For You have formed my inward parts; You have covered me in my mother's womb...Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.
-- Psalm 139:13,16 (NKJV) Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations.
-- Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV)
An Index
The date for the infamous Roe v. Wade decision was January 22, 1973. Each year since that infamous moment in our nation's history there is a gathering in Washington DC where thousands of all ages gather to declare their conviction that the violent slaughter of the unborn must be terminated!
Ask people why they take part in the March for Life and/or get involved in the Pro-Life movement, the answers may vary over the way they are phrased, but there is a golden thread that ties them together -- respect for life at all stages and protection of the unborn! If you haven't seen it yet, why not tour the United States Holocaust Gallery and see further reasons which are plainly given!
On the positive side there are persons like Samuel Armas whose pictures are shown here as to why people get involved in seeking justice and constitutional rights for the unborn:
Above photoMichael Clancy, photojournalist, who has graciously given written permission for it to be posted here on CR's Range for the purpose of encouraging more people to get involved in the cause and rights of unborn children. For more information, the interesting story behind the photo, and/or obtaining copies of the photo please visit Mr. Clancy at his web site at He may also be contacted by email at
Samuel at 10 weeks after birth!
You see, little Samuel has done something no other person has ever done! He grasped the finger of his surgeon while undergoing surgery in his mother's womb at the ripe old age of 21 weeks -- yes, that's right -- at 21 weeks of age! For details as to the reason for this happening go to A Moment...From a Child.
But, don't forget -- Samuel is one of the fortunate ones! Every week thousands such as he -- some younger, some as old as he at time of his surgery, some older -- are callously destroyed in their mothers' wombs -- you see the mangled results just below! Now then, are you willing to try to do something about this rampant injustice?
Methods and victims may change, but the results are always the same!
The Nazi SS, the Klu Klux Klan, and Planned Parenthood
make an interesting combination of bedfellows!The above signs and photos arecopyrighted by The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and are used with these folks' permission. You can visit them at Center for Bio-Ethical Reform to better inform yourself of the significant work they are doing in the Genocide Awareness Project. Below is a scene of a visit by CBR to Penn State University campus exposing students to the Genocide Awareness Project.
Sorry > photo no longer available.
Media Bias in Reporting the March for Life event!
Some media outlets are notorious for the bias they exhibit when it comes to certain news events. It is usually among these that you find loud voices insisting that the news is being reported impartially. Below you will find a letter sent to the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat in Johnstown PA. The issue is raised concerning the obvious bias demonstrated by that newspaper in its treatment of the March for Life in Washington DC. Details will make plain that here is one event in which the J T-D is anything but impartial!
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 Editor:
Just as a bright flashing neon sign quickly captures our attention, so it is when media executives with unmatched brazenness lay claim to impartial reporting of news events. Eventually certain events become the neon sign which exposes the absurdity and rank inconsistencies of those claims!
A most significant news event took place on January 24th as thousands of people of all ages participated in the annual March for Life in Washington DC.
If all media outlets in the country had treated this in the same manner as did the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, large numbers of the population would hardly have been aware of this effort to draw attention to the massive acts of violence done to unborn children on a daily basis within the United States.
The Tribune-Democrat ran a brief release of the event on Sunday, January 23rd. However, the real focus was not on a huge pro-life effort on behalf of the unborn but rather on keeping abortion legal. On page A2 a photograph measuring 4 by 2 5/8 inches portrayed Pat Ireland and other members of the National Organization for Women flashing a bunch of signs stating, “Keep Abortion Legal,” as they appeared in front of the Supreme Court on Saturday. So much for a passing reference to the fact that there was to be a March for Life rally on Monday!
On Tuesday, January 25th, the day after the event, the Tribune-Democrat used a “cemetery” section of the paper to make reference to the March for Life rally. Buried back on page A5 a small item measuring 2 5/8 inches high including the blazing headline stated that about 1,000 people from Pennsylvania attended the March for Life rally! Noteworthy is the fact that the Tribune-Democrat chose not to publish a picture of those thousands marching down Constitution Avenue toward the Capitol building. Perhaps it is due to not wanting to incur the wrath of Ireland and Co!
