A Selah Moment (stop and think about that!)"O LORD, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? even cry out to You, 'Violence!' And You will not save. Why do You show me iniquity, and cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contention arises. Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore perverse judgment proceeds."
Habakkuk 1:2-4 "Cry aloud, spare not; lift up your voice like a trumpet; tell My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins."
Isaiah 58:1 "I did not sit in the assembly of the mockers, nor did I rejoice; I sat alone because of Your hand, for You have filled me with indignation."
Jeremiah 15:17
Hey, good to see you! You look like you are surviving fairly well at this point! This is the Circuit Rider's Letter Cache #3, another collection of some letters sent out to a number of individuals concerning controversial issues in our culture. As mentioned in another area of the Range, he does a lot of this. Later I will sort of introduce each one to you. It won't take you long to see why he sometimes gets massive flak by way of responses! Bear in mind also that this area is still under some construction. As you can see, my construction people are busy here. They are always at work somewhere on the Range.
- To Joe Biden - September 19, 2023
- Joe Biden's reply to Clayt's original letter
- To Bishop Koikoi & Cabinet of W. PA Annual Confernce - June 9, 2023
- To Governor Josh Shapiro - June 2, 2023
- To Governor Tom Wolf - April 25, 2022
- To Members of the 117th U.S. Congress
- To Bishop Joe Wilson - about death penalty in Texas - March 10, 2000
- More letters to be posted here in the future
September 19, 2023
President Joe Biden
The White House
Washington DCDear Mr. President:
I am replying to your reply to my former letter in which I had informed you that God is calling on you and the citizens of this nation immediately to repent of all sin, starting with stopping the massive killing of unborn children daily! God defines this as the shedding of innocent blood and expresses His hatred for that practice in Proverbs 6.
God also in that same reference expresses hatred for the practice of lying which is a rather common way of life in Washington DC and in this nation’s state capitols!
Your letter clearly indicates that you have no intention of repenting! There is no such thing as a “constitutional right” to destroy an unborn child whom God is forming in the womb (Jeremiah 1:3,4). Therefore, God’s judgment is sure and certain at some time in the future, and much sooner than we may want think. None of us will want to be within the borders of this nation when it happens!
Still contending (Jude 3,4) at www.crrange.com
Clayton D Harriger, Pastor
Isaiah 41:10Encl > September 6 letter from President Joe Biden
President Joe Biden's reply to Clayton D. Harriger's original letter:
WASHINGTON September 6, 2023
Mr. Clayton D. Harriger
Belsano, PennsylvaniaDear Mr. Harriger,
Thank you for writing to me. In overturning Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court has taken away a constitutional right from the American people to make the most intimate decisions about their health care and families without government interference. Now, fundamental rights to privacy, autonomy, freedom, and equality have been denied to millions of women across the country, with grave implications for their health, lives, and well-being.
What we're witnessing is a giant step backward in much of our country, but let me be clear: Access to reproductive care is health care. Vice President Harris and I will fight for the freedom of all people to build their own future and determine their own destiny. That's why I signed an Executive Order that safeguards access to reproductive health care services such as medication abortion and contraception and ensures emergency medical care. It also protects the privacy of patients and their access to accurate information and promotes the safety and security of everyone who seeks and provides health care services.
Finally, this Executive Order makes sure that the entire Federal Government is coordinated in our efforts to protect reproductive rights and access to health care across America. The Supreme Court and its allies are committed to moving America backward with fewer rights, less autonomy, and politicians invading the most personal of decisions. This decision affects everyone, and the American people must continue to demand that Congress enshrine the protections of Roe v. Wade into federal law. I believe Congress should do so with a simple majority vote, but if Congress lacks the votes to do that now, you need to make your voices heard. Our daughters and granddaughters deserve the same rights as their mothers and grandmothers. This fight is not over. To find out more about your right to access reproductive health care, visit ReproductiveRights.gov.
