I.C.E. Formed!
The Indiana - Cambria Environmental Association, Inc. is now a legal entity. Details, including a view of the logo, are now available at I.C.E. Formed! The logo explicitly reminds the public that it is a watchdog group when it comes to individuals, groups, or companies attempting to do anything which threatens the safety, health, and well being of our citizens and their families! See how you can become involved.
Just added! Still some pics and comments to be added later, but you can take a look now at The Rape of Planet Earth Continues! And just recently posted is Route 56 Horror Story! -- you think you have it rough, see how people along Rt. 56 from Armagh to Seward are doing
RED ALERT! After the initial furor over the proposal to bring acid rock into Pine Township and the decision to "put it on hold," RNS Services, Inc. did not roll over and play dead, but aggressively gave public notice of its applications to the PA Department of Environmental Protection concerning plans and intentions for the Mine #24 Site. The first application specifically mentions the mixing of pyritic rock and fly ash and the modification of Permit #32713707. Information and details about this can be reviewed at
RNS Services Applications with DEP
(click on link to go to page containing the 2 public notices)
Information about the applications was made available through a web site which provides information on all public notices -- this can be reviewed by going to Public Notices. Note: you will have to fill in fields such as dates, newspaper, key words such as RNS Services, etc. This will give you exactly the notice as published and when it was published.
As mentioned above, in order to effectively counter those efforts to further pollute the environment in Pine Township, I.C.E. (Indiana - Cambria Environmental Association, Inc.) is now a registered non-profit corporation. One of its purposes will be to serve as a watchdog group as well as being in a position to initiate legal challenges where necessary.
Be aware -- we won a "skirmish" a while back, but the "war" is not over -- and the danger is that many people will be led into believing that the decision made in Harrisburg means that never, never, never will any acid rock be brought into Mine #24 site in Pine Township! Don't forget that millions of dollars are riding on this -- and greed will drive people and companies to do anything, legal or illegal, in order to reach the goal of bigger and bigger bank accounts! Politics and high pressure lobbying are STILL the standard operating procedures in Harrisburg PA and Washington DC! And remember, the fat lady hasn't sung yet![]()
Whether Angel sings here or not will totally
depend on critical decisions made in combination
by PennDOT, the DEP, and Harrisburg!
An Index of Contents
Introduction of the Issue by Theo
In a series of announcements during March 2006, RNS Services, Inc. gave public notice of applications with the DEP in the Indiana Gazette -- acid rock and fly ash are mentioned in connection with the Mine #24 site in Pine Twp. -- click on RNS Services Applications with DEP to see the details!
Letter Concerning the Acid Rock Issue
A lot of letters were sent out by cdh in this controversy and more will be sent -- see Letters, Letters, Letters! -- also at end of the area is a link to go to suggestions as to what a single person can do when extremely frustrated with what Deputy Barney Fife would say is a "situation!"
The Rape of Planet Earth Continues! - this link will take you to another area, but there is the return link at the bottom of the page to come back here, or use the reverse on your web browser.
Route 56 Horror Story! - this link will take you to another area, but there is the return link at the bottom of the page to come back here, or use the reverse on your web browser.
Killer Intersections Along Rt. 422 in Cambria and Indiana Counties!
The Belsano "Dog Leg" -- Rt. 422 & Rt. 271!
A great protest of the PennDOT proposal in cartoon form plus comments from others -- see it all at Citizens' Protest of Acid Rock & Fly-ash Dumping in Indiana County! -- those who are opposed to the "plan" are asked to send in your written comments on this issue. While the governor gave the order to suspend the plan for now, as you see from information above, RNS is still determined to bring in the acid rock and fly ash. With high pressure and well paid lobbyists at work in Harrisburg, what might happen after the election is over -- want nightmares, anyone? So, letters of protest are still welcome here. Also pictures which prove that things are not 100 per cent healthy at the Mine #24 site are welcome also.
