Ramblings from the Pen of a Maverick Who Wears a
Mickey Mouse Watch!
UPDATE > November 23, 2022 This is a large collection that has been compiled since the launching of Circuit Riders Range in 1998! I have attempted to update a number of areas but still have a long ways to go. Plus I am also adding new pages from time to time. But even if you venture into an area that has not been updated, the basic message should be clear. If at any time you have questions, you can email me at my comcast email address given at the bottom of each page. In some cases the email may be hotmail.com, which I still have, but I prefer to use comcast email. Also, if you want to share a link from this area or another area of the web site, feel free to do so. You do not have to ask permission. Thanks for any help you can give in this ministry and witness. cdh
It's about the most assumed experience ever!
Didn't you know? Assuming oneself to be a Christian!
Just WHAT does one do to become a Christian?
Yes, something is required by way of action....
See what at How to Become a Christian
Never forget, Christians are born, not people who have a "make-over!"
Certain areas of Circuit Rider's Range contain graphic images of the mutilation and murder of unborn children. This is not suitable viewing for young children or youth. Although honesty dictates that the little tykes are exposed to more graphic blood & guts violence produced by the Hollywood, TV, and gaming industries than what would be very rarely, if ever, viewed by them here!The comments on this web site concerning the abortion issue are rooted in Bible based revelation on human life and its Divine purpose (See Jeremiah 1:4,5, Psalm 139, and Ephesians 1:3-5) and so stated by the owner of the web site, Clayton D. Harriger.
Comments relative to this issue of abortion do not reflect the official position of the United Methodist Church, nor of the Western PA Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church where Clayton D. Harriger is an ordained elder in full connection and where his ministerial credentials are on record.
The stated "green light" position of the United Methodist Church on abortion is found in its Book of Discipline in the section on Social Principles.
See a kind of follow up and comment or two about the above at A Quick Look At the United States' Massacre Tally! -- scroll down a bit until you come across mention of a United Methodist Bishop and the tally since he or she became a bishop! In fact, this has been updated to include all other active United Methodist bishops and the massacre tally dating from the year they became bishops. Included also is a copy of a personal letter sent to each of the bishops on an ongoing basis. Full explanation about all this and who all is receiving letters is at that area. BTW, whom all have you contacted lately about the ethical, moral, and spiritual whirlpool that is sucking this republic down to disaster?
Hello there! Theo, Administrative Assistant at CR's Range, here to let you in on a new happening at Circuit Rider's Range -- my boss,CR (alias C. D. Harriger, native to the Clarion, PA area), now has a BLOG! It's been launched at
Musings of a Maverick
So we invite you to come, take a look, and feel free to leave your comments -- don't worry, my boss can handle anything you write, whether it falls into the "Amen!" category or the "##%%@**#%%!!" category -- he's heard all varieties of the latter kind over the years since this site was launched!
Recent additions to the Maverick's Blog include:
- Claw Marks on the Ark!
- Three Questions for Christians to Think and Pray About!
- Letter to PA Governor Josh Shapiro on February 18, 2023
- Letter Sent to Editors of Newspapers on February 9, 2023
- Letter to a Number of Newspapers > August 2022
- C. D. Harriger's Reply to President Biden's Reply - June 2022!
- Reply from President Joe Biden - May 2022!
- Letter to Gov. Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania - April 2022!
- Letter to President Biden & VP Harris on April 26, 2022!
- Letter to President Biden & VP Harris on April 15, 2021!
- Letter to Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Schumer!
- Letter to All Members of the United States Congress!
- Response to Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi's Letter on George Floyd's Death and Racism!
- Whom Will You Listen to? Jesus or a U.M. Bishop? It Cannot Be Both at the Same Time!
- Letter #6 Sent to Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and Members of the Cabinet
- You Really Don't Want Anything to Do with the god of Progressive Christianity, Do You?
- What Purports to Be Progressive Christianity Is Really Unregenerate "Christianity!"
- "Pregressive Christianity" Is After You! Watch Out and Do Not Be Deceived!
- Needed: A New ID for a Certain Group of Persons Claiming to Be Doctors!
- Letter #5 Sent to Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and Members of the Cabinet!
- Revised Letter to President Trump
- Letter Now Being Sent to All Members of the 116th U.S. Congress!
- Sex and The United Methodist Church - AKA How to Paint Yourself into a Corner!
- Still Another Letter to Leadership of the W. PA Conference of The United Methodist Church
- The United Methodist Church Has Much More to Be Concerned About Than a Way Forward!
