>Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles....(Proberbs 24:17) December 30, 2006 – It was a day in which some were reported to be celebrating the hanging of Saddam Hussein. As could be expected, the mass media folks again descended to the level of a shark frenzy in bloody waters (or was it vultures picking the bones clean of rotting flesh?) in trying to outdo each one's competition and earn rewards for superior “reporting” of detail after detail somehow tied in to the execution of Saddam Hussein.
Comments from all over the world have been and will be coming forth. One word has been used frequently whenever mention has been made of Saddam H. That word is “brutal” or variations of the word such as “brutality.” It has been well documented on basis of solid evidence that Saddam’s rule was at times most brutal and many persons were victims of that brutality in terms of imprisonment, torture, and execution.
A few things to keep in mind in all this:
1. There are governments in certain places in the world which more than qualify for brutal practices carried out against certain citizens living within the boundaries where leaders of those governments exercise power. Such governments can be identified by searching out human rights issues. Why has the Bush Administration limited its unilateral invasion to just Iraq on the grounds of Hussein being a brutal dictator when there are some others guilty of “crimes against humanity?” Check with some places in Africa, China, and North Korea just for starters! When was the last time you heard Bush or Cheney make an issue of China’s takeover of the sovereign nation of Tibet and the slaughter of huge numbers of citizens of that country?
2. Far worse however is the tendency to insert our own unique definition of “brutality” into the United States culture. Perhaps because of our government leaders and how they have used the term and how it has been reported through that bunch known as the “mass media” that we only apply the word in a limited way. In a sense we were brainwashed into believing that “brutality” was pretty much confined to one named Saddam Hussein and his henchmen. While there are some problems elsewhere in the world and some governments that are a bit harsh, only Saddam was truly brutal!
3. Now for the reality of “brutality” as it is presently practiced in a republic known as the United States of America – a vast majority has chosen to ignore this either by outright denial or playing semantics games in a vain effort to justify what is most appropriately termed the United States’ version of “holocaust!”
4. Take a close and long look at the remains of one human who had the potential of making a positive contribution to the well being of our republic – just one major problem – this one was never born due to the fact that the potential “mother” saw fit to contract a character in a white coat to BRUTALLY mutilate and murder the child before birth! White coated guys in the business are never charged with brutality and murder. And they make a fortune financially, live in mansions, drive luxury automobiles, and send their kids to the most expensive universities!
Hey! Don’t get mad at me for posting this photo – why not get mad at politicians who support this kind of thing – at judges who issue rulings that say it’s quite OK to do these BRUTAL acts at the rate of about 100,000 per month in the land which prides itself on being a “nation under God” – at females who claim it is their “constitutional right” to have their unborn children BRUTALLY mutilated and murdered – at church leaders who are very silent about this activity which has resulted in the destruction of tens of millions unborn children since January of 1973!
Are you among the very few who are willing to admit this indeed is brutality which far outpaces the numbers chalked up by a fellow named Saddam Hussein?
Remember now – Saddam Hussein hanging by a noose around his neck has not ended brutality – especially in the United States of America! Are you up to looking at the latest tally of victims as the United States pursues its own special brand of "holocaust" which is more than 4 times the amount of victims of Nazi Germany's style of doing the "holocaust" thing!
Millions of unborn children have been intentionally murdered all over
the world over time and the United States has contributed tens of
millions to the total - see latest tally at Number of Abortions
Are you big enough and strong enough to honestly do a little comparing? Take a look above at the number of innocent victims which have been brutally mutilated and murdered in the "land of the free and the home of the brave!" The brutality of Saddam Hussein resulted in about 1 million victims. Would you agree that the number of Saddam's victims is quite a bit different from the tens of millions the U.S. has racked up since 1973!
But there is something else we need to remember -- that George W. Bush, the members of his Cabinet, and the Republicans don't seem to be very much disturbed about this toll of victims -- that is, there isn't much of a priority in putting the brakes on the daily destruction of unborn children, although the finger was often pointed toward Saddam as being a brutal dictator etc. Oh, there will be some rhetoric on the occasion of the annual March for Life in D.C. during the 3rd week of January. But after that it will be "business and politics as usual" while the slaughter of the innocents continues at a brisk pace! As noted above, best estimates on the number of victims under the rule of Saddam & Sons is in the million range -- now what is that figure again of brutally murdered unborn victims in the United States since January 1973? And there have been quite a number of unborn victims since George W. Bush became president back in January of 2001?
Now are you ready for another very hard question -- again, it's the kind that we all prefer not to consider and certainly don't want to discuss within family, church, a place of employment, or in the political arena -- that question is this -- how long do you think our insane national policy will continue before Almighty God makes His response to the calloused destruction of those for whom He had plans and whom He knew and identified before they were even conceived in their mother's wombs?
But the far larger question is this -- do we really have time to play our political games and engage in our "pro-life" vs. "pro-abortion" fisticuffs as though we have a century or two to get the issue settled? There's more than an outside possibility that we have already crossed over the line when it comes to sure and certain judgment at the hands of a holy God Who has revealed that all humans have identity and personhood in His sight before conception!
I'm an ordained United Methodist pastor and have been for over 4 decades. I have come under severe criticism for making an issue of our destruction of unborn children and posting pictures of some of the victims as our republic continues to sanction the mass murders of the unborn. I have yet to see within my own denomination our bishops and our district superintendents expressing a slight hint or a minimal whisper of outrage over the destruction of the unborn. They seem to prefer living in a world of denial and that the U.S. version of "holocaust" isn't really happening -- they would make cozy companions with those who still insist that the Nazi holocaust never really happened. What is interesting is that much anger is directed my way for raising the issue and posting the pictures but there is never any anger directed toward the white-coated individuals guilty of committing the massive atrocities! Got an answer to that one? I surely don't!
But I only have to live with that for a short while on this earth -- then there is One Who will intentionally interrupt the flow of human events as we presently experience them and "level the playing field" in the future -- His name is Jesus Christ! One big surprise will be the fact that all who survive that dramatic event will be confronted with the fact that God's view of humans is shockingly different from the view of the U.S. Supreme Court, elected politicians, and a substantially large number of U.S. citizens!
Just something to think about and something to sleep on, if you can!
O LORD, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? even cry out to You, "Violence!" And You will not save. Why do You show me iniquity, and cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contention arises. Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore perverse judgment proceeds.
Habakkuk 1:2-2 (NKJV)