March 2004
Bishop x and Members of Cabinet:
[Names of members of the W PA Annual Conference Cabinet were listed here in alphabetical order in original email which was sent -- each DS received the email personally as did the bishop.]
My apology in using email rather than conventional mail for this -- but due to a number of expenses too numerous to mention, one of which includes the financing of my web site ministry and cable modem usage, I am asking for your indulgence by this means of communication. When you retire you'll know much more of what I am talking about -- BTW, it is very true that senior citizens are really getting hammered financially by government and business coming and going due to uncontrolled greed running amuck in our culture!
I just recently came across your statement relative to the trial of Karen Dammann. I know you have already had an avalanche of responses from United Methodist Church membership here in Western Pennsylvania. A large number had comments and reactions and so did I. I have posted some of mine at "Dealing from a Stacked Deck - As Taught by Dammann Trial Participants!" at And "Death Knell for The United Methodist Church? OR Chew and Enjoy While You Can!" at
May I say that although I am greatly frustrated over the trial verdict, I was not all that surprised. I have been following the activities and planned strategies of the sodomite/lesbian crowd for quite some time. I am on the mailing lists which release information from such advocacy groups as Soulforce, Affirmation, UM Cornet, Reconciling Ministries Network et al.
A couple of things are quite disturbing.
One, we tend to underestimate the power, wide range of influence, and support these people have. Stop and think for a moment as to what has happened in just the short time since GC 2000 at Cleveland -- not only within the church but throughout the whole republic and other parts of the world as well. A practicing sodomite installed as a bishop in the Episcopal Church -- "marriages" of sodomite couples and lesbian couples taking place -- high profile and positive media coverage of same-gender "couples" rearing children -- successful invasion of the public school system with literature designed to condition our young that sodomy and lesbianism are to be regarded as being perfectly "normal" -- a presidential appointment of at least one open practicing sodomite to the position of U.S. ambassador to Romania -- the guy was sworn in by Sec. of State, Colin Powell, with his "lover" present and beaming every bit as much as would the spouse of a married heterosexual in such a solemn setting!
Second, in the aftermath of the Dammann trial there are too many statements that are deliberately "pulling the punches" -- perhaps a number are coming from those who have been drawn into "dialog" -- a very effective tactic used to great advantage by the sodomite/lesbian cartel in pursuit of its agenda, which when reduced to its most basic terms means forced acceptance of its abominable lifestyles upon every man, woman, and child in our republic -- yes, that sounds extremely far fetched, but sift through what they are saying and doing, and bring it to a logical conclusion. This is discussed a bit at "A 'Marriage' Proposal of Another Kind Conceived in Hell!" at
An honest look at the present church and secular scene leaves a loyal Christian with but one conclusion -- we are at WAR -- it is vicious and it is very deadly! But we are obviously in a state of denial and accustomed to using rhetoric in the church which attempts to point us in the direction of a possible "synthesis" at some future point -- to borrow a term from Hegel. If we just keep talking -- keep the channels open for "dialog" -- treat each other with respect long enough we'll reach an understanding and work together to bring in the Kingdom of God on earth! Watch out for an effort to change the BOD language to say something like this: "While we do not agree on the issue of homosexuality, we do agree that we are all children of God and need to lay aside our differences for the sake of unity and reaching out into the world to make disciples for Jesus Christ as we demonstrate love for one another." or some such jargon.
I for one would hope that in addition to affirming the present position of the church as defined in the BOD, the conference in which I am an ordained elder would also draft a statement of witness in the strongest possible terms for encouraging our members who still believe the Scriptures mean precisely what they say. Such a statement would basically state:
God's revelation plainly establishes the institution of marriage to consist solely of a union between 1 male and 1 female in which the couple is totally committed to love and fidelity for each other. This is revealed in Genesis and later confirmed by Jesus.
We are in full agreement with God's clear revelation on the moral boundaries He has established for permissible sexual expression and experience.
Sodomy and lesbianism are an abomination, with not one phrase in God's revealed volume of truth giving positive approval and sanction at any time. It is always cast in a negative light and under condemnation.