- We Never Used to Have Mass Shootings and Killings of Law Enforcement Officers on a Regular Basis!
- Response to Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church Concerning Their Outrage About President Trump's Remarks!
- Three Deadly Decisions That Are Paving the Way for Judgment to Be Poured Out Upon Our Republic!
- Badly o President Trump!
- ANeeded -- A Draconian Response to the Drug Epidemic!
- A Letter t Second Letter to Bishop of W. PA Annual Conference - issue = who is included in "least?"
- Letter to the New Bishop of the W. PA Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church!
- Claw Marks on the Ark!
You don't like what is going on in government?
Have you ever written to the president? Why not? How about doing it today?
Address: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC 20500Updating will eventually take place with publishing of letters sent,
including President Biden who took office in January 2021!See what what went out to President B. Hussein Obama -- this was sent
on a regular basis to the president just as was the case with President Bush.
Don't be afraid -- go ahead and take a look at
Letters to President B. Hussein Obama & Denis McDonough
Copies of the letter also go to church leaders, members of Congress,
media people, ambassadors based in Washington DC and heads of other
nations throughout the world.See what went out to former President Bush on a regular basis during his years in office:
Mr. President, We Need to Get Our Own House in Order First!Letters have been sent recently to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamela Harris.
Email responses to Circuit Rider's Range arrive regularly expressing sentiments of those who have had exposure to the site -- see A Visit to Circuit Rider's Range -- No One Is Neutral Afterward! -- the result? A hate him or love him relationship!
Millions of unborn children have been intentionally murdered all over
the world over time and the United States has contributed tens of millions
to the total - see latest tally at Number of Abortions
For a detailed follow-up, go to The Gaping Hole in Casualty Reporting! -- return links are at bottom of the page to bring you here or to other locations on the Range.
Hello -- Theo here! Yes, I'm still employed as the Circuit Rider's administrative assistant. I started work here shortly after Circuit Rider's Range was launched back in March of 1998. And it seems that at times CR (or Clayton D. Harriger as some know him) has stirred emotions to a white hot heat level -- if hate email could kill by merely opening and reading it, he would have been in his grave a long time ago. But a host of positive responses have far outweighed those ones that have come through dripping with sulfuric acid laced with a touch of arsenic and cyanide!
But on to what is going on in this area -- CDH had considered at one point the writing of a book with the title as given above. But then came God's call to get involved in a web site witness for His eternal truth as it applies to the issues of our time. You, of course, have arrived at that web site or you wouldn't be reading this! The book is not yet ruled out, but likely the title will be a bit different than what is given above if such a publication should ever take place.
Content of the book will possibly involve some of the material listed below. One drawback will be the use of animated graphics and other illustrative material which is a kind of "trademark" in CDH's commentaries on various subjects.
So, below is a listing of much of the material he has written over the past few years and has placed here on Circuit Rider's Range -- someday some of it may show up in a book, although present plans simply call for printing each page as it now appears on the Range and passing it on to his kids and their families rather than giving each of them a million dollars! I can see it now, they'll be just thrilled all to pieces
By the way, be sure to use the return feature on your browser to come back here until CR is able to place a return link in each of the below pages.
An Index of Topic Areas
Faith Related Subjects
Cultural - Moral - Ethical Issues
A Disturbing Number Cruncher to Watch!
CDH's Reflections
CDH's Letter Cache
United Methodist Church Related Subjects & Issues! -- each General Conference proves to be a battleground over moral issues -- will the UMC change its present position on homosexuality and ordination of those who claim to be "same gender oriented" in sexual preferences and involvements? Next General Conference will be in 2012 and each time the support for removing the UMC's statements on homosexuality is growing!
Circuit Rider's Humor Hut!
Faith Related Subjects -- first one listed is the most important!
- How to Become a Christian
- Getting a Proper Perspective on Life!
- Road Travels of a Convert to Skepticism!
- The Theology Pit!
- Living in an Age of Compromise!
- Don't Use the "R" Word in the United Methodist Church!
- "Pappy, Help Me Build Something!"
- It happened again on June 18, 2006 and then on Father's Day 2008 -- another letter to the W. PA Conference bishop about this at Can You Imagine? A Few Hundred United Methodist Pastors Absent from Their Churches on Father's Day -- June 19, 2005!
- Milking the Cow to the Very Last Drop! OR What to Do When You Lose Your Preacher Credentials!
- Hatred for Christmas As Demonstrated in the United States of America!
