look at Planned Parenthood Testimony On Selling Baby Parts Unsealed, New Videos Released
Take a further look at Never Forget: Planned Parenthood Was Caught Selling Baby Parts
Keep going - that is, if your stomach is still reasonably intact! See Planned Parenthood Execs Admit to Selling Fetal Baby Parts Under Oath
Millions of unborn children have been intentionally murdered all over
the world over time and the United States has contributed tens of millions
to the total - see latest tally at Number of Abortions
As Detective Columbo would say, "There's just one more thing!" Planned Parenthood has now jumped into another big money making business! If you dare, go to EXCLUSIVE: After Specializing in Abortions and Baby Body Part Sales, Planned Parenthood Now Raking in Dollars in Transgender Services
Pictures of the new venture of Planned Parenthood. Joe becomes Jane!
Ramblings from the Pen of a Maverick Who Wears a Mickey Mouse Watch!
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