Personal Letter to President G. W. Bush
Questions About the Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners, etc!
[President Bush responding to reports of
abuses of Iraqi prisoners -- May 5, 2004.]
Hello, there! Theo, administrative assistant on Circuit Rider's Range, here to let you know that my boss, CDH (alias Circuit Rider), has fired off a letter to President Bush with copies going to members of the U.S. Congress and some media people. He will be sending this letter on a regular basis for a while in addition to the other letter [Mr. President, We Need to Get Our Own House in Order First!] that is also sent every few days. The picture you see below in the middle of the letter was also included.
A few days after the first letter was sent, outrage was expressed throughout the media and by government officials upon learning of the brutal beheading death of Pennsylvania native, Nicholas Berg, in Iraq by Muslim militants. So the next letters sent will include reference to that incident.
Friday, May 07, 2004 President George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
You have expressed your deep concern over the abuse and mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners of war. In the context of this recent scandal you have made the statement, "The America I know is a compassionate country that believes in freedom. The America I know cares about every individual." And a few days after you made the statement it was reported that Pennsylvania native, Nicholas Berg, was brutally beheaded in Iraq by Muslim militants. The incident was videotaped and widely distributed. More outrage was expressed over this barbaric act.
Why does your statement not apply to thousands of unborn children here in the United States who are intentionally brutally mutilated and murdered in the womb each week? Take a look at just one picture of one victim:
More questions -- how many Iraqi prisoners have experienced what the above unborn child experienced? When are you, your administration, and the members of the Congress going to stop this massive "shedding of innocent blood" which now exceeds 43.8 million victims since 1973?
Until this is stopped, your statement about this country being a "compassionate" country and one that "cares about every individual" is one of mockery in regard to all that the Creator of this universe has revealed about the sacredness of human life and its purpose.
Further, if we do not end this daily slaughter of the innocents, Almighty God will and none of us will want to be living within the borders of this land when He does!
Still contending at
Clayton D. Harriger, Pastor
cc: V. P. Cheney, Senators Specter & Santorum, Representative Murtha
A P.S. on this -- the above letter was sent on the date it was written with copies going to the persons named -- in the future, other members of Congress will be receiving copies, as will certain members of the mass media. A question posed to them will be something like this -- they really "put the pedal to the metal" when it came to circulating the Iraqi prisoners in various states of humilation and abuse -- is it not more than a tad hypocritical that the mass media people don't publish photos such as the one sent to President Bush and inform this nation as to the brutality and murder which goes on every week day in the "land of the free and the home of the brave?" Below you will see the latest tally of murdered innocent "victims" in the U.S.A. since George W. Bush became president!