As we come down the home stretch of the presidential campaign of 2004 much mention is made of Iraq and our involvement in that conflict since we attacked that nation in March of 2003.
Campaign ads coming from both major parties and their candidates make mention of Iraq, the "war on terrorism and related issues.
In criticizing President Bush the opposition has made use of the statistic which is quite unsettling -- over 1,000 of our military personnel have lost their lives in Iraq since of the invasion of March 19, 2003!
The major TV networks have also worked this one from time to time and it is not difficult to see why -- a substantial number of these biased and very short sighted people are trying to do their part to help the opposition boot the president out of the White House.
But here is what no one, INCLUDING both candidates and the mass media people with their own political agendas, really wants to honestly face -- and that is the daily slaughter of hundreds of potential U.S. citizens right here at home every work day and on Saturdays -- and who knows, since those responsible for the carnage have no respect for Almighty God, they may use Sunday as a "killing day" as well!
So how about doing some comparisons on this -- although the loss of over 1,000 of our young people in Iraq is a tragedy impossible to measure in terms of the pain, suffering, and grief which such a loss has caused, the loss of millions of unborn children over the years through intentional acts of mutilation and murder is a tragedy of the first magnitude.
First, consider how many unborn victims there have been since John Kerry became a member of the United States Senate -- a body which as yet has failed to act decisively on the popular practice of destroying unborn children in the name of "constitutional rights" which Kerry has stressed strongly in his political rhetoric ----
Unborn Babies Brutally
Mutilated and Murdered
since John Kerry entered
the United States Senate
January 1984
Watch this for 60 to 90 seconds
and see what happens!
Second, consider how many unborn victims there have been since George W. Bush became president of our republic. He has used pro-life rhetoric, but has taken no real aggressive action against the slaughter of the innocents such as he took against terrorists following 9-11. To his credit he said he would sign a bill banning partial-birth abortions if such made it to his desk -- he did sign it and it has been struck down by a number of judges who have demonstrated the peak of lunacy due to their failure to grasp the unchangeable fact of their future accountability to the Creator of this mighty universe Who has a positive plan and purpose for every conceived human being! Think not? How about checking the details of His special revelation to us on this subject and then have an extended conversation with Him about it and see if you can change His mind and persuade Him to accept your point of view!
Unborn Children Brutally
Mutilated & Murdered in USA
since George W. Bush took the
oath of office as the President
of our Republic on
January 20, 2001
Watch this for about 60 to 90 seconds
and see what happens!
Third, notice how many unborn victims there have been since the deadly terrorists' attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001. While political leaders make repeated references to the toll of 9-11 and the need to wage war on terrorists wherever they may be found, the person who truly holds God in a high state of reverence and who has come to understand the fact that God has a very special plan and purpose for every conceived human being remembers that more unborn children are brutally mutilated and murdered on an average day than the number of those who died in the terrorists' attacks of September 11, 2001!
Unborn Children Brutally
Attacked & Murdered in USA
since the terrorist attacks
which murdered U.S. citizens
September 11, 2001
Fourth, consider how many unborn victims there have been since we invaded Iraq in March of 2003 -- oooops, looks like our record of brutality and Saddam's don't match too well with us being on the heavy side in this thing when it comes to offenses! It has been estimated that the total number of victims under Hussein's ruthless rule was about 1,000,000.
Hey! Look at the Number
of Unborn Children Brutally
Mutilated & Murdered in USA
since the USA started "liberating" Iraq
from the brutality of Saddam Hussein!
March 19 2003
Watch this for about 60 to 90 seconds
and see what happens!
Finally, consider what the grand total of victims since January of 1973 has been. Interesting is it not, that major TV networks will cover all kind of "blood & guts" incidents involving violence all over the world, but not a tiny peep concerning the violence which results in the brutal deaths of thousands every week of the year in a nation which claims in its historical documents that all persons should have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
Unborn Babies Brutally
Mutilated and Murdered
since Roe vs. Wade
January 1973
Watch this for 60 to 90 seconds
and see what happens!
Politics??? When it is all boiled down to respect for all human life, neither political party has anything significant to brag about -- as the killing continues unabated!
And the final question which has been evaded far too long by political and ecclesiastical leaders as well as by the citizens whom they claim to lead is this -- how much more time will pass before an all powerful holy God in no uncertain terms makes His unrestrained response to the result of one of the vilest and most insane decisions ever made by a few people in long black robes over 3 decades ago?
A Significant Selah Moment!
O LORD, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? even cry out to You, "Violence!" And You will not save. Why do You show me iniquity, and cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contention arises. Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore perverse judgment proceeds.
Habakkuk 1:2-2 (NKJV)
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness....
It is time for You to act, O LORD, for they have regarded Your law as void. Therefore I love Your commandments more than gold, yes, than fine gold! Therefore all Your precepts concerning all things I consider to be right; I hate every false way.
Romans 1:18; Psalm 119:126-128 NKJV
September 30, 2004
Clayton D. Harriger
Elder in Full Connection
Western PA Annual Conference
The United Methodist Church
and presently pastor of
Gipsy Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Gipsy, PA
AND Non-Affiliated registered voter, Cambria Co. PA
For further reference see:[NOTE: Use return feature on your browser to come back here]
- USA on Judgment Schedule!
- Atrocities? Well, It Depends on Your Definition of What Is or Isn't!
- By the Way, Did You Know???
- United States Holocaust Gallery!
- Missing: Millions of Contributors Who Could Have Made a Significant Difference!
- Baby Parts for Sale!
- Justice Denied!
- Weapons of Mass Destruction? Why Does Bush Not Include ALL of Them?
- Portrayal of U.S.A's Hidden Horrors!
- President Bush's "Selective" War Against Terrorism!
- A National Rage Against Violence, BUT Not Always!
- Imploding Our Culture by Destroying the Young!
- Trashing Sacred Gifts - 21st Century Style!
- Is the United States Going Down the Same Path As Samson?
- Popular Deities of American Culture!
- How to Dismantle a Culture in 3 Easy Steps!
- When God Uses the Heathen As a Whip!
- RU-486 -- The Final Nail?
- Why So Heavy on the Abortion Issue Anyway?
- Forget the Terrorists -- the 21st Century Canaanites Are a Greater Threat!
- Mr. President, We Need to Get Our Own House in Order First!
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For comments, complaints, or just plain axe-grinding, contact C. D. Harriger by clicking on Penelope, efficient mail hostess of Circuit Rider's Range, and she will set up the email form for you to fill out and send on its way
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copyrighted by The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and is used with these folks' permission. You can visit them at Center for Bio-Ethical Reform to better inform yourself of the significant work they are doing in the Genocide Awareness Project.