The Trip of a Lifetime! Final Leg in the Journey of Acid Rock & Fly-ash to the Centre County Designated "Toilet" in Pine Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania! NOTE: This is a link to a 2nd area related to the acid rock/fly-ash controversy. By means of photos you can trace the final stages of the journey of acid rock and fly-ash in Cambria and Indiana Counties. There is a link there which will bring you back here.
Protest to the Officials Who Have a Say So! -- Cambria and Indiana County Commissioners are now added to this list.
A Parting Question About Truck Drivers' Pay!
Hello there! Theo here -- I'm the Circuit Rider's administrative assistant here on the Range -- CR is also known by other terms and names, including the one his parents gave him when he was born as you will see a bit later. In the area where he lives a very heated controversy has exploded with the revelation that PennDOT (the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation) and the DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) have hatched a scheme which will impact a lot of people in Indiana and Cambria Counties in PA.
Some time back a highway project was launched which would bring Interstate 99 into the State College area in Centre County. Just about everyone knows that there are a lot of financial and political "fruits" to be gained when an interstate highway is placed just about anywhere -- you know, even the Eskimos and polar bears would make out if our politicians arranged to put an interstate through the Arctic Circle!
So, with a lot of fanfare the I-99 "project" was launched. Ooops! They found out there was a serious problem with a lot of material which had been excavated -- it contained stuff which, when exposed to air and water, resulted in an acid substance which in turn had a deadly polluting effect! So PennDOT tried to treat the substance in order to neutralize it -- but after huge amounts of money and time spent, it was determined that the "treatment" had failed and so the I-99 "project" came to a screeching halt. And when it comes to spending money, the PA Department of Transportation can get rid of it like there is no tomorrow -- and you know who pays the bill, don't you? That's why, if you live in Pennsylvania, your wallet is much lighter than it used to be!
Certain influential people got their heads together and eventually it became known that PennDOT had a "plan" -- shades of the ancient TV series, "A-Team" -- with DEP approval, the acid rock in Centre County would be hauled by hundreds of trucks to a lowly little place by the name of Pine Township located in a rural area of Indiana County quite a few miles to the west! At the same time hundreds of trucks would be involved in hauling fly-ash from power stations which are south of the site where the acid rock would be dumped. The fly-ash, which contains a delectable ingredient called arsenic, is supposed to neutralize the acid rock. And over time the fly-ash stuff is supposed to solidify and hocus pocus, we'll have a mountain of solidified fly-ash enclosing troublesome acid rock and everyone will live happily ever after, OR WILL THEY?
A public meeting was held on February 13th at the Heilwood Firehall not far from where all this mix of acid rock and fly-ash will be taking place. It was very intense to say the least as the representatives of PennDOT and DEP attempted to explain the "plan" for trucking in the acid rock and fly-ash. The objections on the part of citizens who live along the routes to be travelled by a myriad of trucks were unanimous and with solid merit as they realize the negative impact this will have on their families and community.
Below is a letter sent by CDH to four newspapers with coverage in the area: The Indiana Gazette, Mainline Newspapers, Inc., The Altoona Mirror, and The Johnstown Tribune-Democrat. The Tribune-Democrat did not publish the letter -- reason why is another story for another time. However, a link near the top of the home area of Circuit Rider's Range gives details on adventures between cdh and the T-D. Oh yes, the graphics you see within the letter were not in the letters sent to the newspapers -- cdh regrets that he was unable to include them in the process!
There are pictures now posted and more to come in the days to follow as to the hazardous conditions created by this debacle along Rts. 422 and 403!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006 Editor:
The meeting at the Heilwood Firehall on February 13th proved to be intensely emotional as reps from PennDOT and the DEP attempted to explain and justify the proposal to transport a massive amount of acid rock material from Centre County and fly-ash material from power stations to a landfill site in Pine Township in Indiana County.