Sodomites and lesbians are more than welcome to participate in the full life and ministry of the church upon meeting the same condition as is required for all other persons -- namely, full repentance from sin, including the sin of sodomy and lesbianism, and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
It was a mistake when someone in the past arranged for the statement to be placed in the BOD which singles out homosexual persons and declaring them to be persons of "sacred worth." That is not necessary because they are already covered, as we all are, under John 3:16! But by showing this kind of bias, we open up a can of worms -- are they so special that they have to be singled out -- if so, then we better go the whole route on this lest we disenfranchise many others such as adulterers, fornicators, rapists, practitioners of incest, bestiality, child sexual abuse, etc. And don't forget the murderers, the drunkards, and the tax dodgers -- my, the sky is the limit when this thing takes off, isn't it?
I admit to being a bit hard-nosed about this -- but if I had to repent of my sexual sins, among other things, when I was getting squared away with God, then I take the position that the sodomite/lesbian crowd has to repent of theirs too! But the vast majority doesn't want to and refuses to acknowledge that they even sin in that regard, which is why I probably rate near the top in W. PA as being a first class case of "homophobia!"
In our efforts at what is called "visioning" the time is long overdue to consider the real possibility of God's judgment as a part of our "vision" and faithfully bear witness of that -- but as mentioned earlier, we tend to be in a state of denial and for God to bring judgment on our republic is unthinkable to the vast majority! Where, oh where are Elijah, Micaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, and John the Baptist now that we so greatly need them?
Thanks for listening at least a little bit. May God's best be your daily portion as you stand firm for His eternal truth and standards without apology.
Still contending at
Clayton D. Harriger
For further reference:
Open letter to Mel White and Others of Soulforce, Inc. at
Copy of letter sent to President Bush & V. President Cheney every few days, and copies are sent to other persons around the country from time to time, including UMC bishops.
"Mr. President, We Need to Set Our Own House in Order First!" at"Worse Than the "Black Death -- It's the Porno Plague!" at
"Imploding a Culture by Destroying the Young!" at
"Pointing the Finger at Saddam OR A Case of the Pot Calling the Kettle Black!" at
For further reference on UMC related & other relevant issues see:
[NOTE: Use return on your browser to come back here.][NOTE: Use return feature on your browser to come back here]NOTICE: Soulforce is a gang made up of a group of persons of different denominational backgrounds, including Mr. Jimmy Creech, defrocked United Methodist pastor of some time back. Soulforce's goal is to force full acceptance of sodomy and lesbianism in all churches without any restrictions. Be sure to read an interesting challenge to Mel White and members of Soulforce to take their crusade to new heights they may not yet have considered -- see Open Letter to Mel White and Others of Soulforce, Inc.!
- A Potpourri of Stuff Related to the Karen Dammann Trial
- Death Knell for The United Methodist Church? OR Chew and Enjoy While You Can!
- A "Marriage" Proposal of Another Kind Conceived in Hell!
- The Camel Is Almost In Except for a Part of His Hind Leg and His Tail!
- About This Dialog Thing...!
- UMC Episcopal Endorsement of Same Gender Coupling!
- United Methodist Bishops Still Concerned About Children -- That Is, Up to a Point!
- "But doctor, I feel good and people say I look great!"
- If the United Methodist Church Goes Pro-Sodomy, What Then?
- A Resolution to Prepare for the UMC General Conference of 2004!
- Watch Out for That Other "Jesus!"
- What About Those GLBT "brothers and sisters"?
- Invitation to Judgement!
- Ripe for Judgment??? - more details and less graphics in this one with facts which point out how we are more than qualified to experience judgment at the hands of a holy God!
- Worse Than the "Black Death" -- It's the Porno Plague!
- A National Rage Against Violence, BUT Not Always!
- United States Holocaust Gallery!
- Trashing Sacred Gifts - 21st Century Style!
- Is the United States Going Down the Same Path As Samson?
- Popular Deities of American Culture!
- Imploding Our Culture by Destroying the Young!
- How to Dismantle a Culture in 3 Easy Steps!
- When God Uses the Heathen As a Whip!
- Portrayal of U.S.A's Hidden Horrors!
- RU-486 -- The Final Nail?
- Baby Parts for Sale!
- Justice Denied!
- Why So Heavy on the Abortion Issue Anyway?
CDH's United Methodist Bishops "Project" for 2003! -- NOTE! The "project" continues in 2004
- Letter to W PA United Methodist Annual Conference Delegates to GC 2004
- What Can I Do?
For comments, complaints, or just plain axe-grinding, contact C. D. Harriger by clicking on Penelope, efficient mail hostess of Circuit Rider's Range, and she will set up the email form for you to fill out and send on its way