John Kerry started serving in the U.S. Senate in January 1984 and unfortunately has been there ever since. He is clearly on record as to advocating the ongoing mass slaughter of unborn children in the name of "constitutional rights!" He, as is the case of so many others in elected and appointed positions, is totally blinded to the hard fact that no one has a "right" to interrupt the intentional plans and purposes of Almighty God -- especially when we have been given a crystal clear revelation concerning God's view of and plans for all conceived human life!
John Kerry in his own words giving his stamp of approval to the slaughter of the innocents:
"The Republicans want to criminalize the right of women to choose, take us back to the days of back alleys, gag doctors and deny families the right to plan and be aware of their choices - we Democrats want to protect the constitutional right of privacy and make clear that at the center of this struggle is our commitment to have a Supreme Court that will protect the equal rights, the civil rights, and the right to choose in this nation."
Source: Keynote Speech to Massachusetts Democratic Issues Convention
June 7, 2003John Kerry in his own words responding to a question on the banning of partial-birth abortions:
Q: Do you support the ban on partial-birth abortions recently signed into law?
A: "I don't support the President's law because it doesn't allow the exception for situations where the health of the woman is at risk. I believe this is a dangerous effort to undermine a woman's right to choose, which is a constitutional amendment I will always fight to protect."
Source: Concord Monitor / on-line Q&A Nov 7, 2003
Unborn Babies Brutally
Mutilated and Murdered
since John Kerry entered
the United States Senate
January 1984
Watch this for 60 to 90 seconds and see what happens!
Now then, how about another little exercise in the experience of facing a horrible reality? Imagine for a moment that the states of
were completely wiped off the map along with their populations -- do you know how many people that would involve?
Alabama - 4,447,100
Alaska - 626,932
Arizona - 5,130,632
Arkansas - 2,673,400
California - 33,871,648
44,076,312 people! That's according to the 2000 Census figures!
John Kerry places his stamp of approval on the destruction of the unborn and you will see below that the total victims now goes beyond the total population of those states just named!
And we have the audacity to piously pray that God will bless this nation!!! Did not John Kerry throw out the term, "God bless America!" during the Democratic Convention, and probably uses it a lot of other times too. Of course, the Republicans do the same in throwing out the expression very freely while claiming to be pro-life, but notice they haven't done a whole lot either when it comes to stopping the slaughter of the innocents!
Unborn Babies Brutally
Mutilated and Murdered
since Roe vs. Wade
January 1973
Watch this for 60 to 90 seconds and see what happens!
OK - let's do another exercise with some states in the good old U.S. of A. such as we did above, but only with different states this time. Suppose now that the states of
were completely wiped off the map along with their populations -- do you know how many people that would involve?
Illinois - 12,419,293
Indiana - 6,080,485
Iowa - 2,926,324
Louisiana - 4,468,976
Maine - 1,274,923
Massachuesetts - 6,349,097 (John Kerry's home state which he represents (??) in the United States Congress!)
Missouri - 5,595,211
44,410,795 people! That's according to the 2000 Census figures! Now that number is just a bit above the victim toll of brutally mutilated and murdered unborn children at this point, but as you watch our toll-keeper, note that it will not be long until the toll of victims will pass the combined population of those states just named, including Kerry's home state!
John Kerry and the issue of dealing with
Saddam Hussein!At one point John Kerry did not hesitate to boldly declare his thoughts on dealing with Saddam Hussein:
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real" - - Sen John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003
Ah, what comes out of the mouth of politicians -- obviously, Senator Kerry has not taken a close look at the ongoing "brutal" and "murderous" practices going on in his homeland and the use of our own unique type of "weapons of mass destruction" employed by guys in white coats in the elimination of unborn children -- it is interesting (and very disturbing to the consciences of a few U.S. citizens -- most politicians, including John Kerry, do not qualify for inclusion in this group) to note what the United States' record of brutality is since we launched our military invasion of Iraq:
Hey! Look at the Number
of Unborn Children Brutally
Mutilated & Murdered in USA
since the USA started "liberating" Iraq
from the brutality of Saddam Hussein!