It is obvious that they were ill prepared to deal with citizens' legitimate objections in terms of the health and safety hazards this will present to the area. An excessively high volume truck traffic will present dangers to the families along the traveled Routes of 422 and 403. What to do about the treacherous intersection of 422 and 403 with increased truck traffic has not been seriously addressed.
The problem of debris and dust from the fly-ash transported cannot be controlled and it will prove to be a menace under all kinds of weather conditions. Personal health and property will both be adversely affected during the time the "project" runs its course.
Law enforcement officers would have to be posted at least a mile apart along the traveled routes in order to control the speed of the trucks. We all know that simply will not happen due to lack of numbers of personnel needed for enforcement. My wife was nearly launched into eternity a few years ago by a tri-axle truck driver who felt the speed limit didn't apply to him!
There are grounds for believing that a political "deal" was worked out in which with the wealth and political clout existing in the State College area that it was agreed to make "lowly" Pine Township in lndiana County their "toilet!"
Let's also not forget that PennDOT is one of the worst polluters in the commonwealth and that with DEP approval. Who else can get away with dumping huge amounts of toxic chemicals on our highways which in turn hasten the corrosion and deterioration of our bridges and vehicles, kill vegetation, and pollute our water systems!
The issue of acid rock being transported to Pine Township would not even surface if high level PennDOT and DEP officials and their families were forced to live along Rt. 403 from Rt. 422 to the proposed Centre County "toilet" during the term of the "project!"
Still contending at www.crrange.com
Clayton D. Harriger, Pastor
Killer Intersections on Route 422 --
Cambria & Indiana CountiesStrongstown - Rt. 422 (East - West) & Rt. 403 (North - South)
Years ago there were only stop signs here for people going north and south on Rt. 403 into Strongstown. There were a number of accidents at this intersection, including fatals. After the body count kept rising and some appeals and protesting were done, PennDOT finally decided to put in some flashing lights. After the rates were raised on the PA Turnpike some years back there was a noticable increase in the number of 18 wheelers using Rt. 422. There is a regular herd of the critters at the present time. And then there are the tri-axle dump trucks which seem to proliferate like rabbits in this area. Now there's the exciting prospect of hundreds of trucks -- some hauling fly-ash from power stations to the south and making their way north on Rt. 403 and a host of others hauling acid rock from Centre County coming west on Rt. 422 from Ebensburg and this mob of trucks will be converging at this intersection and then proceeding north on Rt. 403 to that site which has been referred to as the Centre County "toilet!" Are you beginning to sense why families in this area are screaming "Foul!" to the likes of PennDOT and DEP people? Oh, as Detective Columbo would say, "There's just one more thing!" A number of Amish families have moved into this area and are traveling about in their buggies on a regular basis -- has PennDOT calculated how fast the tri-axle dump truck driver can stop his machine when it is loaded with around 20 tons of material (give or take, depending on whether he wants to risk the trip while being overloaded) and he comes around a bend in the road and finds himself right on top of an Amish family in their horse drawn buggy? Well what happens when a gnat hits the windshield of an 18 wheeler rolling along on I-80 between Brookville and Clarion at about 75 or 80 miles per hour -- which is about what some of them do, because when I have been driving at 65 I have gotten passed by some of those rigs as though I was in grandma's favorite gear!