However, it must be noted that the ardent claims coming out of the editorial department of the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat regarding impartial news reporting accomplished something quite significant in the March for Life event. That significance is the total success of flushing that ridiculous claim down the toilet!
Clayton D. Harriger, Pastor
Gipsy Christian Churchcc: Modified copies to Indiana Gazette in Indiana PA and Mainline Newspapers in Ebensburg PA. Copy also will be placed in a pro-life area of the web site, Circuit Rider’s Range.
Guess what? I got to snooping around in some of CR's files and found a letter he had written to the Interpreter magazine a few years back. It seems some people were upset about some other people making comparisons of abortionists and their supporters to Nazis of WW II notoriety! Ah, doesn't take much imagination to figure that CR would respond, putting an interesting twist to this as he makes his "confession" concerning his own guilt in this issue! There is a puzzle here -- why do you suppose they chose not publish this one? After all, shouldn't it make front page headlines when a Methodist preacher 'fesses up???
March 30, 1995
Editor, Interpreter
Nashville, TN
Dear Madam:
I am responding to the reporting of an open letter sent to pro-life groups and leaders deploring among other things the rhetoric of comparing abortionists and their supporters to Nazis.
Being adamantly pro-life, in strong disagreement with the official United Methodist position on abortion, and sometimes guilty of using the aforementioned rhetoric, I now admit I was wrong in making such a comparison for the following reasons:
1. The Nazis only exterminated a total of 10 to 12 million persons while abortion providers have destroyed a grand total of 32 million unborn children or more up to this point in time!
2. The Nazis did not make any money in their extermination program. In fact it was a financial drain and proved rather costly. Abortion providers make big bucks and will resist all efforts to restrict abortion in order to protect their lucrative market!
3. The Nazis did not discriminate as much as the abortion providers in that they eliminated men, women and children. Abortion providers on the other hand discriminate solely against women and unborn children -- exploiting the one group financially and destroying the other!
4. The Nazis exterminated certain humans because they sincerely believed the purity of the race was threatened. In America abortionists exterminate unborn humans merely for the sake of convenience and lush profits!
So I confess my error in comparing pro-abortion people to Nazis. It is not an accurate comparison and certainly not fair to the Nazis!
On the societal "totem pole" ours would rank a few levels lower than Nazi Germany due to the number of victims involved. Further, we would be at least one level lower than the ancient Canaanites. At least the Canaanites allowed their children to be born and live a while before being thrown into the fire in sacrifice to Molech! Pro-abortionists in American society have seen to it that millions of our children didn't even have a chance to be born!
In the cause of human life which God identifies and for which He has plans even prior to conception and birth, I am
Clayton D. Harriger, Pastor
Triangle United Methodist Parish
Belsano PA 15922
By the way, how about taking about 60 seconds or more and just gaze at the little record keeper below and see what is happening -- you see, it keeps a running tally of unborn babies who are violently murdered in the womb in this nation which claims that all persons should have the "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!" It also gives the world wide numbers! Planned Parenthood and others who operate abortion mills in the lucrative business of destroying unborn children, while claiming to "counsel" pregnant females, seem to always manage to end up with more of those females choosing to abort their unborn children than opting to go full term and offer the child up for adoption. Of course it is more profitable for the abortion mill if the female with child decides in light of "counseling" she has received that it is more convenient to dispatch the unborn child, is it not? Not many abortion outfits are declaring bankruptcy or downsizing these days are there?
Millions of unborn children have been intentionally murdered all over
the world over time and the United States has contributed tens of millions
to the total - see latest tally at Number of Abortions
Wait! Let me ascend back to the top of Fighting for Your Life!
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Bird's Eye View of CR's Range
What's New on CR's Range?
OK -- Why the Heavy Emphasis on the Abortion Issue?
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"Fighting for Your Life!" is a part of Circuit Rider's Range -- Clayton D. Harriger, Web Servant and Owner
Additional questions or comments can be sent to the Circuit Rider via Penelope, our very efficient mail hostess
UPDATED > February 8, 2024