March 19 2003
Watch this for about 60 to 90 seconds
and see what happens!Before you jump on Kerry too much about this, we need to remember that George W. Bush and the Republicans don't seem to be very much disturbed about this toll of victims either, although the finger was often pointed toward Saddam as being a brutal dictator etc. Best estimates on the number of victims under the rule of Saddam & Sons is in the million range -- now what is that figure again of brutally murdered unborn victims in the United States since March 19, 2003? And how about the number of unborn victims since George W. Bush became president?
Unborn Children Brutally
Mutilated & Murdered in USA
since George W. Bush took the
oath of office as the President
of our Republic on
January 20, 2001
Watch this for about 60 to 90 seconds
and see what happens!
Anybody in Washington DC (especially among the Executive, Legislative, or Judicial branches of the federal government) listening as we await a most certain response from the Creator of this mighty universe Who has declared He has a special plan and purpose for every conceived human being?
OK - just one more time with the states' exercise -- again with different states and more states included in this group. Suppose now that the states of
were completely wiped off the map along with their populations -- do you know how many people that would involve?
Michigan - 9,938,444
Minnesota - 4,919,479
Mississippi - 2,697,243
Nebraska - 1,711,263
Nevada - 1,998,257
New Hampshire - 1,235,786
New Jersey - 8,414,350
New Mexico - 1,819,046
West Virginia - 1,808,344
Rhode Island - 1,048,319
North Dakota - 642,200
Tennessee - 5,689,283
Utah - 2,233,169
44,155,183 people! That's according to the 2000 Census figures! Now that number is just a bit below the victim toll of brutally mutilated and murdered unborn children at this point, and as you watch our toll-keeper, note that it will continue to move beyond the above state population numbers! Yes, the states will continue to expand their population numbers, BUT the fact is, we continue to destroy unborn children at the rate of approximately 100,000 or more per month!
A Significant Selah Moment!
O LORD, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? even cry out to You, "Violence!" And You will not save. Why do You show me iniquity, and cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contention arises. Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore perverse judgment proceeds.
Habakkuk 1:2-2 (NKJV)
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness....
It is time for You to act, O LORD, for they have regarded Your law as void. Therefore I love Your commandments more than gold, yes, than fine gold! Therefore all Your precepts concerning all things I consider to be right; I hate every false way.
Romans 1:18; Psalm 119:126-128 NKJV
September 4, 2004
Clayton D. Harriger
Elder in Full Connection
Western PA Annual Conference
The United Methodist Church
and presently pastor of
Gipsy Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Gipsy, PA
AND Non-Affiliated registered voter, Cambria Co. PA
For further reference see:[NOTE: Use return feature on your browser to come back here]
- USA on Judgment Schedule!
- Atrocities? Well, It Depends on Your Definition of What Is or Isn't!
- By the Way, Did You Know???
- United States Holocaust Gallery!
- Missing: Millions of Contributors Who Could Have Made a Significant Difference!
- Baby Parts for Sale!
- Justice Denied!
- Weapons of Mass Destruction? Why Does Bush Not Include ALL of Them?
- Portrayal of U.S.A's Hidden Horrors!
- President Bush's "Selective" War Against Terrorism!
- A National Rage Against Violence, BUT Not Always!
- Imploding Our Culture by Destroying the Young!
- Trashing Sacred Gifts - 21st Century Style!
- Is the United States Going Down the Same Path As Samson?
- Popular Deities of American Culture!
- How to Dismantle a Culture in 3 Easy Steps!
- When God Uses the Heathen As a Whip!
- RU-486 -- The Final Nail?
- Why So Heavy on the Abortion Issue Anyway?
- Forget the Terrorists -- the 21st Century Canaanites Are a Greater Threat!
- Mr. President, We Need to Get Our Own House in Order First!
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copyrighted by The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and is used with these folks' permission. You can visit them at Center for Bio-Ethical Reform to better inform yourself of the significant work they are doing in the Genocide Awareness Project.