Ah, the friendly intersection at Bethel -- hardly anything quite like it anywhere! First, notice to the left of the school bus waiting patiently to make a left turn, you will see 3 white crosses stuck in the ground as a memorial. Some months ago a teen ager ran the stop sign here and slammed into a van on Rt. 422 killing a mother and her 2 young children. The husband and father was critically injured but by a miracle managed to survive the accident. This is a chaotic intersection with school buses coming and going -- down Cardiff road in Nanty Glo are the Blacklick Valley Junion/Senior High School and the Elementary School. Also morning hours and afternoon hours when people are traveling to and from work, it gets real interesting here. As you can see there are trucks up and moving about in this place. This area is at times shrouded in fog due to elevation which makes for further adventure at this intersection. Now throw a few hundred more tri-axles into the mix here which will haul acid rock from Centre County and it's going to be pure bedlam with a dash of insanity thrown in as well! There have been other fatals here also, but apparently the body count isn't quite high enough yet for PennDOT to move on to hanging some flashing caution and stop lights at this place!Now here is another interesting ingredient -- travel west about .3 mile from the intersection which has the 3 crosses at one corner and you have started down grade -- before you know it you come on to a road which turns right off of Rt. 422. There are tri-axles traveling back and forth on that road which proceeds to the village of Colver where a co-gen plant is located -- activity related to the plant means tri-axle dump traffic, which means entering and exiting Rt. 422! If, after you have passed the Cardiff Rd. intersection you decide to put the "pedal to the metal," as some are quite inclined to do, as you head west, suddenly you are to a tri-axle slowed down as the driver attempts to turn on to the road going to the co-gen plant! Can you see it now as an acid rock loaded truck starts to move out and comes upon one of his "brothers" entering or leaving the co-gen road -- could be messy since it has been well demonstrated that the law of inertia kicks in when one moves at a high rate of speed and one can't stop on a dime when a crisis calls for it!
One of our daughters-in-law was rear ended a few years ago by a truck as she was waiting to make a left turn on to the road to Colver where her parents live. Our infant grandson was in his car seat in the back seat of the vehicle. Another miracle -- they both survived -- not all people do when they have an encounter with a tri-axle!
Finally we come to an intersection of growing notoriety for a number of reasons. This is where the 4 lane section of Rt. 219 north and south intersects with a 4 lane section of Rt. 422 just a few tenths of mile from the Bishop Carroll Schools, Central Cambria Schools, Admiral Peary Vo-Tech School and the borough of Ebensburg, county seat of Cambria County where a bunch of lawyers hang out with some running ads encouraging you to sue somebody over something! About the only thing they haven't covered in their list of possibilities is a hang nail, but that is probably just an oversight -- they'll think of it eventually!The history of this intersection is a bit interesting. Originally the plan was to put in place a perfect clover leaf design so that there would be no need for any cross-over traffic in any of the lanes. As construction got under way and the grading of the exit and entrance lanes was taking place, it happened to be election year. The local rep in the U.S. Congress was in trouble in his re-election bid. For some strange reason, things seemed to be speeded up and plans were changed for the intersection. Just a short time before election a big celebration took place as the new section of Rt. 219 was opened with the rep on hand to take a lot of credit for a new section of 4 lane highway which is but a few miles long as it heads toward the village of Carrolltown to the north!
The bottom photo which was taken when for a few brief seconds no traffic was in view shows one of the original clover leaf ramps which would have taken traffic traveling south on Rt. 219 and would have made possible an exit with no cross over on active traffic lanes. As it stands now, traffic going into Ebensburg has to exit at a point just west of where this photo was taken -- they have to cross over the 2 west bound lanes and then merge into the east bound lanes headed into Ebensburg -- at certain hours of the day with school buses running and work traffic on the move....well, you figure it out how you would handle it! Now if you want to see how it really should be as originally planned, jump on Rt. 219 south here and go but a couple of miles or less and you will come to the interchange at Rt. 22 east - west and Rt. 219 north - south. Here you will see the "perfect" interchange, clover leaf and all -- there when exiting and entering you will either take a straight ramp or a curved one as you shift from one highway to the other -- at this one, no crossing over lanes to get to the others as it is at the "killer" at Rts. 422 & 219! Politics is not only full up with hypocrisy and greed, but it has left a bloody trail in more ways than one -- and then these people whine and cry when an informed public becomes nauseated, skeptical and cynical of their practices while in office! Etch this in your memory -- some people would still be alive today if the interchange at Rts. 422 and 219 would have been constructed as it should have been!