- The Holy Spirit VS. An Unsavory Assortment of Pastors, Theologians, and Scholars!
- They Won't Drive Me Out, and If I Go Down, I'll Go Down Fighting to the Last Breath! OR The Alamo Revisited!
- No, Bishop Chamberlain -- Jesus Has Never Conducted a Trial and Never Will!
- Letter to Bishop & Cabinet of W PA Annual Conference - Ref Dammann Trial, etc!
- Dealing from a Stacked Deck -- As Taught by Dammann Trial Participants!
- Death Knell for The United Methodist Church? OR Chew and Enjoy While You Can!!
- Let's Split the United Methodist Church! OK?
- A "Marriage" Proposal of Another Kind Conceived in Hell!
- Dressing Jesus Up -- How About Those Significant Others???
- "The Passion of The Christ" -- A View from the Sticks!
- About That Mel Gibson Movie on the Passion of The Christ...One More Thing!
- If the United Methodist Church Goes Pro-Sodomy, What Then?
- Just Rusting Away -- "Digger's" Object Lesson About Life!
- United Methodist Bishops Still Concerned About Children -- That Is, Up to a Point!
- The Bible -- Woe to the One Who Believes It!
- God Dressed Up in Bones, Flesh, and Blood!
- Two Faiths -- Two Books -- Two Deities Only One Will Prevail in the End!
- Allah, and Other Deities Slated for Elimination!
- I Own It -- Will You Take Care of It for Me?
- The Way - The Truth - The Life
- Meet Me in Heaven!
- Reminders When Mansion Shopping!
- Trashing Sacred Gifts -- 21st Century Style!
- Oh, Jerusalem! What a Surprise Is in Store for You!
- Doing Dialog! A Primer on How It Works!
- The One Call That the Church Professing the Name of Jesus Christ Refuses to Heed!
- "But doctor, I feel good and people say I look great!
- Table Talk!
- Invitation to Judgment!
- When God Uses the Heathen As His "Whip!"
- God Bless America? Really Now, Why Should He?
- Is the United States Going Down the Same Path as Samson?
- Corrupted Christianity & Corrupted Islam: A Marriage Hatched in Hell
- What Would Happen If...?
- Pursuit of Peace
- Prayer Room
- The Heart of the Matter!
- Survivor!
- USA on Judgment Schedule!
- What Can I Do?
- Popular Deities of American Culture!
- A Solemn Call to Repent!
- CR's Prayer Boot Camp!
- CR's Class on Dominoes!
- Theo's "Special Place!"
- In Response to My Critics!
- Lots of "Religious Talk" -- But Where Is the Action?
- OK - If We Accept the One, Why Not the Others?
- What About Those GLBT "brothers and sisters?"
- About This Dialog Thing..!
- Lesson in Compromise!
Cultural - Moral - Ethical Tremors
- Driving the Final Nails!
- Trashing Sacred Gifts -- 21st Century Style!
- Staring At a Severed Head Forever!
- Inviting God's Judgment by Pandemic Sexual Immorality!
- Comparing the United States to the Ancient Roman Empire? A Much Better Comparison Is to the Ancient Israelite Kingdom of Judah!
- An Old Salt!
- Good News! A Day Coming in Which All Politicians Will Be Removed from Office!
- We've Got to Stop the Killing!
- United States Holocaust Gallery
- Ripe for Judgment!
- A Speculative Question: Will they be able to see the ones they conspired to mutilate and murder?
- God, Covid-19, and Recovery?
- Entering the Beginning of Sorrows!
- Who Should Be President When God Judges the U.S.A?
- Judgment Is Like An Impending Dam Break...A Warning Is Sounded, But Is Anybody Listening?
- Even If Roe v. Wade Were Reversed, What Then?
- March for Life 2008
- "Give It a Chance to Work!" by G. W. Bush - 07-01-23
- Caution! Soul Poison Hard At Work!
- March for Life 2007
- Letter to a TV Station Executive About the NBC Program, Book of Daniel!
- Whoa? What's This? A Charge of Aggravated Assault Against An Unborn Child!
- It's Back to Business As Usual with No Soul Searching and No Remorse!
- God of the Storms!
- A Response to "Why Are Christians Losing America?" -- as printed in whistleblower - April 2005
- If I Starved My Dog.....?
- Forfeiting the Right to Be Called a "Civilized" Nation!
- "Judging" the Ten Commandments!
- "Safe Sanctuary" Problem in the United Methodist Church!