Joe Biden
Letter to Bishop Koikoi and Cabinet Members of the W. PA Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church;
June 9, 2023
Bishop Koikoi and Members of the Cabinet:
I recently received information on the forthcoming session in which the vote will be taken on those churches choosing to disaffiliate from the UMC and become part of the Global Methodist Church. This boils down mainly into two groups > those who believe the Scriptures in their entirety and those who don’t! I noted in the information that several churches are leaving in all the districts except Pittsburgh which only has 3 churches leaving the UMC. That is not surprising since an imported DS was an ardent supporter of the sodomite/lesbian agenda a few years ago! Her influence is clear at the present time.
I would support the vote to disaffiliate but will be unable to travel the distance and will not be present due to age as I will be 90 in a few weeks. I have chosen to remain a member of the W PA Annual Conference and have given details about this decision at https://www.crrange.com/wall212.html which is titled, “They Won’t Drive Me Out…..”
The former Methodist Church began to be infiltrated with garbage theology at the beginning of the 20th Century and spread like a cancer in the decades following! See https://www.crrange.com/comment90.html which is titled “RMS Titanic and the United Methodist Church --- An Apt Comparison?”
I have yet to receive a response from a lay person, pastor, or bishop to https://crrange.com/wall134.html which is titled, “Show Me, and I Will Believe!”
Still contending at www.crrange.com
Clayton D Harriger
Elder in Full Connection
W PA Annual Conference
Letter to Governor Josh Shapiro:
June 2 2023
Governor Shapiro:
I had written to you a while back about the issue of abortion which you insist on fully supporting. Eventually I received an email from your office in which you emphatically stated your opposition to the death penalty and that you are urging passing of legislation that will abolish the death penalty in our Commonwealth!
Here are some of your quotes from that email > "While reflecting on my own faith, I realized that I would be unable to morally justify putting someone to death. My opposition to the death penalty is not a statement on the integrity of the conviction or the justice system, but rather a question of right and wrong. I believe that killing someone pierces our moral fabric."
Yet, you support the killing of unborn children for whom Almighty God has a purpose as He forms them in their mothers' wombs - note Jeremiah 1:3,4! The toll so far in the land of the free and the home of the brave is nearly 65 million with no charges filed against the killers.
You need to be aware that Almighty God has revealed that the practice of shedding innocent blood, as He identifies this abomination, will result in a severe judgment! Past cultures did not get away with it and we certainly will not either due to the fact there is no desire on the part of elected leaders and too many church leaders that we stop the United States’ version of holocaust!
Clayton D Harriger, Pastor
April 25, 2022
Governor Tom Wolf:
Enclosed is a copy of a letter being sent to President Biden and Vice President Harris. You will notice that the focus of the letter is on a very critical moral issue. It calls for these two to repent of their support of the killing of unborn children which is viewed by the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all who dwell within as an abomination (Proverbs 6)!
You also are a part of this repulsive activity and need to repent as do those who claim to be leaders in this republic but are leading us down the fast track to judgment at the hands of Almighty God!
Still contending (Jude 3,4)
Clayton D. Harriger
Galatians 6:7,8 Psalm 9:17
How to Become a Christian at https://crrange.com/comment25.html
It Is Time at https://crrange.com/itistime.html
Ripe for Judgment? at https://crrange.com/reflect11.html
Good News! The Day Coming in Which All Politicians Will Be Removed from Office! at https://crrange.com/comment69.html
To All Newly Elected Members of the 117th United States Congress:
Enclosed please find letter originally written on 9/11 Anniversary of 2020 which was sent to the members of the 116th U. S. Congress. Obviously, it was totally ignored which means we continue on the fast track to judgment at the hands of Almighty God and I expect you will also make the same response, but I have done what God wanted me to do. However, one senator did make a personal response and it was not a form letter but rather detailed as to what he was doing and how he was involved in trying to protect the unborn among other things.