But take a look at the 2 upper photos -- see where the 18 wheeler is waiting to pull out? There have been fatal accidents here as people attempted to cross over 2 east bound lanes and get on the west bound lanes beyond! This is another place where trucks are like rabbits -- all over the place! But that's not the only problem -- it was felt (or wildly dreamed by PennDOT people and ruling powers in Ebensburg) that this stretch of Rt. 219 would enable trucks east and west bound on Rt. 422 to "dog leg" over to or come from Rt. 22 and thus bypass Ebensburg, allowing the borough to be peaceful and quiet with the absence of the trucks. But guess what? As you can see, there are trucks that still run through Ebensburg going east or west -- the reason? There is extra distance to do the "dog leg" plus there are 3 traffic lights on Rt. 22 and it also is insane with traffic, especially during the work traffic flow hours. By going through Ebensburg the truckers still only have 3 traffic lights to deal with and will reach Rt. 422 or Rt. 22, depending on direction more quickly.
Now here's the "rhubarb" -- what are PennDOT's plans for "encouraging" their hundreds of acid rock laden trucks and drivers to avoid going through Ebensburg -- take the "dog leg" and get stacked up on an exit ramp at a stop sign, PATIENTLY wait to get across 2 east bound lanes of traffic, get on Rt. 422 west and casually motor on to the Centre County designated "toilet" site in Indiana County?
The Belsano "Dog Leg!"
Rt. 271 north and south is a "dog leg" situation in Belsano -- photos above were taken where 271 comes to Rt. 422 at the Belsano Post Office -- traffic is always buzzing here -- some truck drivers as well as drivers of cars and pickup trucks sometimes forget that there are brakes on their vehicles -- so they come tearing down through Belsano at 50 or 60 MPH at times -- just hold on to your hat when you go to the post office and hold on to the rail as you go up the steps -- one of those loaded Peterbilts could blow you off your feet! And then there are those cumbersome log trucks that move about in this area -- sort of like a giant wooly mammoth from days of very ancient times -- they move about slowly and often turn on to Rt. 271 north here at the Post Office as do a number of school buses which make frequent stops to load or unload students at all grade levels. Crossing the intersection here at the post office never fails to be high adventure, and could cause your insurance agent to come close to a heart attack if he saw you trying to get from one side to the other!
If you are traveling Rt. 271 south and you have managed to get on to Rt. 422 at the Post Office, then you travel east for a short distance and you come to the east end of the "dog leg" where Rt. 271 takes off from Rt. 422 toward Twin Rocks, Nanty Glo and points south. But as you will notice by the photo there are tri-axles in the business of hauling some stuff from the Vintondale area -- they make their way to Rt. 271 at the village of Twin Rocks -- some may go south toward Nanty Glo and others come north to Belsano as you see one doing here. At Twin Rocks there are stop signs as these fellows come to 271 but it seems they don't want to stop a lot of the time since it's an upgrade haul with a load to the north and south stopsigns! As you will observe, Belsano is on a downhill swing when traffic is moving west on Rt. 422, and as already stated, seems the 35 MPH posted speed limit doesn't mean a whole lot much of the time. Only when for a few limited hours within a week the township police monitor the traffic is a sense of sanity restored, but only for a little while. When the acid rock haulers come storming through town we'll have a real circus! And since no high level PennDOT people live in Belsano along Rt. 422 a person with an IQ level of 65 can figure out what controls are going to take place!
