Are We Really Prepared to Face What
the Piranha Media Will Throw At Us?
March 24, 2003 -- OK, any questions or doubts now about the "piranha" label for news media folks that are "covering" the war? Yesterday, some of these people on one network said they would not show the pictures of the dead US military people who had been captured by the Iraqis and apparently shot -- then, guess what? Later they said they were going to show the still photos which would not violate our government's regulations on this -- namely, that the victims could not be identified in the photos -- so the "piranha" treated us to the pictures! Is one of the qualifying requirements to be a TV journalist the fact that you have to replace compassion with callousness of heart mixed with an abundance of greed, and the second requirement is a total abandonment of all common sense? It's more than an outside possibility that some members of the families of these victims saw those photos and when it is confirmed that a loved one was among that group, is it not also possible that those photos shown by the idiots in the TV news business will haunt those families for most of their remaining years on earth? Come on -- we know you are driven by a selfish dedication to outdo your competitors, but is it too much to ask for some respect for the privacy of the families of those who lost their lives? On second thought, the piranha media being what they are by way of character, it is indeed too much to ask!
March 20, 2003 -- Well, it's underway -- it's like those media people have transported us back in time to the ancient Roman Coliseum! Can't you just see how they would have handled that -- here's this yakking newscaster with microphone in his hand and the camera moves from him to what's going on in background as a lion starts tearing apart a Christian -- "Hey, look at how that lion is starting to rip off the head of that Christian -- can we get a close-up here -- just look at those teeth -- now that's a weapon of mass destruction -- and see how the blood is gushing out of that torn jugular! This is Joe Mouth reporting from the center of the Coliseum where it is anticipated more Christians will be thrown to the lions this afternoon at 2 PM -- now back to Restroom Central where our anchors are keeping on top of this breaking story!" Anyway, back to Iraq -- however you wish to slice it, the media people in their highly competitive spirit with each other are really making a hoot out of this! What's this bunch going to when Armageddon hits -- they'll look like the proverbial chickens running around with their heads cut off
March 18, 2003 -- Last evening President Bush in a special address to the nation sought to prepare the American people for war against Iraq as he issued his ultimatum to Saddam Hussein and company to leave Iraq within 48 hours or else face the certainty of military conflict.
We Americans should pause for a bit and question as to whether we are prepared to face and absorb what the piranha media folks will be throwing at us once the war gets under way.
The piranha, a small fish which inhabits waters in areas of South America, is notorious for its viciousness and frenzy when a human being or an animal falls into the water where this fish dwells. It is a matter of record that a school of piranha can strip a body of its flesh in a matter of a very few minutes -- the taste of blood drives these fish wild and with razor sharp teeth they don't stop until there is nothing left but bones!
The persons in the TV news business in particular, but with able assistance from the print media, have more than met the qualifications to wear the title, "piranha."
On Sunday, March 16, an extensive article was published concerning persons who will retrieve bodies and body parts once the war gets under way in Iraq. Rather gruesome details were given with one description telling how a body bag had been opened and a head rolled out! You know -- the kind of information that is of great comfort and a major morale booster for families who have loved ones facing injury or death in Bush's "war on terrorism!"
On the same page containing the macabre article on the handling of bodies and body parts in the impending war was an article informing us that the "Networks are preparing for all-out war coverage." And a third article on same page was titled, "Troops in Iraq face possible snags."
Now then, just what do you suppose we'll be shown once the bullets and rockets start flying and the bombs start dropping? Just as blood throws the piranha into a state of frenzy, can we expect anything less from the media people who are in high profile competition with one another (at least 5 major networks going at it head to head) -- high ratings are still the name of the game here, because that translates into big bucks, which in turn makes possible a luxurious lifestyle! And it is also a great ego booster and one becomes somewhat an "authority" when it comes to addressing the issues of the day -- just another one of the "perks" in the business.
Expect constant exposure -- close-ups with blood saturated victims of the conflict on both sides, and the piranha media will make certain we'll see the "innocent" victims as well -- especially little children. It's really a fascinating phenomenon these days -- these people don't hesitate to show and describe victims of violence such as in war or massive violence through their entertainment arms (maybe "tentacles" would be a more apt description) but they won't provide pictures of the violent destruction of unborn American children -- we've racked up a total of over 42 million unborn victims at this point in time. And the president closed his last evening's address with the statement, "And may God continue to bless America." Do you sense at least a little bit that something is a bit amiss here?
So try to get yourself prepared -- the piranha who face a camera and hold a microphone in their hands are going to throw some stuff our way that we may not really be prepared to receive. And even as this is being posted another headline raises the question as to the affect that the reporting of war news will have on children -- oh well, what's the difference -- we've been attempting to program them to live their lives violently for some time -- this will help them along, and then when they express themselves violently later on down the road, we'll whine and ask what went wrong that they did these horrible things! Just remember the piranha when it happens!
One of the biggest favors the American people can do for themselves is to view the piranha media folks with a high level of mistrust, and express the same -- otherwise you begin to adopt their value system and that value system is diametrically opposed to the one revealed by the Creator of this mighty universe! The wise person will make every effort to make sure he/she is in full compliance with the Creator's code of values since each of us has a scheduled appointment with our Creator God and an accounting will be given to Him as to what we have done or failed to do in fulfilling His purpose for us here on earth.
The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, and the people whom He has chosen as His own inheritance.
Psalm 33:10-12 NKJV