Clayton D. Harriger, Retired Elder
PH = 814-749-6960Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
Box 32, Belsano PA 15922
Once upon a time Bishop Joe A. Wilson of the Fort Worth Area of the UMC got a lot of publicity when he issued his protest against executions in the state of Texas. Below is a response to Bishop Wilson with a request for some clarification on his statements about the sacredness of human life. Full report of this can be seen at Bishop Wilson Urges Bush: Stop Executions!
March 10, 2000
Bishop Joe A. Wilson
Fort Worth Area
The United Methodist Church
Dear Bishop Wilson:
Recently you received extensive coverage regarding your plea to Gov. G. W. Bush to stop executions in Texas. Our W. Pa. Conference edition of the UM Reporter not only provided a lengthy article but large pictures of you, Gov. Bush, and Gov. Ryan of Illinois as well.
Your statements in presenting your case are most interesting and call for some clarification on your part as to where you draw the line concerning human life which you declare “…only God has created.”
Clarification please on the following:
1. You say, “Human life, which only God has created and has the right to end, is the primary issue. I believe that the use of the death penalty by the state will increase the acceptance of revenge in our society and will give official sanction to a climate of violence.”
Question: Do you believe God has created the life that is being formed in the womb and that aborting that life is an act of violence which also gives “official sanction to a climate of violence?”
2. It was noted that you maintain “…that any way one looks at it, the death-penalty system is wrong.”
Question: Would you also maintain that any way one looks at it the abortion-on-demand system now in place which destroys over 1 million unborn children “in the making” per year in the USA is wrong?
3. You say, “I believe life is sacred, created as a gift of God, and I cannot justify my right to take a life God has given – and destroy that which God has made.”
Question: Are you willing to say the same applies to abortion-on-demand? That is, that one cannot justify one’s right to take a life that God has given – and destroy that which God has made, or is in the process of making in the womb? Jeremiah 1:4,5 and Psalm 139 address this issue rather pointedly do they not?
4. You say, “It is wrong for me to destroy the future in which rehabilitation and conversion might occur.”
Question: Is it wrong for anyone to destroy the future of an unborn child and to do it in such a violent manner – the methods may vary a bit, but the results are always the same – mangled remains of an individual for whom God had a purpose on earth. But of course that special purpose in God’s plan will never come to pass! Why do we never hear any protesting about this from the bishops of the United Methodist Church? They have never ceased to talk about their “Initiative for Children” but how is it that the line has been clearly drawn at the entrance to the womb?
If you are willing, you can see the tragic reality of violence rarely protested by taking a couple of trips. I invite you to take a slow, concentrated look at page50.html and page49.html. These are titled United States Holocaust Gallery and Fighting for Your Life! respectively.
Your very thoughtful and prayerful consideration of the above will indeed be much appreciated. I shall look forward to equal coverage in the UM Reporter and United Methodist News Service of your protest of thousands of “executions” each week taking place in the womb throughout the USA! And since both the UMR and the UMNS claim to be balanced in their reporting of issues, I am sure we will see that report in print soon, will we not?
Still contending (John 15:16; Jeremiah 15:17; Jude 3,4)
Clayton D. Harriger
Elder in Full Connection, W. Pennsylvania Annual Conference, UMC
Web Site: Circuit Rider's Range at:
cc: Other UMC bishops, UM Reporter, UMNS, Good News Magazine, and selected individuals who are concerned.
Note: Message to Bishop Wilson being sent by email, FAX, and snail mail.Do you think Bishop Wilson after checking out the links mentioned in the letter would also be willing to take a look at Planned Parenthood - Testimony? After all, haven't the UMC bishops been saying a lot about their concern for children?
Again, a "two face" deal -- no reporting on the growing "business" in the United States dealing with human "parts!"
Ah, if you dare, check out the business of selling baby parts!
Carry me back to the top of the Cache!
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