- Letter to 4 United Methodist Bishops!
- "...even the unwanted have worth." - G. Bush - 05/01/20!
- Another Nail in the United States' Coffin -- It's Called Specter!
- U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, Indignantly Denounces Those "Who Kill Innocent Men, Women, and Children!"
- Social Security "Crisis" According to President Bush - December 16, 2004
- What's This? Lesbianism Is OK for United Methodist Church Laity BUT Not for the Pastors!
- "Evangelicals" and Election 2004!
- Do "Free Elections" Really Make People Free?
- The Embracing of Death in the Cut-throat World of Politics!
- An Endless Cry for Justice and Retribution!
- It's Unconstitutional to Protect the Life of An Unborn Child --Even When It's Ready to be Born!
- Federal Marriage Amendment now on back burner for a while as of July 14, 2004 -- some vow to revive it -- see The Federal Marriage Amendment -- Too Little, Too Late???
- Barbaric and Heartless? But Are They Any Worse Than Those Who Commit Similar Acts in the U.S.A?
- Bothered About U.S. Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners? There's Something Much Worse Than That!
- Giving God the Obscene Gesture!
- Applauding a Killing - USA Style!
- Red Level Alert! Be on the Lookout! We've Been Invaded by the RE People!
- God says, "It's an abomination!" Humans say, "No, it is not -- it's a good thing!"
- Super Bowl XXXVIII and Breast Exposure -- Why All the Fuss?
- "Clobbered" by the Bible!
- The Camel Is Almost In Except for a Part of His Hind Leg and His Tail!
- Is Partial Good Enough?
- Nations Can Also Demonstrate Hypocrisy!
- Worse Than the "Black Death" -- It's the Porno Plague!
- Jesus Meets the "Committee!"
- Show Me and I Will Believe!
- CR's Prayer Room has been "remodeled" -- see it at Circuit Rider's Prayer Room
- Does President Bush Need Agreeable "Evangelicals" in His Presence, or an Elijah, a Micaiah, or a John the Baptist?
- Forget the Terrorists -- the 21st Century Canaanites Are a Greater Threat!
- Open Letter to Mel White and Others of Soulforce, Inc.!
- How to Grow Snipers and Other Violently Oriented People with Able Assistance from the Mass Media!
- Lot Had a Choice, But We Don't!
- 21st Century Victims of Evolution!
- A Time to Cheer or a Time to Weep?
- Were Jesus and His Cousin, John, Pharisee-phobic?
- Hypocrisy Running Amuck in Hammering the Tobacco Industry and Smokers!
- The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and God!
- Missing: Millions of Contributors Who Could Have Made a Significant Difference!
- Watch Out for That Other "Jesus!"
- You Are Building Your Dream Home -- I Tear It Down -- Now What?
- Confessions of a Homophobic Person!
- Country of Faith? Yes, But in What or Whom?
- Acts of Heroism, High Profile Positions, and Family Relationships Don't Justify Abominable Immorality!
- By the Way, Did You Know???
- Atrocities? Well, It Depends on Your Definition of What Is or Isn't!
- Imploding a Culture by Destroying the Young!
- How to Dismantle a Culture in 3 Easy Steps!
- Face Off! Rosie O'Donnell Enters Bill O'Reilly's "No Spin Zone!"
- A National Rage Against Violence, BUT Not Always!
- So Simple, Yet So Profound! OR What Is or Isn't Human?
- Dr. Joseph Goebbels Would Have Been Proud!
- Portrayal of U.S.A's Hidden Horrors!
- United States Holocaust Gallery!
- Justice Denied!
- RU-486 - The Final Nail?
- Baby Parts for Sale!
- Human Life Is Sacred!
- Fighting for Your Life!
- A Million Moms Marching!
- Justice for All?
- Why So Heavy on the Abortion Issue Anyway?
- A Gun Didn't Kill Me!
- Death Penalty & WWJD?
- September 11, 2001 -- Shades of Pearl Harbor!
- Baby Robins, Blacksnakes, Mr. McVeigh and the Mass Media Plague!
- Hypocrites' Hall of Shame!
- Dr. "Gum Chewer" at Work!
- CR's Bare Knuckle Arena!
- CR's Shooting Range!
- CR's Gun Cabinet!
- Circuit Rider's Cauldron!
- CR's Archive Center
- March for Life 2002
- March for Life 2001 - Pics & Comments
- March for Life 2014 - Pics & Comments
Take a bit of time
and check the numbers of murdered unborn childen
in the United States and in the entire world! As the
numbers change, be aware that explicitly means that a
number of unborn childre have been victims of a conspiracy
and have just been violently assaulted and murdered!
