That thousands of intentional homicides take place each week in the "land of the free and the home of the brave?" And there are tens of thousands that take place throughout the rest of the world! For latest numbers in the United States and the world see Number of Unborn Children Mrudered in the United States and the World
By the way, did you know
much was made over the fact that about 3,000 people lost their lives in the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. This indeed was a great tragedy that boought much grief throughtout our nation. For a time more than 3,000 unborn children were being violently assaulted, mutilated, dismembered, and killed on an average work day in the U.S. In recent years there has been a slight reduction in the annual rate. Some of us agree that even one abortion is one too many in a day's time unless it is absolutely necessary to save the life of the mother.that since January 20, 2021 we have a president and vice president that are on public record in in regard to their support of abortion on demand as well as stating that they will oppose any and all legistlation that attempts to restrict abortion in any way! Further, the Democratic Party has a plank in its platform in which it states support for a woman's "constitutional right" to have her unborn child aborted if she so chooses.
We are a nation of fools of the first magnitude if we believe that God is looking the other way and will never make a response to this massive abomination of which we are guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. The ruins of past culture provide mute evidence of what happens when you take a very low view of human life and begin to treat it as you would a tissue into which you blow your nose and then casually thrown it into the garbage can!
Do you have an answer as to why our president, his wife, and members of his administration, the members of the U.S. Congress, and our many church leaders have nothing to say about the vicious, unmerciful attacks against these unborn victims -- no outrage as was expressed about 9-11 -- just hypocritical silence
On "Super Sunday" (February 3, 2002) the Super Bowl half time show featured a "musical" group, U 2 -- in the course of their performance large banners listed the names of the 9-11 victims of the terrorists' attacks -- not mentioned was the fact that from Sep 11, 2001 until Feb 3, 2002 at least 421,800 unborn children or more were victims of the "legalized" terrorists who operate out in the open and disgrace the degree of M.D! We got whipped up into a "feel good" patriotic euphoria as the Super Bowl ran its course, but no one even expressed a tiny bit of remorse over the victims that outnumbered those of 9-11 many times over
If you dare, go to The USA's Culture of Violence & Death! -- most of the aforementioned individuals refuse to face what you will see
The number of innocent victims of the USA version of "holocaust" continues to increase week by week since the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision of 1973! Watch the counter just below the poster for a minute or two and see what is happening!!