An Index
The first letter was sent to President Trump on March 1, 2017. The plan is to send a letter on a regular ongoing basis at least once a month or maybe a couple times a month. Letters have been sent regularly to each president starting with Bill Clinton. Copies of these letters will also be sent to members of the president's cabinet, members of Congress, United Methodist bishops, ambassadors from foreign nations based in DC, media persons and heads of countries in different parts of the world. The only heads of governments who have responded in the past have been the Queen of England via her secretary and Tony Blair when he was Prime Minister.
Sometimes the letter will be altered and when that happens it will be reflected here in this space. That will depend upon certain circumstances developing as to what changes may be made. Note that the primary issue is the ongoing destruction of unborn children, the greatest of national sins which any nation can commit and which will arouse the jugmental wrath of Almighty God more quickly than any other single offense -- and we do have many transgressions at this point in time! The 21 week victim of assault and murder while still in its mothers' womb is pictured at the bottom of the letter -- that is just a graphic reminder of such activities which take the lives of approximately 25,000 unborn persons each week of the year!
An inclosure will also be included with the letter -- it contains the word, "Warning," in red letters and is a graphic of a coffin portraying the "nails" being presently pounded in that coffin with each nail having an identity. Here is what it looks like:
Underneath the graphic image are some Scripture references which appear this way on that inclosure:
Confounded Love - 2 Timothy 3:1-6
Conceding Church - Isaiah 5:20-24
Contradictory Government - Micah 3
Contagion of Idolatry - Jeremiah 2:26-28
Consigned Children - Jeremiah 7:30, 31
Conflagration of Immorality - Jeremiah 5:7-9
Contaminated Sabbaths - Ezekiel 22:8-14
Contrived Origins - Romans 1:20-25
At the very bottom is the location of the area where this is all spelled out in greater detail -- that address is and the title is, "Driving the Final Nails!" -- if you should decide to go there, use reverse feature on your web browser to return here.
So, here is the letter -----
President Donald Trump
Washington DCDear President Trump:
You and Vice President Pence have been chosen to lead our republic for four years until January 20, 2021. The choices you make and the policies implemented will determine whether our nation will prosper and survive or whether it will deteriorate and eventually collapse with the latter taking place due to judgment at the hands of Almighty God!
You will have a vicious uphill battle in doing what is right for this nation due to intense opposition from the mainstream (or is it slipstream) media, Democrats who do not want to see you succeed, rogue Republicans, and a number of church leaders and pastors! The latter group includes a sizable number of United Methodists due to the fact that their patron saint, Mrs. Bill Clinton, who opposed you in the presidential election, was defeated in her quest.
There are a number of major issues that need to be addressed in order to get our nation back on track after years of destructive policies which have taken place. Certainly one that needs to be confronted and positive action taken is the intentional homicides of unborn children by the thousands each week. Thank you for arranging to have Vice President Pence and Kellyanne Conway personally speak at the March for Life gathering in DC on January 27, 2017. This was in sharp contrast to your predecessor who is an ardent supporter of the policy of killing unborn children. The total number of unborn victims in the United States' version of holocaust is about 60 million. We need to remember that Almighty God regards the "shedding of innocent blood" to be an abomination and if it is not stopped, He will respond with severe judgment in due time! A Supreme Court decision in 1973 paved the way for our republic to travel a path that will lead to certain disaster by declaring it is a woman's "constitutional right" to conspire and have her unborn child intentionally murdered!
Two other SCOTUS decisions have also further paved the way to disaster. In 1963 the Supreme Court ruled that no longer was it permissible to have prayer and the reading of the Bible in public schools. And in 2015 the Court ruled that it is now legal for sodomites to marry each and for lesbians to marry each other throughout the United States! God has made plain the fact that same-gender sexual intimacy is an abomination in His sight!
A final issue that needs urgent attention is the out of control national debt. There must be an intentional plan implemented to reduce that mountain of debt as soon as possible. There is no way we can continue to increase the debt due to reckless spending and expect to survive! You will have a difficult time convincing the Congress to give serious attention to this crisis. I pray you will have success in regard to this pressing challenge.
May God's best be your daily portion during the time you serve as our President.
Still contending at, blogging at and warning at
Clayton D. Harriger, Pastor
Isaiah 41:10Don’t forget, in God’s sight there is absolutely no such thing as a "constitutional right" to do what you see below! WW II Nazis didn’t get away with their version of "Holocaust" – neither shall we with ours!
Don’t forget, in God’s sight there is absolutely no such thing as a "constitutional right" to do what you see below! WW II Nazis didn’t get away with their version of "Holocaust" and neither shall we with ours!
It Is Time.....!
Find out if it is YOUR time!