Millions of unborn children have been intentionally murdered all over
the world over time and the United States has contributed tens of millions
to the total - see latest tally at Number of AbortionsThe president and citizens of this country were outraged
with what happened 01-09-11 because of terrorist attacks;
BUT less people were killed on that day
than unborn children on an average day in the USA
by "terrorists" of a different kind wearing white coats!
If you feel you are up to it, take a look at
President Bush's "Selective" War Against Terrorism!
CDH's Reflections
- Please Keep The Candle Going..... NOTE: I did not write this one -- it was cirulating on the internet and I added some graphics and an additional comment -- it's a good one to share with others.
- I Saw a Rainbow!
- Reminders When Mansion Shopping!
- Preacher, Make Sure Those Apportionments Are Paid in Full!
- Are All Children of God?
- Is the Dialog Route the Road We Must Take?
- Is There Any Hope?
- Good News in Spite of Mainstreamis Media-itis!
- Many Professions Are in Need of New Degrees!
- Main Stream Media People Often Wear Two Faces!
- The Caste System Nobody Dares to Mention!
- Ripe for Judgment???
- Response to Professor Marjorie Suchocki on the Homosexual Issue!
- A Resolution to Prepare for the UMC General Conference of 2004!
- Circuit Rider's Reflections!
- I Agree - Obama Did Inherit a Lot of Stuff!
- Dam Beavers! Only in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania! This one is different -- in part it tells all about how fouled up government can get -- at least it can bring a bit of a smile to your face, and admiration for a person who handled the situation in a most admirable way!
- The Obama Pimples!
- Mr. President, You Are Doomed to Fail, Unless...!
- Very Critical Suggestions for the Obama Administration Which Will Be Unanimously Rejected!
- "Give It a Chance to Work!" by G. W. Bush - 07-01-23
- Good News! A Day Coming in Which All Politicians Will Be Removed from Office!
- "...even the unwanted have worth." - G. Bush - 05/01/20!
- Another Nail in the United States' Coffin -- It's Called Specter!
- U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, Indignantly Denounces Those "Who Kill Innocent Men, Women, and Children!"
- Social Security "Crisis" According to President Bush - December 16, 2004
- "Evangelicals" and Election 2004!
- Do "Free Elections" Really Make People Free?
- The Embracing of Death in the Cut-throat World of Politics!
- Who Should Be President When God Judges the U.S.A?
- "… and nothing will hold us back." -- George W. Bush - September 2, 2004!
- "For America, the hope is there. The sun is rising. Our best days are still to come." -- John Kerry - July 29, 2004! by cdh
- Will These Ads Persuade You to Vote for John Kerry?
- Why Should the Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Episode Be So Shocking to Us?
- Pennsylvania Senators Display Biased Outrage Over Brutal Execution of Nicholas Berg!
- Pointing the Finger at Saddam OR A Case of the Pot Calling the Kettle Black!
- Bush's "War" with Iraq -- What's Really Going on Here?
- The Perfect Cure for Politics Is in the Works!
- Does President Bush Need Agreeable "Evangelicals" in His Presence, or an Elijah, a Micaiah, or a John the Baptist?
- Homeland Security and the "Terrorist" Within!
- Weapons of Mass Destruction? Why Does Bush Not Include ALL of Them?
- President Bush Failing to Factor in the Keystone for Homeland Security!
- Is Bush a Josiah in Modern Garb?
- Bush Miscues, Misfires, and Miscalculations!
- President Bush's "Selective" War Against Terrorism!
- Hold It, Mr. President -- About That Statement, "We respect life."
- Presidential Inheritance!
- Can the Clinton/Gore Avalanche Be Overcome?
- The Bush League!
- Raw Politics!
- Your Mis-Government in Word & Deed!
- Bill Clinton as Role Model!
- 1600 PA Avenue - The Clinton Era!
- Slick Willie Archives!
- Vintage Clinton!
- Mrs. Will on the Hill!
CDH's Letter Cache - letters to all kinds of people including presidents!
- There will be a repeat on June 18, 2006 -- another letter to the W. PA Conference bishop about this at Can You Imagine? A Few Hundred United Methodist Pastors Absent from Their Churches on Father's Day -- June 19, 2005!
- Letter to 4 United Methodist Bishops!