Contact These Officials with Your Concerns About Acid Rock Dumping
in Pine Township, Indiana County, PA
- Elected Officials
- Governor Edward G. Rendell
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
- Lt. Governor Catherine Baker Knoll
200 Main Capitol Bldg.
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0002
Phone: 717-787-3300
Fax: 717-783-0150
Email: lieutenant-governor@state.pa.us
- Senator Jake Corman
Senate Box 203034
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3034
(717) 787-1377
Email: jcorman@pasen.gov
- Representative Gary Haluska
114 Irvis Office Bldg.
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2020
Fax: 717-783-7548
- Representative Dave Reed
147B East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2020
Fax: 717-705-1947
- Senator Donald C. White
Senate Box 203041
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3041
Email: dwhite@pasen.gov
- Representative Edward P. Wojnaroski, Sr.
111A East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2020
Fax: 717-705-7001
- Senator John N. Wozniak
Senate Box 203035
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3035
Email: wozniak@pasenate.com
- Representative Thomas F. Yewcic
300 Irvis Office Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2020
Fax: 717-787-4922
- Cambria County Board of Commissioners
P.J. Stevens, Milan Gjurich, William Harris
200 South Center Street
Ebensburg, PA 15931
814-472-1606- Indiana County Board of Commissioners
Rodney Ruddock, David S. Frick, Bernie Smith
825 Philadelphia Street
Indiana, PA 15701
724-465-3805- Agencies & Personnel
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Environmental Protection Department
Kathleen Alana McGinty, Secretary of DEP
Rachel Carson State Office Bldg.,
16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17105
Phone: 717-783-2300
Fax: 717-783-8926
Email: ra-epaskdep@state.pa.us
- Also contact DEP by email at: RA-epcontactus@state.pa.us
- Department of Environmental Protection
Southwest Regional Office
400 Waterfront Dr.
Pittsburgh PA 15222
412-442-4000- This is the one handling the application!
Department of Environmental Protection
NorthCentral Regional Office
208 W. Third Street
Williamsport PA 17701- PennDOT Central Office
Keystone Building
400 North Street
Harrisburg, PA 17120
717-787-2838- PennDOT District 10-0
Richard H. Hogg, P.E. District Executive @ 724-357-2800
Donna L. Clements, Administrative Assistant @ 724-357-2853
2550 Oakland Avenue
Indiana, PA 15701- PennDOT District 9
Thomas A. Prestash, P.E. District Executive
Connie A. Rampulla, Secretary to District Executive @ 814-696-7104
1620 North Juniata Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Email at PennDOT District 9- PennDOT District 2
Kevin R. Kline, P.E. District Executive @ 814-765-0410
Jessica Royer-Singleton, Administrative Assistant @ 814-765-0412
1924-30 Daisy Street
PO Box 342
Clearfield Co PA 16830A Parting Question! Will the drivers of those acid rock laden trucks be paid by the hour, OR BY NUMBER OF TRIPS AND WEIGHT OF LOAD? Seems that has to do with things like speed and being over the weight limit! Further it seems in central PA the 2 per cent of drivers who respect the speed limit laws and the weight limit laws are badly tarnished by all the others who DO NOT respect the speed limits and weight limits -- the name of the game is something called money and how fast you can get it! Well, PennDOT, what is your answer on this one and how many PA state troopers do you plan to deploy to really get a handle on this? Or will we have to have a massive body count before anything of significance is done?
One resident who lives on the stretch of 422 between Belsano and Strongstown decided to do a truck count in an hour's period. Sitting on his front porch he counted just the full grown trucks -- you know, the tri-axle and 18 wheeler monsters that really fly by where this gentleman lives. Are you ready for this -- just a normal day under present conditions -- 51 trucks going east and 37 headed west in one hour's time! That DID NOT include the many cars, pickup trucks and miscellaneous vehicles going one direction or the other! How will these residents get out on to the highway to go somewhere or cross the road to get their mail once the acid rock guys come on the scene?
Hello there! I'm Harry the Hammer and I'm construction foreman here at Circuit Rider's Range. I just want you to know that there are more things to be added here in the days to come. We have posted some pictures of "killer" intersections along Route 422 where all the hundreds of tri-axle trucks are going to be traveling if PennDOT and the DEP have their way in this project involving the mix of acid rock and fly-ash. There are also photos published of routes traveled in another area as noted in a link in the index section. If you like adventure as you travel, trace the proposed routes the acid rock and fly-ash boys will take -- actually, it's what you call, "living dangerously!"
This area can likewise be a forum where citizens affected by this environmental hazard can register their concerns. For any who want to voice their objections to intentions of PennDOT (with the blessing and approval of the DEP) to truck a mountain of acid rock and fly-ash to the Robindale site in Pine Township, you can email Clayton D. Harriger, web servant of this site, at cdharriger@hotmail.com -- just one request, no use of profanity in expressing yourself please! If you are so inclined to use it, just remember a very potent definition of profanity -- "Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind trying to express itself forcibly!" I rest my case!
It is also the intent of CDH to publish the names and addresses of officials who can be contacted in order to register your protests.
Remember the old saying which has been around for generations -- "There's something rotten in Denmark?" The latest version is "There's something rotten in Harrisburg and Centre County, Pennsylvania!"
Finally, this web site deals with all manner of controversial issues -- political, moral, church, etc. Name it, and it's probably here somewhere. Just below are some of the topics available for you to look into, if you want more challenging adventures on Circuit Rider's Range.
For other issues impacting our culture and world, see:[NOTE: Use return feature on your browser to come back here]
- It Is Time.....!
- Judgment Is Like An Impending Dam Break…..A Warning Is Sounded.... But Is Anybody Really Listening?
- Good News! A Day Coming in Which All Politicians Will Be Removed from Office!
- Imploding Our Culture by Destroying the Young!
- Trashing Sacred Gifts - 21st Century Style!
- Popular Deities of American Culture!
- How to Dismantle a Culture in 3 Easy Steps!
- Worse Than the "Black Death" -- It's the Porno Plague!
- By the Way, Did You Know???
- Atrocities? Well, It Depends on Your Definition of What Is or Isn't!
- U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, Indignantly Denounces Those "Who Kill Innocent Men, Women, and Children!"
- Social Security "Crisis" According to President Bush - December 16, 2004
- It's Unconstitutional to Protect the Life of An Unborn Child --Even When It's Ready to be Born!
- Missing: Millions of Contributors Who Could Have Made a Significant Difference!
- Giving God the Obscene Gesture!
- Applauding a Killing - USA Style!
- USA on Judgment Schedule!
- United States Holocaust Gallery!
- Baby Parts for Sale!
- Justice Denied!
- Weapons of Mass Destruction? Why Does Bush Not Include ALL of Them?
- Portrayal of U.S.A's Hidden Horrors!
- President Bush's "Selective" War Against Terrorism!
- A National Rage Against Violence, BUT Not Always!
- Is the United States Going Down the Same Path As Samson?
- When God Uses the Heathen As a Whip!
- RU-486 -- The Final Nail?
- Why So Heavy on the Abortion Issue Anyway?
- Forget the Terrorists -- the 21st Century Canaanites Are a Greater Threat!
- Mr. President, We Need to Get Our Own House in Order First!
February 14, 2006
Clayton D. Harriger
Elder in Full Connection
Western PA Annual Conference
The United Methodist Church
and presently pastor of
Gipsy Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Gipsy, PA
AND Non-Affiliated registered voter, Cambria Co. PA
Circuit Rider's Range (Main Area)
Ramblings from the Pen of a Maverick...
CR's Leap of Faith! OR The Whole Spread of CR's Range!
Return to Building Walls with Untempered OR Tempered Mortar!
Bird's Eye View of CR's Range
What's New At CR's Range?
For suggestions on some things to do as an individual go to
What Can I Do?
Use return on web browser to come back here.
For comments, complaints, or just plain axe-grinding, contact C. D. Harriger by clicking on Penelope, efficient mail hostess of Circuit Rider's Range, and she will set up the email form for you to fill out and send on its way