- Big political fiasco in Pennsylvania! See Letter to PA State Senator John Wozniak -- Question About His Recent Vote to Expand Gambling in the Keystone State!
- Personal Letter to President G. W. Bush -- Questions About the Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners, etc!
- Mr. President, We Need to Get Our Own House in Order First!
- Letter to Bishop & Cabinet of W PA Annual Conference - Ref Dammann Trial, etc!
- Is the United States Going Down the Same Path As Samson?
- Response to a Columnist's Diatribe on Ministers' Comments About Terrorists' Attacks!
- A Bishop Protests Executions!
- Is "Pluralism" Really a Strength?
- Mainstream Media's "Two Faces!"
- Open Letter to CDH's Bishop, George Bashore of W PA Annual Conference!
- To President Clinton & Other Elected Officials - God Is Calling Us to Repent!
- To Bishop Bashore & GC Delegates - Ref. to Gun Resolution
- To U.S. Gov. Officials - Ref. to UMC Gun Resolution
- Comment & Letter Sent to All UMC Bishops by Snail Mail Addressed to Each by His/Her Name!
- Concerns About the Christian Church Assembly (to Regional Minister)
- Clergy and Protesting Barbaric Practice of Destroying the Unborn!
- Response to a W. PA Conf. BOOM Member!
- Why So Few Clergy Support Annual March for Life in DC!
- Comparing Abortionists to Nazis - Ooooh! Naughty! Naughty!
- A Columnist's Hang-Up with a Two Faced President!
- Is the Dialog Route the Road We Must Take?
- CR's Letter Cache #1
- CR's Letter Cache #2
United Methodist Church Related
RMS Titanic and The United Methodist Church -- An Apt Comparison? Rebellion Is Alive and Very Well in the United Methodist Church! United Methodist Bishops and Murdered Unborn Children! Don't Use the "R" Word in the United Methodist Church! There will be a repeat on June 18, 2006 -- another letter to the W. PA Conference bishop about this at Can You Imagine? A Few Hundred United Methodist Pastors Absent from Their Churches on Father's Day -- June 19, 2005! "Safe Sanctuary" Problem in the United Methodist Church! Letter to 4 United Methodist Bishops! What's This? Lesbianism Is OK for United Methodist Church Laity BUT Not for the Pastors! They Won't Drive Me Out, and If I Go Down, I'll Go Down Fighting to the Last Breath! OR The Alamo Revisited! No, Bishop Chamberlain -- Jesus Has Never Conducted a Trial and Never Will! Death Knell for The United Methodist Church? OR Chew and Enjoy While You Can!! A "Marriage" Proposal of Another Kind Conceived in Hell! Let's Split the United Methodist Church! OK? If the United Methodist Church Goes Pro-Sodomy, What Then? United Methodist Bishops Still Concerned About Children -- That Is, Up to a Point! Episcopal Endorsement of Same Gender Coupling! -- UM Bishops Radar & Sprague continue their "endorsement!"
Flushed Out into the Open!
Ooops! A Major Fumble in the UMC's Igniting Ministry Campaign!
UMC Bishops Speak (with photo to match!)
Hey, We're OK! Get on Those Tuxedos & Gowns and Let's Party!
The United Methodist Connection
A House Div\/ided!
Questions to a UM Crusading to Abolish Death Penalty!
UMC's Version of Energizer Bunny!
About That Dialog Thing..!
W Pa Conf. Lesson in Compromise!
Peek Behind the Scenes #1!
Peek Behind the Scenes #2!
The UMC's Creech Caper!
Drawing Lines in the Sand!
Preacher, Make Sure Those Apportionments Are Paid!
A Resolution to Prepare for the UMC GC2004!
Cross & Flame Controversy!
In a class all by itself because it is so different from every thing else on the Range and should bring a few smiles to your face! Be sure to visit Circuit Rider's Humor Hut!
Still a few things to do here in this area with some more additions and maybe some minor changes in times to come. Main purpose here is to list the subjects which CDH has addressed through the commentary, reflection, and letter series.
Circuit Rider's Range (Home Area)
Return to or Sneak a Peak at C. D. Harriger's BLOG at
Musings of a Maverick!
Building Walls with Untempered OR Tempered Mortar?
CR's Leap of Faith! OR The Whole Spread of CR's Range!
For comments, questions, or just plain old axe grinding,
contact C. D. Harriger by clicking on Penelope, efficient mail hostess of CR's Range,
and she will bring up the pre-addressed email form for you to fill out and send.